The Name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. [Proverbs 18:10] It is a familiar scripture that comes to you as the promise of God this new month, and for every day of your life, so that you may run and find your security in the right place. God declares that He Himself is your shield, your strength, your security and place of refuge. In the Old Testament times, there were cities of refuge, where anyone who had committed a wrongdoing knowingly or unknowingly, could run to, and stay safely, till the opportunity came for them to present their case. And, in a similar context, God’s word declares that His Name is a mighty tower, where the person who has been made righteous can run and find safety and protection.

For, it is not about having wealth, but trusting in it for protection and well being, that will inevitably become a person’s downfall. And it is what the people of the world tend to trust in, as Solomon declares in the very next verse, The wealth of the rich is their fortified city; they imagine it an unscalable wall. [Proverbs 18:11] These are the words of a man who had it all, and was as rich as rich can be ! But, he obviously knew at that point of his life, in God given wisdom, that earthly riches can easily take wings and fly away, and thinking that they could keep you safe and secure would be a figment of your imagination. The Name of the Lord, on the other hand is the biblical expression that describes the very presence of God; and therefore, it is God who promises to be your shield of protection, and security in life.

The human tendency would be to rely on what is tangible and physical, something that can be seen and measured in concrete terms. It is why, even when a person takes up an employment, one of the key determinants in the eyes of the world, would be the job security that it affords. It is why, when old age knocks at the door, having a pension given by the government, makes a huge difference in the minds of people, who are conformed according to the pattern of the world. Material provision will keep the fear concerning security at bay, is the common assumption. But is it really true ? For, in the scriptures you can see that Abraham was one of the wealthiest men of those times. He had people under him who could fight, and had won a very improbable victory over five other kings who came against him. It would lead you to safely assume that he would be feeling greatly satisfied and courageous.And yet, God begins His conversation with Abraham by addressing his fear, to then give him the revelation of his true security in life.


After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision saying, ‘Fear not, Abram; I am your shield and your exceedingly great reward. [Genesis 15:1] The Bible is not about supermen; it is about ordinary people like you and I, who all had their share of human frailty, and a supernatural God ! The God who is the same yesterday, today and forever; therefore even today His promise to you is that He Himself will be your shield of protection. The key principle is that, it is God the person, who is your true security in life, and not what comes from His hand.

Therefore, you will be blessed by God to abide in peaceful security, when there is a shifting of focus in you. And when this happens, and your eyes are fixed upon the Lord, like the psalmist, you too can confess, Unto You I lift up my eyes, O You who dwell in the heavens, Behold as the eyes of the servants look to the hand of their masters, As the eyes of a maid look to the hand of her mistress, So our eyes look to the Lord our God, until He has mercy on us. [Psalms 123:1,2]


‘I will set him on high, because He has known my Name’. [Psalms 91:14] It is the promise of God of security and safety, to the one who has known His Name. The psalm in itself is a dialogue between the one who trusts in God, and the reassuring response that comes to him from the God Most High. And the verses that follow go on to detail the accompanying blessings very specifically and clearly. And, they all hinge and operate in the context of a relationship, when it is much more than knowing the Name of God; it is all about knowing Him who has a Name !


In fact Christianity itself is all about having a relationship with God through Christ Jesus, when because of the Spirit of adoption in you, you have the precious privilege of approaching God in a relationship of love, calling Him ‘Abba Father’. With Lord Jesus too, it is all about knowing Him by being in a relationship with Him. His Name is not a magic formula that you can use when it suits you, to get the results that you need to happen, when you want to see doors open like an ‘open sesame’!

It is what the seven sons of Sceva tried to do, in order to drive out demons in the name of Jesus. ‘I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who are you ?’, the demon spoke through the demon possessed man to overpower them vehemently and violently. [Acts 19:11-20] The demons and the principalities and powers knew, and still know the truth, regarding how it all operates in the kingdom of God, where knowing Jesus is all about knowing Him in a relationship of progressive intimacy. There is absolutely no other way to walk in His authority and power !


