Seeking His Righteousness

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Seeking His Righteousness

To pursue peace, that it may become your experience in life, is the expressed will of God. For, grace takes you from where you are to where He wants you to be in your life. And, it is a process that is described in the words of the apostle Peter, with clarity. He who would love life and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit. Let him turn from evil and do good; Let him seek peace and pursue it. [1 Peter 3:10,11]

Peace or wholeness, as defined in God’s word is having all that He wants you to have in life, and have it all in the right order. It comes as you fix your focus on the God of Peace who is with you, and the Provider of Peace, who is in you. It lies too in knowing that He is not a God of confusion or disorder, but a God of peace. [1 Corinthians 14:33] For, in the very act of creation, He has displayed how He brings order and a discipline out of chaos, one that resulted in fullness and peace. [Genesis Chapter 1]

Seeking God first :

And, in your life and mine, the discipline and order that needs to be present, when in a relationship with God as the Father, is in the words of the Lord Jesus. But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. [Mathew 6:33] What will be added unto you, are the material and everyday needs that the people of the world, who do not have a personal relationship with God as their own Father seek after. It is what the Lord clarifies in the verse prior to it, before bidding you as a child of God, to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. And then, the things you need in life will come seeking after you, is His blessed assurance.

It is the difference between philosophy, which is man centered, trusting in self effort, and theology where God is the Beginning and the End. He is also in everything that happens in between; and it is why all that He declares will certainly come to pass in your life. It requires on your side a surrendering of your own personal will, to doing God’s will in God’s way. Simply put, seeking His Kingdom is doing His will and seeking His righteousness is doing it in His way.

And what makes it all worthwhile ?

His plans, His thoughts are immeasurably higher and better, and so are His ways. And, the will of God, done in God’s way and in God’s time, will never lack God’s supply. It is how the missionary Hudson Taylor has expressed the truth. God’s will needs to be done in God’s way, for all other things to be added unto you. It is what is meant by seeking first His righteousness.

1. Self righteousness :

But, if doing God’s will in God’s way is true righteousness, there is also self righteousness, the dependence of a person on his own method, that can birth in him, an attitude that says, ‘I will do God’s will, but I will do it my way’! And, even the person who does not subscribe to believing the above train of thought can very easily wind up inadvertently or knowingly doing it in his action. It is what Paul describes in his letter to the Romans, concerning his own people.

Misdirected zeal :

The Jewish people knew the truth of man’s need for salvation. But, where they went wrong was in the application of it; in what they needed to do in order to make it their experience in life. For, they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. [Romans 10:3] They were known as the zealots, and were still around even in the days of the Lord, the sect among the Jews who had a passion for doing God’s will. But, in their ignorance, as they tried to do it in their own way, they ended up being disobedient unto God. For, there is a way that seems right to man, but in the end it leads to death, a separation from God. And, it is why God’s word exhorts you not to lean on your own understanding, but to commit your ways unto the Lord, that He may make you succeed.

Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to doing the will of God. And, when it comes to knowing and doing the will of God, it is obedience that is better than sacrifice. It also has to be remembered that delayed or partial obedience is disobedience, in God’s eyes. King Saul, paid the price for it, as he held back the best of the sheep and oxen, when offering a sacrifice unto the Lord.

But Samuel said, ‘What then is the bleating of sheep in my ears, and the lowing of the oxen that I hear ?’ [1 Samauel 16:15] It brought to light, what Saul had thought was hidden from the eyes of all, and more importantly revealed that, what Saul considered to be a good idea, was not a God idea. In fact what can you keep back from God, when He has said in His word that, every beast in the forest is Mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills. [Psalms 50:10] The truth remains that you can never improve upon God’s perfect plan for you in any way. All it requires from you, as a follow up action is to do it in His way. But, even to the one who has been misled, misguided to go in the wrong direction, God has a wonderful ending.

