Relational ministry- favor of God

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Relational ministry- favor of God

We continue to meditate upon the promise of God’s word this day, to receive from Him a word in season, speaking into your situation, enriching you, as the eyes of the Lord watch over you continually, granting you His favor over every aspect of your life. [Deuteronomy 11:12] As it is written in the scriptures, Noah found favor in the eyes of God, [Genesis 6:8] And it led him to hearken to His voice., in reverence that led to him becoming responsible, towards his family, as he built the ark, that they may be saved together with him. [Hebrews 11:7] It is true even in your life and mine, and when the responsibility is seen as a godly privilege, it becomes something that is pleasurable and enjoyable, and not q burden or duty.

Right attitude towards responsibility:

For you know that everyone looks out for his own interests, not those of Jesus Christ. But you know that Timothy has proved himself, because as as on with his father, he has served with me, in the work of the gospel. [Philippians 2:21,22] Paul describes above, in talking about Timothy, how serving God, which involves a responsibility that needs to be fulfilled in the nature of a relationship. For you sieve God by serving each other that you may serve Him together. And it is not the world’s way, which is one of lording over others.

Christianity is all about a relationship:

It is about a spirit of sonship, by which you can call God, ‘Abba Father; one that the Lord Himself modeled with His Father, saying, ‘The One who sent Me is with Me; He has not left Me alone, for I always do what pleases Him.’ [John 8:29] And therefore you are called not to be conformed to the pattern of the world that is invariably self oriented and Satan dominated, and gives no room for God in a person’s life, only to end up being a path that leads to death. Therefore, there is a vital difference in the manner in which you perceive what is truly valuable. And it is so beautifully portrayed in the life of the Savior Himself.

How you perceive makes the difference:

They were His own disciples, having therefore had been with Him, knew Him for who He was, much more than anyone else. But still when a costly alabaster bottle of fragrant perfume was broken over Him, as an offering of gratitude, considered it something that was wasted. [Matthew 26:8] The Lord though went on to reprimand them, acknowledging the meaning underlying the woman’s offering. It was not wasted, but invested, and it was to receive something that money could not buy, which was the forgiveness of sins. It is about considering a relationship to be of mere value than financial gain.

Serving God by serving others:

And it is how it ought to work out in every relationship in your life, when it comes to being a servant of God. Timothy served Paul, in serving God, for the furtherance of the gospel. It is the model laid down in the bible, one that you would be wise to appropriate. And it is why it has been rightly observed that it is not about you reading the bible, but the bible reading you,, even as you pray to be led in the Everlasting Way.

A Good Shepherd, not a hireling:

The Lord was the Good Shepherd, who laid down His life for the sheep. The hireling on the other hand would run away at the sight of danger. [John 10:10] And Paul is very forthright in his paternal advice to Timothy about the qualities that needed to define him when it came to serving God as a leader in His house. [1 Timothy 5:4] For, a person can be very godly in the confines of a church in worship, but his true nature can be seen in his home, where it would be an entirely different story. But your home is the most important place where you need to show your reverence to God, however challenging the atmosphere may be.

Family, the training ground for ministry:

But it can be done when you depend totally upon God to be a genuine, authentic Christian wherever you may be. And may your desire therefore be to fulfill the privilege of God’s responsibility to your family, by it being a reflection of your right relationship with God. And it is as you draw near to God, the Father, in a relationship wit Him as His child, that the Holy Spirit who then lives in you, leads you to be transformed to display real godliness and not merely a form of it, that denies its power.

It involves the responsibility to your family:

But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all, to put their religion into practice, and caring for their own family, and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God. [1 Timothy 5:4] It is a sober and practical truth that even today speaks so powerfully into your heart and mine. Taking care of parents who have taken care of you, is something that is your privileged responsibility, in the sight of God. And even if they have not done what they should have done to you, it is your attitude that counts, for love keeps no record of wrongs, and evil can be overcome with good, even as God empowers you; And however old you are, you are still a child to your parents. It is how they see you; it is your identity in many ways. And it is your primary ministry that can be done in the right way, easily and joyfully, only when your relationship with God is right.

HIS word, written in your heart:

Whether it is taking care of aged parents, or the finances involved in your child’s education, it could be difficult and challenging at times. But it is made possible in His strength, as His word is written in your heart. Therefore, if you are in the verge of giving up, losing your patience, see it all in the context of a relationship, of serving a God who gives you the resources, who is patient and loving with you, eternally. And He who is in you is greater than He that is in the world. And even as you trust in Him, and not in your own strength, you will never be shaken. The troubles that arise will only be tests of your faith, and will prove that you are a genuine child of God, serving Him in a manner that is pleasing in His eyes. And may we pray Father, Thank Thee for Thy word, for Thy inestimable goodness in our lives, showers of blessing poured into our lives. And may we go on to serve Thee, by serving others, that You may be glorified. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
