By the God of wonders – Satisfaction

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By the God of wonders – Satisfaction

His Name is Wonderful; and He is your God. Therefore, You will eat in plenty and be satisfied; and praise the Name of the Lord who has dealt wondrously with you. [Joel 2:26] It is the promise of God that comes to you at the beginning of this new month, and may His will be done, and His kingdom come in your life, to see it all come to pass. And in the privilege of worshiping Him, calling Him, Abba Father, may you be strengthened to soar as an eagle, to run and not be weary, walk and not be faint. He is your strength, your health, your life, and as you draw near, to wait upon Him, remain at His feet, to lift Him up, giving thanks unto Him, through Jesus Christ His Son, may He heal, strengthen and establish you. And as you live in the light of His truth, and in the power of His word, your life will blossom and flourish, to see His desires fulfilled in you, for the glory and honor of His Name.

He is your Heavenly Father, who knows your every need, both big and small. And as you seek His kingdom and His righteousness, divine direction will come to you, by knowing Him as the God of wonders, who has satisfied you with His abundance, that you may praise Him, for He has dealt wondrously with you. And if the possibility of being satisfied with plenty appears to be supremely impossible in this time of minimal activity in the realm of production and gain, it is the God of wonders who reminds you of His mighty power to say, ‘Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is there anything too hard for me ?’. [Jeremiah 32:27] Even in these uncertain times when the virulent infection, that has swallowed innumerable lives, seems to be waxing and waning, never completely disappearing, to act wondrously in your life is something that is His will and wish, the desire that will surely come to pass.

Miracles happen in your life, because God gives you the Holy Spirit, the miracle worker to be in you, when you receive the gift of salvation. It is what the apostle Paul clarifies in his letter to the Galatians church, who were at that point in danger of deviating from the truth that had seen them receive the gospel of Christ. Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you, and works miracles among you, does He do so by the works of the law or the hearing of faith?. [Galatians 3:5] God deals wondrously with you, and in every sphere of influence in your life, through the Holy Spirit in you. It is why therefore, you can declare in wonder and truth, that it is all the Lord’s doing, and marvelous in your eyes. And the aspects of it that come together to bring about something wonderful and miraculous, even in the face of adversity and circumstances that are not favorable, are:

1. Procedure of God- Holy Spirit’s presence- the key:

By grace and through faith, you have been saved from the clutches of the enemy, from sin and destruction, to become a child of God in Christ your Savior. And the Holy Spirit is now in you, as a deposit guaranteeing your inheritance, a foretaste of the joy of eternity. The Holy Spirit also is your Helper, your Guide and Counselor. And how this role of the Spirit plays out in your life is described in Paul’s letter to the Romans, to say, and those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God. [Romans 8:14] In other words, being a child of God, guarantees you being led and guided by the Holy Spirit in you. And as the apostle goes on to enunciate regarding every child of God, For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus, for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. [Ephesians 2:10]

Thus, how God deals wondrously with you, has been chalked out with clarity in His word. All that you need to do for His wonders to be made manifest in your life, the path that you need to follow, the good purposes and calling that you need to appropriate, has already been prepared for you by God. And to have a revelation of it, to know the nuances of it, and to be guided step by step in the outworking of it, He has given you the Holy Spirit, who is always present in you, as your Helper and Counselor.

Your relationship with God – the determinant:

For the nature of His guidance is determined by your relationship with Him, as your Heavenly Father. It is in a close and intimate relationship as His own precious child that you are led forward in His will for you. And, even in human relationships, it hardly needs to be mentioned that when it is your own child that you are guiding to a particular destination your attitude and devotion towards accomplishing the task, would be so immeasurably watchful and caring. How much more, it would be when you are the child of the Living God; when the Maker of Heaven and earth is your Heavenly Father! You will indeed then, no longer be a slave again to the spirit of fear. [Romans 8:15]

His child, and heir, joint heir with Christ:

For whether this year will bring trouble and loss as last year did, could be the very understandably real fear within you. And it is then that you can find your rest, quietness and peace in your soul, knowing that your Father is holding your hand, every step of the way, to lead you forward. He will not let you fall, for His grip is one that will never let go of you. And, your Father in heaven, knows what you need, here in your earthly pilgrimage, towards His courts above. And at your every juncture of need, He has something wonderful waiting for you. For, being a child of God, also makes you a heir of God, a joint heir with Christ, a blessing inherited. [Romans 8:17]

He will certainly do what is good to you. And, it will be through the Holy Spirit in you, who leads you to the person of Jesus Christ. It is what happened in the life of Simeon, on that one wondrous day, when moved by the Spirit, he was in the temple when the parents brought in the Child Jesus, to do for Him according to the custom of the law. [Luke 2:27] And overjoyed as he held the Infant Child in his arms, he gave thanks unto God, for it had happened to him according to the word of God that had come to him, declaring that he would behold God’s salvation, one that He has prepared before the face of all peoples, A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, And the glory of His people Israel. [vs 32]

And why is being led to the Lord Jesus so very important in a person’s life?