Relationship with the Lord is the key in your life and mine in order to find security in life. Moses impulsively rushed ahead in fulfilling God’s call upon his life, and ended up fleeing to live in the wilderness for forty years. It was then that God spoke to him once again, in the burning bush. And when Moses knowing the enormity of what he was called to do, and after running out of all his excuses, asked for the Lord’s Name, ‘I AM WHO I AM ‘ or, ‘I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE’, was the how the Lord revealed His Name to him. He revealed His essence by saying that He would be in relationship with them always. In fact the word ‘ALWAYS’, describes Him, and His nature. He is always loving, always holy, always faithful, and always your God.

Later on in the New Testament, Paul says, ‘I am what I am’ but he goes on to add ‘by the grace of God’. It is not about knowing the Name of God in latin or Greek, but knowing Him as a person. A relationship with God is the primary relationship that a person needs to have in life. It is how you know that you are a child f God. And all other relationships in your life need to be a reflection of your relationship with God. And, it implies also that you need to be in constant communion with Him, in a relationship with Him, and not just on a Sunday in worship, or a mandatory few minutes of prayer and bible reading in the morning !


Then Manoah inquired of the Angel of the Lord, ‘What is your name, that we may honor you, when your words come true ?’ And the Angel of the Lord said to him, ‘Why do you ask my Name; it is beyond understanding ?’ [Judges 13:17,18] It was the answer given to Samson’s parents, when the Angel of the Lord came to give them the promise of a son, ordained with a special purpose. The Name of God was beyond understanding and mysterious in the Old Testament times, for the revelation of the Son of God, the Saviour of the world, the fullness of the Godhead in bodily form had not yet come. But now, in the majestic aftermath of the victorious Cross in which you and I live, God’s wondrous Name has been made so sweetly simple. And, it comes to you all by His grace if you will only receive it in faith.


He was on the road to Damascus, a powerful Pharisee, where his purpose was to persecute the ones who followed the Lord ! But, the revelation of God’s Name in radiant light turned him around, in more ways than one ! It was a light brighter than the midday sun that blinded Paul; and he fell to the ground, amazed and trembling. And he said, ‘Who are you Lord ?’. Then the Lord said, I am JESUS whom you are persecuting. It is hard for you to kick against the goads’. [Acts 9:4,5] The Lord’s introduction of Himself was crisp and simple ! I am Jesus, He said, and He says the same to every person on earth even today. ‘Jesus’ is the Name of God made exquisitely simple. He is the ultimate revelation of the Great I AM, who declared to Moses when he inquired of His Name, that He was, ‘I am that I am’, or, ‘I will be what I will be’.


Jesus the Name, when it is just information is not going to profit a person much. Knowing about Jesus, and knowing of Jesus, are all very different from knowing Jesus, which can happen only as a revelation truth coming within you, in your innermost being. It is then that it leads to inspiration, in your spirit, as it happened in Paul, at that brilliant moment when his spirit was touched.Salvation begins as a revelation truth. And, it is from then on that the relationship with the Lord in knowing Him begins. But it also needs to grow deeper and deeper, in an intimate communion through the word of God and the Spirit in you that increases day by day. And, it is the word of God dwelling richly within you that leads to rest and security in you.


Reading someone else’s letter can be quite interesting, or maybe it can satisfy your curiosity, but it is a very different scenario, when it comes to reading a letter that has been specifically written and addressed to you. It can touch you emotionally, and speak to you as nothing else can. The Bible is one such letter; a letter from God to you. And, the more you know Him through His written word, and His Spirit, the more it will all make sense to you, even the dark nights of your soul. It will be His letter of love and peace to you, and His Name will be the mighty tower that keeps you safe. It is the privilege enjoyed by the righteous.


