The eyes of the Lord are upon you, watching over you continually, over every aspect of your life, even as you enter to dwell in a land flowing with milk and honey. It is the blessed promise of His word. [Deuteronomy 12:11] And may to speak specifically into your life’s circumstance, giving you clarity and perspective that you may be led rightly in the path of His will and purpose for you. For, His eye of favor and grace upon you, even as it was upon Noah. [Genesis 6:8] And the writer to the Hebrews describes the result of it, to say – By faith Noah when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear[ reverence] built an ark to save his family. [Hebrews 11:7] It led to a reverence in him, that birthed in him a responsibility towards his family being saved. And it is what needs to happen even in you this day, a responsibility that is a right, wondrous privilege, in spite of difficulties and challenges that would invariably arise in the path to it. A right to be called the children of God needs to become their portion, even as they believe in the Name of Jesus, to be their Lord and Savior, to be saved from the wages of sin that is death and destruction. [John 1:12] But it is for freedom that Christ has set you free. [Galatians 5:1]
Freedom not to sin:
‘Free’, is a powerful word; the world considers it to be free to do whatever you want. But in the eyes of God, freedom is being set free from the bondage of sin, the yoke of slavery, to be free to do what is not sin, but what is according to His will and purpose for your life, empowered by the Spirit of God. And you now have access to the very throne room of God, draw near to Him, by the Blood of Christ that has been shed for the sins of the whole world on the Cross of Calvary.
And it is a relationship:
You can come to Him, not as a negotiator, negotiating in prayer what you desire from Him, but as His child, in a privileged relationship, with a glorious right, as a heir and co heir with Christ, seated at His righthand. All that you are, all that you have belongs to Him, and your Father knows what you need in life. And it is all by His amazing grace, His undeserved favor upon you, that brings with it a privileged responsibility.
A privilege and not a duty:
Serving God is not a duty, that is obeying a set of rules, is the truth you will know, when you draw near to God in a relationship, as His child. You will know that your body is not a machine that needs to be automized, but is a temple of the Holy Spirit that needs to be honored. And you will see that it is a privilege that is pleasurable, to serve Him. It is displayed in the words of the Lord unto His Father, concerning His disciples, and is one that you and I ought to emulate after being saved.
‘I lost not one…’:
This took place so that the word that He spoke would be fulfilled, ‘Of those whom You have given Me, I lost not one’. [John 18:9] The disciples were not easy people; but as can be seen in the gospels, were challenging and difficult in many ways. Children similarly could be challenging , unwilling to heed your counsel, but they have been given to you by God, and are your responsibility, a privilege as a child of God, to bring them up in the knowledge of God that they too may experience the joy of salvation. And giving in to frustration, when they test your patience, would only serve to limit your fruitfulness. God has not got you into a problem, but is going to prosper you through it all. It is how God uses the wrong things, the difficult people that He allows into your life; that you may perceive and use responsibility, as a God given privilege to bring fulfillment as His good will and purpose comes to pass in your life. And as the prophet has declared, you and the children God has given you, will be signs and wonders, from the Lord Almighty, in Mount Zion. [Isaiah 8:18] Therefore
Turn to God, who is your solution:
Moses, described as the meekest man on earth in the scriptures, had his share of frustration as he led the grumbling and complaining Israelites through the wilderness. And handling all emotions is also what we learn from the scriptures, to turn to God, and not people in your distress. And He will restore and strengthen you emotionally even as He did in the life of Moses, that later on he could plead on their behalf unto God, that they may not be destroyed on account of their wrong behavior that displeased Him. [Numbers Chapter 12] And He is a God of compassion who never gives up on you or your children. It is His desire that you and I may be transformed to become like His Son. [2 Corinthians 3:18] It is a privilege to serve God, even though it may involve hardships and challenges, is what the apostle Paul was able to say as he too leave of the Ephesian elders, knowing what awaited him. [Acts 20:23,24] And it all leads to the blessing of God, is what the life of the apostle Peter teaches you.
A blessed privilege:
There were two boats, when the Lord went to teach by the sea of Galilee. And it was a blessing to Peter when the Lord asked for his boat that He may teach from it. [Luke 5:3] And at the end of it all, even as Peter responded to it all willingly, it became a blessing, a revelation from the Father, that flesh and blood cannot reveal. It was the truth that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, the foundation upon which the Lord built His church, one that the gates of hell may never overcome. [Matthew 16:17] In the coming days may this be your blessed privilege, as your home, you and your household have been specially chosen by God, to be a house of life and light in the area in which you dwell.
Serving God as a family:
For the greatest privilege that can ever be yours is to be a child of God, and your home a house of God, where you and your family together serve the Lord. And when you count it to be a privilege, you will be able to face the challenges that come, as tools that build you up in the Lord, and the pressure points that arise transformed by Him, to become -pleasurable, even as you continue to depend upon Him, to pray Father, Thank Thee for the word of Thy grace, that has come to us, this day. We thank Thee for the responsibility that is ours, and that even as we count it all to be a privilege, we will see all that brings needless pressure upon us is made pleasurable, and we may prosper through it all by Thy grace and power, that we may bring glory and honor to Thy Name. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.