Open door

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Open door

These are the words of Him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What He opens no one can shut, and what He shuts no one can open. I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. [Revelation 3:7,8] It is the blessing that comes forth from the mouth of the Lord upon you and your family this new year, even as we continue to meditate upon the nuances of it in the coming days.

Blessing and dominion:

Man was created by God in His very image that he may rule and have dominion, to be blessed and be fruitful. Sin corrupted this beautiful image to affect all aspects of his life. But God sent His Son, to redeem what he had lost, that in Christ, through what He has accomplished on the Cross, he may be delivered, transformed to be what God designed him to be, to walk in His original intended purpose. You are saved by grace through faith, a grace that goes on to teach you to say no to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self controlled, godly and upright lives in this present age. [Titus 2:12]

Godly blessings come in godly ways:

His ways are higher and better than man’s limited thoughts and ways, and with Him, change happens step by step, as your mind is renewed by His word. It is how you are blessed with true riches. The world system will make you want something just to satisfy the cravings of your own flesh. But God gives you what you need that you may be provided with all that you need in order to accomplish what He wants you to do. The blessing of the Lord makes you rich, as He gives you the resources, talents, gracious gifting and the opportunity to implement the gifting. For you are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, for good works that He has already prepared for you that you may walk in it. [Ephesians 2:20] It all comes from Him, and it is what He is saying to you this day, He is the Opener, for He holds the keys, the keys of David

The open door:

These are the words of the One who is holy and true, who holds the keys of David – See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. [Revelation 3:7,8] And it is written in the scriptures concerning David, what needs to be the defining parameters of your life and mine – For, when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep. [Acts 13 :36]

From small beginnings to kingship:

It was how God opened doors in the life of David, to see him become from being a humble shepherd, ignored and counted as insignificant even by his own family. And God can do it in your life and mine too. What counted in the life of David was that it was the will and purpose of God, and David was obedient to his calling and gifting from God, to operate in it.

It is His blessing that enriches your life:

And you serve Him, by doing His will, doing what is from Him, what He has called you to do. David, as the king of Israel, was called to administrate His people. And in doing it wit skill and integrity, he became wealthy to be blessed with abundant riches.

How does God open doors?

God intervened in the life of David, to call hi m when he was a shepherd; a lowly occupation it could have been, but it was a time when he was practicing music, playing on his harp. It was what took him to the palace. And it was the anointing upon his music that brought deliverance in king Saul as he listened to it. [1 Samuel Chapter 16]

He prepares you:

In your life, had has an unique calling for you. And before He opens the door to give you the opportunity to walk in it, He also prepares you, giving in you the necessary skill by His anointing, in such a way, that no one else will be able to do the work that He has called you to do, like you do.

Knowing Him, the key:

And Saul did not know who David was, when he was brought to the palace to play music for him. It was the Lord’s doing’. Knowing Jesus, and the purpose for which He has called you, will be enough even in your life, as He opens the right door for you. Contacts and network, all become secondary. He reveals His calling and purpose for your life to you, equipping you in such a way, that you will out shine everyone else who is doing the same task as you.

How does God work?

There were people in the palace who were able to recommend David, to be brought to the palace, that he may serve the king, by playing anointed music that ministered to him by driving away evil spirits when they troubled him. [Verse 17] And it was not because he had anything to gain by it, but the sheer skill of David in playing the musical instrument that made the person in the palace, talk about him, and bring him to the king. [Verse 18] It is how God works to bless you, that you may be blessed, you and your family.

He makes things work for your good:

When you are called according to His purpose, He makes all things come together for your good. [Romans 8:28] He has kept the right person, at the right time and at the right place that the door of opportunity may be opened unto you. God is seeing you, and is continually watching over you. He will cause the one who needs to see you, to see you at the right time. Moreover, He will keep the wrong people from seeing you, to protect you from all evil. [Psalms 31:20]

Becoming skillful in your gifting:

It is where your effort and responsibility comes into play, as God reveals to you His gifting, that He has bestowed upon you, that He may be glorified. A raw diamond is just a stone, until it is rigorously polished to display its worth in shining carats! You need to invest your time in practicing your gifting, with discipline and fortitude until your excellence shines forth when God opens the door for you to flourish and prosper, in the work that He has already prepared for you, that He may be glorified in it. It is how He calls you to prepare yourself, for when you work diligently, you will stand before kings. And He who has promised will doit.

Working as unto the Lord:

Practice makes perfect, it has been said. But practice must be done correctly, willingly and joyfully as you remain humble and teachable. The so called friends of Job, who spoke to him so wrongly, criticizing him in his time of pain, were ultimately made to go to him by the Lord for prayer. More importantly, God had prepared the heart of Job to be able to pray for those who had spoken wrongly to him, causing him pain and misery. Do everything as unto the Lord, and not unto men, needs to be your creed wherever God has placed you to work, in order that you may be abundantly fruitful, fulfilling His purpose and His will for you in this generation, even as David did.

The sure mercies of David:

And this is His promise to you, as He trains you and teaches you, as you put away all that may come as a stumbling block to distract you Incline your ear and come to Me; Hear, and your soul shall live and I will make an everlasting covenant with you the sure mercies of David. [Isaiah 55:3] It is a covenant, where Christ Himself through the Cross becomes your righteousness and redemption, your wisdom and strength. You are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus. And as you thank the Lord for His gifting and calling, may He open doors that you may do the good works that He has already prepared for you, that you my walk in it to be blessed and be a blessing to the family of God. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