It is where relationship comes into play, for the righteous are the ones who are in right standing, or in other words, in right relationship with Him. And this comes about only by knowing the person Jesus Christ, and what He has accomplished on the Cross. It is where, He who knew no sin, became sin, so that you and I can become the righteousness of God, in Him. It is being in right relationship with Him. And, what brings you into this relationship is your faith in the knowledge of Christ, in all that He has done as your Redeemer and Saviour. This brings about a transformation in your being, which leads to a change in your doing, your outward conduct and behavior. It is a doing right that flows out of being right.

A mere behavioral change is what the world tries to bring about, one that cannot be sustained in the long run. But the more you know Christ, the person, the more you will be led to a deepened relationship with Him, one of grace and truth. And as scripture declares, he who walks in the company of the wise becomes wise. But, in the company of fools, who as scripture identifies them, are those who do not acknowledge God in their lives, you will end up becoming one too !

The word of God thus cautions and exhorts you to be in a close relationship with God all through your life, trusting in Him to take care of all your needs. And, it is then that you are led to a place of security and protection, an experience of rest within your soul that ultimately culminates in restoration. It does not happen overnight though; but develops over a period of time as your relationship with God deepens. For, you live in a restless world that is increasingly becoming more and more stressful. But, you will find true rest when you are in a trusting relationship with Christ; in Him as a person, and in what He has done for you. And, in the knowledge, that on the Cross, He has taken away all the wrong in you, to give you all that is right in Him, His righteousness. It is then that you will know more and more security in your life.

Abraham’s life is a wonderful example; his faith was commended by God, and reckoned as righteousness, and it led him to a place of rest, to feel secure in the provision of God. As mentioned earlier, it did not happen overnight though. It was a journey that led to trust and consequently a rest within him. His answer to Isaac’s very valid question therefore, was not an idle boast, but a proclamation of the security that was within him.


God’s conversation with Abraham, as He called him out to establish a covenant with him, that would bless him, and make his name great, so that he would be a blessing to others, and a father of many nations, is recorded as early as in the twelfth chapter of the book of Genesis. And then as the years progressed, as he set out to obey and follow the call of God upon his life, no doubt, there were some failures along the way, wrongdoings for which the blame could be laid on him at times. But through it all he had a God who was and still, even today continues to be faithful, when you and I sometimes, even as Abraham did, go astray.

Slowly and steadily, through all the ups and downs, Abraham’s relationship with God deepened, till he reached the place of rest and security within him, when the final challenge came. [Genesis 22:1-19] And, thus it was that he was able to answer, his son of promise’s query, confidently trusting in the provision of God. He was a shepherd, and blessed by God in all respects with livestock and possessions, and had hundreds of sheep, from which he could have carried one to offer up as a sacrifice to God. But now, in his relationship with God he knew that this was going to be a very special offering, and God Himself was going to be the Provider.

In your life too right now, you may be blessed with wealth from God, financially rich, high up in the social ladder, enjoying power, position and influence. But even as Abraham did, you will find that there will be circumstances in life when you will realize that only God can meet your need; that only He can provide, and He indeed will ! ‘I do not believe in miracles’, a person may say. But when the time of need comes, one that can only be fulfilled miraculously by the Lord, he will believe !

Abraham, with eyes of faith, rested and was secure in his relationship with God, knowing at that point in his life, that only God could provide the lamb; and He did ! Maybe, even as it happens to every one of us at some time or the other, you are right now going through a very difficult circumstance, or in very deep trouble. But, when you are in a relationship with God, you will find that He is a very present help in trouble. The Lord knows; and He will certainly come through. The psalmist David, who went through many troublesome times in his life, records his pain in many of his psalms. There were people around him who were saying that he was in so much trouble, that even if God comes, he cannot be saved. But David, though he was wounded by discouraging words certainly, in his deep and intimate relationship with God had the rest and the trust to be able to declare in the very next verse that God would be the shield around him, and the lifter of his head ! [Psalms 3:1-3]

When no one else can help you, God will ! Abraham had come to that restful position, when he had everything he needed, but at that point in his life, he needed a lamb for the sacrifice, which he knew that only God could provide. But, he also knew that God would certainly provide. There are many in the world today, who seem to have it all But, inwardly they lack the one thing in life that only God can provide, because He alone is the life giving God. And, He will provide. Only, the sooner they come to a realization of it, the more rest and security they will experience in their lives.