For, He is the God of second chances :

Elijah was a great prophet, but he was also an ordinary man like you and I, declares the Bible, in all honesty and truth. It teaches you that, even if you consider yourself to be very ordinary, and even if you are in a seemingly impossible situation, you have a supernatural God, and therefore you have hope ! Moses was the leader, the shepherd or pastor of the largest church ever. But his beginnings in his ministry and the call of God upon his life, did not suggest that. For, knowing deep within him that he was called to deliver his people, he rushed into it impulsively, to strike down an Egyptian who was fighting with an Israelite. In doing so, he assumed or supposed that others would automatically see the will of God in his life. But, the very next day, he found out that it was not so, as he tried to intervene, to put an end to a fight between two Israelites. [Acts 7:23-29]

The repercussions of his hasty and presumptuous act set him back many years, as Moses fled into the wilderness. But then, after forty years, encountering God in the bush that appeared to be on fire, he was called back into his divine destiny and purpose. It can kindle hope in your heart, for the God who gave a second chance to Moses, will do the same in your life too. He loves you, and knows you inside and out, all the minute details of your life. He knows the pain that may be in you, that the world around you cannot see. There is always someone watching is what Moses found out, after he had struck down the Egyptian ! But, if you are in a position that Moses found himself in, having been inadvertently, or impulsively led by your feelings into an act of presumption, to bypass or rush ahead in doing God’s will, you can be encouraged to not lose hope. For, He is the God of second chances !

Self made religion :

What can happen, when God’s will is not done in His way, in the context of worship, and how it can then become just a man made ritualistic religion, is what Paul describes in his letter to the Colossians. Let no one cheat you of your reward, taking delight in false humility and worship of angels, intruding into those things of which he has not seen, vainly puffed up in his fleshly mind. [Colossians 2:18]

What they ultimately are, is summed up by him to be :

These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self imposed religion, false humility, and neglect of the body, but are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh. [Vs 23] Self pleasing, and of no value in God’s sight, is what worship becomes, when it is not in His way that is as high as the heavens are above the earth. Even in a time of bereavement, self made religion that is not from God can enter in, with needless dietary regulations and preferences, especially in a culture, and in a nation like ours, one that has been steeped in superstitions down the ages.

The truth though, is deeply simple, and deeply profound. When a person is in Christ, to be absent in the body is to be present with the Lord. And, the need is certainly not there, to look for probable causes, or indulge in endless speculations that can only increase the pain of the grieving loved ones. For, when we all get to heaven, what a time of rejoicing it would be for all eternity. It is the full picture, the big picture of life here on earth ! Do not pay heed therefore, to rules made by man in self imposed religion, that are thrust upon you to be defrauded of what God has for you, the peace and joy, both now and in the future.

And, how can you say this with authority ?

It is because the Savior Himself, the Lord who has laid down His life for you and risen again has said so ! He has declared that He is preparing a mansion in heaven for you, and will come and take you to be with Him forever and ever ! You have a glorious future awaiting you, even as you throw away the filthy rags of self righteousness.

Not filthy rags, but the robe of righteousness :

But we are all like an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are like filthy rags. We all fade as a leaf, and our iniquities like the wind have taken us away. [Isaiah 64:6] The prophet, inspired by the Spirit, has captured well the picture of self righteousness. It shows the pathetic insufficiency of it, much like Adam’s attempt to cover his nakedness with an apron of fig leaves that progressively shriveled up and withered, to be blown away by the wind. When he sinned Adam chose to be the one who decides what is good and evil in his life. It was a dethroning of God, and an enthroning of the self within him, and it still happens in the sinful nature of every man.

But the God of mercy stepped in to cover him with animal skin, inaugurating prophetically even then, the Cross of Calvary, where one day His Beloved Son would lay down His life. It was for your sins and mine, the sins of the whole world. He covers you now, when you receive it by faith, with a robe of righteousness, the garment of salvation ! Be motivated therefore, to stop trying to do it your way, for self made rules, will in the end lead to futility, and you will end up wasting what God has blessed you with. It is the story of self righteousness. And then, there is also the righteousness of the law.

