GOD with us

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GOD with us

Whatever may be your present situation, may the touch of the Lord, bring about peace and strength to move forward, instead of languishing in your past, as He speaks through His word, saying But those who seek the Lord, lack no good thing. [Psalms 34:10] It is with an understanding and application of the gift of salvation, that the goodness of God becomes your personal experience. One aspect of it would be a renewing of your mind every day, bringing repentance in you, and bearing fruit in accordance with it, to see a reconciliation and restoration of His purpose for your life. It is to that end that the Lord bids you to come to Him, that He may reason with you, to bring about a change in your situation, even as you consent and obey His counsel. [Isaiah 1:18] And even as He dealt with Moses, God can deal with your mistakes and acts of presumption, even though it all may appear to be hopelessly dark, to reveal to you a bright future.

When ‘why?’ is the question in your soul:

It was what happened in the life of Gideon, even as the Lord intervened at the right time, when Gideon himself had many arguments within himself concerning his life’s seemingly unfavorable circumstances, that definitely seemed contradictory to being addressed as ‘mighty warrior, God is with you’, by the Angel of the Lord. [Judges 6:12,13] Gideon had many questions, for his present reality suggested that God had abandoned them into the hand of the enemy. But then, this is a broken and fallen world, characterized by greed and is self centered. Life is complicated !- You can even end up suffering because of another person’s wrong behavior. And the life of Lord Jesus, as He walked on earth, testifies to it. He went about doing good, perfectly sinless, only to be crucified. But He arose from the dead, as God turned what was meant for evil into good, a victory over sin and the grave, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Therefore, you have an option.

Not ‘why?’ but, ‘what now?’:

Your attitude needs to be to wait upon the Lord, knowing and trusting Him to be the God who, even when seemingly bad things happen can turn it around to be what is good and favorable. For, as a servant of God has aptly said, on this side of heaven, one has to learn to live with some questions. And it is not a cop out, or God taking the easy way out! The psalmist Asaph, had his share of questions too, doubting the value of his trust in God. [Psalms 73:13,14] And it was in the sanctuary of God, as he pondered in the presence of God that answers came to him, driving away his erstwhile frustration. [Verse 17]

Pondering, with God in the picture:

God needs to take center stage, occupy His rightful place, when you ponder about your life’s inexplicable negative happenings., and though unable to perceive God, trusting and resting in Him, as Job did, to say, But He knows; and when He has tested me, I shall come fort has gold. [Job 23:7-10] In essence he was declaring the truth that his troubled time was not going to linger forever. It was a refining process, and for a glorious purpose. Therefore, having God in the picture, in the frame of your life’s happenings, and learning to think within the purposes of God, trusting and resting in His word, is a wondrous process of coping with difficult circumstances, and definitely not a cop out! For, there will be good ending to it all.

Transformation – by right thinking:

It is what you see happening in the life of the psalmist, when impacted negatively by what was happening in his life, as he finds himself once again with a lot of questions regarding the goodness of God. [Psalms 77:7-10] But pondering in the presence of God, as He takes center stage brings about a shift in his thinking, as he remembers God’s mighty deeds in the past, the miracle working God that He had shown Himself to be, in redeeming His people, displaying His power. [Verse 13,14]

What has happened, has happened:

What has happened has happened, and what needs to happen only He can make it happen. It is the truth that will transform you as you reconcile your thoughts to His, that you may receive the best that He has in store for you. And to that end, ‘Come, let us reason together..’, is the Lord’s invitation, even this day to you and I. The ruins, of what has already happened in your life, He can transform, to build a beautiful palace for His glory, when your eyes are focused upon Lord Jesus, when it is He, who is in the center of the picture frame of your life. What needs to happen, HE can make it happen Father, We thank Thee for Thy awesome presence, for Thy Son, who became flesh and blood, and sympathizes with our weaknesses, identifies with our problems, and has overcome it all, so that we can in His strength, overcome it all, to find rest in Your presence, and know that What has happened, has happened But what needs to happen even now, You can make it happen, for Your glory, and the blessing of Your people. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
