Serving wholeheartedly

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Serving wholeheartedly

Your Redeemer lives; and He lives in you, giving you a life set free from all bondage. He is your refuge in trouble. [Nahum1:7] It is the promise from the Lord that comes to you this month, even as we continue to meditate upon His word, that assures His care upon every aspect of your life. [Deuteronomy 11:12] It is seen in His favor upon you, even as it was upon Noah, leading him to reverence and a responsibility in a relationship towards building an ark that his family may be saved. [Genesis 6:8] And even in your life, it is when your responsibility is approached through your relationship with God, and through it your relationship with others, that you will see it as a privilege, find it enjoyable and pleasurable, and it will be a blessing to you. It is written about king Hezekiah, to describe the process by which good success comes to you In everything that he undertook in the service of God’s temple and in obedience to the law and the commands, he sought his God, and worked wholeheartedly. And so he prospered. [2 Chronicles 31:21] And in the eyes of God, what is success in His sight, comes as you serve Him wholeheartedly by being faithful and useful in His kingdom, accomplishing His will and purpose for your life, to one day hear Him say, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into My rest’.

The essentials involved

1. prioritizing:

God needs to take first place in your agenda, that you may seek Him wholeheartedly, and be successful. And it becomes possible by the grace of God being demonstrated in your life, even as it has been rightly said that one ought to, ‘live for the audience of One; And His primary commandment therefore declares, even as you draw near to Him with a desire to please Him to, Love the Lord your God, with all your soul and with all your strength. [Deuteronomy 6:5] It is when you experience His love that you can express His love to others. And it is when you love Him with all your strength that you can serve Him wholeheartedly, with all your being even as the psalmist prays. [Psalms 103:1,3]

Knowing His plan for you:

God has the best plan for you, and He knows what it is, to say, I know the plans I have for you; plans to prosper you and not to harm you; to give you a future and a hope. [Jeremiah 29:11] It is how you respond to it that becomes important, for being ignorant of it you can tend to fill your calendar with random activities, instead of fulfilling His plan, to glorify Him by it and find true fulfillment in you. A revelation of His plan comes to you as drawing near to Him in a relationship of depth and intimacy, you converse with Him in prayer, as it is written, then you will call upon Me in prayer, and I will listen to you. [Jeremiah 29:12]

Seeking Him wholeheartedly:

It is how the nature of your response to God needs to be, that you may receive what is right from Him ,for it is written, You will seek me and find me, when you seek Me with all your heart. I will be found by you’, declares the Lord. [Jeremiah 29:13,14] The Almighty God describes how your prayer to Him needs to be a conversation with Him, as you listen to His voice, to hear from Him what He has to say to you in your circumstance. And it is in keeping it that you prosper or succeed in your life’s journey.

2. Focusing:

It is the challenge that comes in the path to seeking Him with all your heart, for the things of the world, can distract you. But as the Lord has said, what good would it be to a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul? You can never be too busy to pray. More work in the world, ought to lead you to spend more time with the Lord in prayer, to receive His wisdom and strength in accomplishing it, that He may be glorified. And it is in seeking the Lord, that your reward will not be merely here on earth, but also in heaven. But as has been rightly observed, a Christian can lose himself in prayer. Your thought can wander, even in prayer. And it is why you always need the grace of God, and His strength to maintain your focus even as you are praying, that you may be fruitful and effective by accomplish His plan and purpose for your life, plan to prosper you and not to harm you, giving you a future and a hope. And you need the help of God, for the enemy is at the door. [Nahum 2:1]

The danger of a divided heart:

It is by dividing the focus of your heart that the devil dominates. And by worldly attraction that he causes to come in your path, to lead to distraction, the devil can take you away in the wrong path, that is a way from the call of God upon your life, as it happened in the life of Samson, as narrated in the scriptures. It is why what you see, what you hear, and what you do, all need to be connected to the call of God upon your life. And it is as you depend upon the grace of God, that it becomes possible; For, A double minded person is unstable in all that he does, and cannot expect to receive anything from the Lord. [James 1:7,8] He will be unstable, uncertain and unreliable in all his ways. But it need not be your story, for you are in Christ, and it is His plan that finds you in His presence here today. And His plan is the best, the greatest. It is also the plan, the call of God wants you to fulfill in your life.

No turning back, with His help:

The Lord as He walked on earth with His disciples counseled them regarding the need for not taking one’s hand from the plough, once you have committed to the task. It speaks even into your life this day, that you need to serve God with a whole heart, simpleminded in your commitment to serving Him, with no thought of turning back. And the wonderful truth is that His help is always available when doubt arises in you, to distract you into turning back. You only need to ask for it in prayer, to receive and depend upon it to carry you through in His call for you. And the Lord Jesus always remains our example, even as it is written about Him by the prophet saying, Because the Sovereign Lord helps Me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore, have I set My face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame. [Isaiah 50:7] And now the Lord who has glorified His Father, by fulfilling His call on the Cross of Calvary, to rise again on the third day in victory to live forever, is now in you, helping you to succeed.

Living in HIM & for HIM alone:

He is always there as you run to Him in prayer, to receive His help, and be emboldened by His strength, to run your race of faith, Father, Help us to be faithful and useful in serving Thee, by taking away every distraction that stands in the way. And may partaking of the Lord’s Table, be a cerebration of all that Lord Jesus has fulfilled by His atoning sacrifice, His wholehearted giving for us, become possible in us, in Him and through Him, now and forever. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