2. Righteousness through the law :

For Moses writes about the righteousness which is of the law ‘the man who does those things shall live by them’. [Romans 10:5] The law is good; but it demands an obedience that is impossible to achieve in your own strength. And, it can also give in you an attitude of legalism that says, ‘I have to do it’, instead of the liberty with which you can say, ‘I love to do it’. But then, an inability to keep the law ought not to result in doing away with it altogether. For, it could be ‘a sour grapes mentality’, and it is what the world tries to do more and more these days, though it is not the will of God. It is Christ who is the end of the law for righteousness, to everyone who believes. [Romans 10:4]

The components of the law :

The law that was given by God to Moses, had three components to it, namely – The ceremonial law, the civil law and the moral law. And, it is the ceremonial law that limited the access into the presence of God, the Holy of Holies that underwent a majestic change at the Cross, when the veil at the temple was torn from top to bottom. Therefore today, cleansed and redeemed by the sinless Blood of the Lamb, you enjoy the precious privilege of entering into the very throne room of God, in a relationship, through the Spirit of adoption in you that enables you to call Him, Abba, Father, to receive grace and mercy in times of need. The civil law in the Old Testament was prescribed to be used as the referendum in the disputes that arose among the people regarding their livestock and possessions, in order to see that justice was established. And today, the principles still remain, though how it is applied in life’s circumstances, the process and procedure may not exactly be identical. God still remains a God of justice, truth and love, in your life and mine.

And, the moral law is what is set forth in the Ten Commandments. It is equally valid even now, as it was on the day that it was given by God. To love the Lord and worship Him only, to hallow His Name, and to honor your parents, and not to steal, covet, murder, or commit adultery are all still the rules that need to be the framework of a person’s life and society as a whole. It all becomes possible now through the royal law of love, crisply summarized by the Lord as, loving God, and loving your neighbor as you love yourself. The Lord elaborates on it in His discourses, and the epistles go on to describe how the Cross, and the anointing of the Spirit, transform you and make it all possible.

Previously, the law, though it was inherently good and right, led to frustration in you, because of your inability to keep it. Paul describes himself to be a wretched man unable to do what he knew to be what was right, though he desired to do so. But, he then concludes by thanking God who gives him the victory in Lord Jesus Christ. [Romans 7:19-25]

Prayer and fasting, when it is not legalism :

The words of Paul, that describe his initial frustration, are what you and I can relate with too. It happens when it is all about a target, a certain period of time that must be spent in prayer. It will find you more focused on the clock than on communing with God. Fasting too, when done with a legalistic attitude which dictates that you have to fast, will suffer the same fate ! Praying and fasting is certainly doing the will of God. But, He also desires that it be done in His ways that are infinitely higher.

And so, prayer, when it is a divine conversation with God, an intimate and personal communication with Him, it will see time fly ! ‘Call unto Me’, He says, to add, ‘and I will answer you, to show you great and hidden things that you do not know’. [Jeremiah 33:3] It would be the same when you sit down to hear or meditate upon the word of God too. It is then that there will be fruitfulness in your life, in the kingdom of God, and not futility or frustration. And as Paul declares, it is through the righteousness of God revealed through Christ that you reign in life.

3. The righteousness of God through faith in Christ :

But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the Law, though the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it. The righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. [Romans 3:21,22] Seeking His righteousness, is all about putting your trust in Jesus, to lean on Him who alone does what is right, who does all things right in you and through you, that all other things are added unto you. God Himself has made you righteous, for He who knew no sin became sin on the Cross, that you and I may become the righteousness of God in Him. It was through one man, Adam’s fall that sin entered and death reigned, and sinful nature became part and parcel of every person born into this world.

But Jesus died and rose again. He won ! And, just as because of one man’s failure, all failed, because of one Man’s victory, anyone who chooses to put his trust in Lord Jesus wins. Simplifying things, you may not have gone anywhere near a bat or a ball in your life, but when India wins the world cup in cricket, you experience the thrill and joy of the victory too ! And in the kingdom of God, everything comes to you by grace, and through faith.