And, Abraham called the name of the place ‘The Lord will provide’, as it is said to this day, ‘In the Mount of the Lord it shall be provided’. [Genesis 22:14] And, what was on that day, a prophetic utterance, became in the fullness of time, the Mount of Calvary, where God through His Only Begotten Son, has provided it all, giving you life, and life in all its’ abundance ! And He, who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all, will He not, together with Him, freely and graciously give us all things ? [Romans 8:32] All that you ever need in life has already been provided, and comes to you in a relationship with Christ that removes all restlessness to give you rest in Him. He is your salvation !


Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name given to men under heaven, by which we must be saved. [Acts 4:12] And, it is not a formula; it is all about a Person, who says to you, ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life’. She will bring forth a son, and you shall call Him Jesus [The Lord is salvation] for He shall save His people from their sins. [Mathew 1:21] God Himself takes away your sins. Sin corrodes and corrupts your very being, and every aspect of your being. And when that is the case, how much greater will be the salvation that transforms your very being, and every aspect of your being !

It is why in the Name of Jesus, in a lifelong relationship with Him, you have life in all its abundance. You are saved by His Name. It happens in an instant, in your spirit. And then the work of grace continues in you; it is a life long journey that draws you closer and closer to Him, walking in relationship with Him in deepening intimacy, knowing Him more and more !


And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the One True God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent. [John 17:3] They are the words of the Saviour Himself. Knowing God and His Son is eternal life. It begins here, the foretaste of it; and its’ fullness will be yours and mine in heaven. Here on earth, He is with you, and in heaven you will be with Him forever and ever.


That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.[Philippians 3:10] The apostle Paul, even as he was nearing the end of his life on earth, after getting to know the Lord in sweet fellowship for so many years, expresses this desire, as he also points out the connection between knowing God and experiencing His power within you, the resurrection power. And, if in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most pitiable, he declares quite bluntly in his letter to the Corinthians. [1 Corinthians 15:19]

For, whether you live or die you belong to God. And, you have a victorious King who has never tasted defeat ! Such is the God you have. In this life and the next you have God. Either way you win, no matter what. Such is the victorious God whom you worship. He will meet your need. Therefore do not worry about it. The righteous run to God, and are safe. Paul, describes it as the peace that is beyond all understanding, in his letter to the Philippians.

What does he mean by it ? Just that it does not require any explanation, for it is all about simply trusting in Him. It, in other words, describes the depth and nature of your relationship with God. You just trust Him ! It can happen in a very positive way in a deep and intimate marriage relationship too, when there is trust and understanding between the husband and wife. The peace can indeed be beyond understanding ! Knowing God more and more, finds you being empowered not to worry; to be enabled to say ‘no’ to any temptation that comes, and to experience peace that gives you safety and security.


May grace and peace [that special sense of spiritual well being] be multiplied to you in the [true, intimate] knowledge of God and of Jesus or Lord. [2 Peter 1:2] [AMP] And, it comes to you in the full, precise knowledge of Christ, in what He has already provided for you. The righteous run to God; run to Him, for He will surely provide, whatever your need may be, and you will find your rest. Abraham knew that on that mountain of the Lord, none of the livestock that he owned would be the answer. He knew that it was God Himself who needed to provide; and He did !

May your prayer this day be one that asks of the Lord, the Jehovah Jireh, that you may know Him more and more, in a deeper dimension, and no longer be content with being in the periphery, or merely scratching the surface in the knowledge of Him. And may you be enabled to draw near to His throne of grace to find grace and receive mercy in your time of need. Ask of the Father, for it is He who enables you to come to the Lord. And, celebrate the Cross, as you partake of the Lord’s Table, to experience Him in a personal relationship that brings a deeply personal peace within you, one that guards your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