Faith – the connection that receives :

Christ has done it all for you through the finished work of the Cross. It is the all encompassing truth. And the ramifications of it become yours, as you hear more and more of the word with understanding that develops into faith in you. It is very similar to the online fund transfer that has become a very familiar activity in every one’s life these days. God is always online; and as you are connected in faith to Him through His word, a transfer is taking place from His account to yours, as His incomparable riches are poured into your heart and into your life.

Ownership by confession :

And, it is as you hear, believe, understand and confess with faith, all that Christ has done for you on the Cross, that you take ownership of all that rightfully belongs to you, because the grace of God has made it available for you to receive it all. Caleb’s declaration of faith, to take ownership of God’s word of promise to him, shows the way. ‘My hill country for God has spoken it to me’. They are the words of faith and ownership spoken by Caleb, as the Israelites entered the land of Canaan, to occupy it. And the writer to the Hebrews notes how among the multitudes that were delivered from bondage in Egypt, the promise of God of possessing the land of Canaan, did not profit the majority of them , for they did not combine it with faith. [Hebrews 4:2]

Caleb though, had the faith to stand upon the promise that God had spoken to him forty five years earlier, to take ownership by his confession, saying, ‘For the Lord has spoken it to me’. [Joshua 14:12] And his strength remained as it was on the day he received the promise of God. It goes to show that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. In your life, the promise from God may have come maybe twenty years earlier. And, at the right time, He will bring in the provisions, for it to come to pass in your life. But are you standing strong upon it, continually remaining connected to God and His word, hearing from Him in faith, for His heavenly riches to come into your life ? And you will find that, when you do things because of what God has done for you, and what He has spoken to you, He will also empower you. The word of a fisherman, who was transformed to become a fisher of men, is a very practical illustration of this truth.

‘But at your word, I will let down the net’ :

And Simon answered, ‘Master, we toiled all night and took nothing. But at your word, I will let down the net’. [Luke 5:4] All night long, Peter, an experienced fisherman had toiled in his own strength without any success. And then he listened as Jesus preached, standing in his ship. Faith comes by hearing the word of God; and so Peter was able to say the words of obedience and empowerment, to the instruction of Jesus, ‘at your word I will let down the net’. It was the same sea, the very same activity, but it was now substantiated by the word of God. And, when Peter’s conduct followed his confession, he caught a huge number of fish, an abundance that needed to be shared with others !

The blessing of God will come easily and abundantly into your life, riches with no sorrow added to it, as you seek His Kingdom, His way and in His strength, all that He has said and done for you. Fruitfulness will be your portion, when the righteousness of God in Christ becomes yours, as you put away all self righteousness, and the legalistic ways of the righteousness of the law.

‘In the Name of JESUS’ :

Peter, having experienced the fruitfulness that comes by seeking God’s way of doing things, in His strength, was able to confidently proclaim to those who were astonished at the lame man’s healing at the Gate Beautiful, that it was the faith in the Name of Jesus, that had made him whole. [Acts 3:12-16]

And His Name :

By faith in His Name has made this man whom you see and know strong, and the faith that is through Jesus has given the man this perfect health in the presence of you all. [Vs 16] Peter ascribed it all to trusting in the Name of Jesus; for what you cannot do in your own strength, He will do in you and through you, and all that is needed for doing His will, shall be added, provided to you.

He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all, will He not together with Him, freely and graciously give us all things ? [Romans 8:32] Therefore, if you are experiencing futility because of trying to do God’s will in your way, or frustration because of trying to do it in your own strength, God wants to encourage you and make you fruitful, by inviting you to put your faith in Christ, who is the righteousness of God. And, it is Christ alone, who does all things right in you, and through you, that God may be glorified through it all, and you may be blessed to be a blessing to others.

Let your prayer be therefore, even as Mary prayed, ‘Lord, I am your servant; be it unto me according to your word’. And may His word be written in the tablet of your heart, that you may act upon it and see all other things be added in your life. It is His grace that gives you life and good days, and great is His faithfulness towards you. May God empower and enable you to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness that has now been revealed in Christ, so that the blessing of His wondrous provision in abundance, the peace that is wholeness may be your experience in life.

In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