It is because He Himself is the Way, the Truth, and Life. And it is the Spirit of God who leads you to Christ, as the scripture declares, saying, ‘Not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit’, says the Lord of hosts. [Zechariah 4:6] The Holy Spirit is your Empowerer, in all that God has called you to do, even as God promised Zerubbabel, on that day, regarding the building of the temple of God.

2. Power of God – empowered to steadfastly increase:

And  it  also true  that  one  cannot  bypass  the  process that is often a part of experiencing God’s wondrous blessing in your life. It was the path of the patriarch Isaac, as he advanced step by step, in his journey with the Lord, as he moved away from springs of water, that invited strife, to ultimately be led to the place of miraculous provision, and blessing of the Lord. It  was  one  that  even the enemy king acknowledged, to make a covenant of peace with him. [Genesis 26:18-30] It was the same in the life of David, who as the king of God’s chosen people, increased step by step, to become greater and greater, for the Lord of Hosts was with him. [2 Samuel 5:10]

Empowered – to do a new thing:

You are the workmanship of God – and by the Spirit of God in you, to be empowered in all manner of workmanship, can be your divine calling and gifting. It was the plan of God for Bezalel, who was privileged to be able to employ the gift of his skill, his craftsmanship in the work of constructing God’s tabernacle in the wilderness. “I have filled him with the Spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, in all manner of workmanship. To design artistic works, and to work in gold, silver and bronze… [Exodus 31:3,4]

The google search engine has it’s limitations! A thought or idea that is the seed of something creative and inventive is not what can be found through it. But it can come to you, in the revelation of the Holy Spirit, to also enable and empower you to do something beyond the ordinary, something new that shines in brilliance and glory. The God of Bezalel is your God too!

Empowered – to stand with you:

‘I  have  put wisdom in the hearts of all the gifted artisans, that they may build all that I have commanded you’. [Exodus 31:6] It is the promised word of God, even to you, as He deals wondrously with you, in bringing the right helpers to stand with you. He will bring to work alongside you, a loyal company of workers, of the same spirit, that there may be no contradiction, And, filled with the Spirit’s wisdom, they will share in your vision to bring about, what will satisfy you abundantly, that you may with one voice declare, ‘This is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes’. What is of artistic workmanship will be the fruit of your labor, when it is the end towards which you strive, being able to declare the words of Paul, that it is all by His power, His energy, working in you. [Colossians 1:29] He empowers you to do all that you need to do in the path of the fulfillment of His will for you. And a glorious aspect of it is that, the Lord God Himself, is your strength.

3. Provision of God:

For the material they had was sufficient for all the work to be done – indeed too much. [Exodus 36:7] It was the middle of nowhere, in the wilderness, desolate and parched. But it was there, that God proved His overwhelming sufficiency for the construction of His dwelling place, the tabernacle, whose intricate and exquisite workmanship, entailed richness of skill and materials. And indeed, it was not just merely enough, but more than enough ! The very word ‘pro-vision’ says it all. For, in God’s kingdom, all that is needed for carrying out your vision is provided, no matter what your present situation may be. Miraculous provision, will be your portion, for, God is able to make all grace abound toward you, so that, you, having all sufficiency in all things, will abound in every good work. [2 Corinthians 9:8]

4. Precious love of God:

And hope does not disappoint, for the love of God has been poured out in our hearts, by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. [Romans 5:5] It is the greatest and most wondrous miracle of God, in your life – a change in your very being, in your character, that is reflected in your lifestyle. For, from being a sinner unable to be righteous, you are transformed by being made righteous, able to do what is right, when you turn to the Lord Jesus, to receive Him as your personal Lord and Savior. And from then on, as with an unveiled face, you behold the glory of the Lord, you are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, by the Spirit of the Lord. [2 Corinthians 3:18]

LOVE -lavished upon you:

And it is all by His love, that has been poured into your heart, by the Holy Spirit, the miracle worker in you. For, with God’s love, you will never be disappointed. Everything that the Lord does, is out of His love and that needs to be your particular way or method of doing things. And, it may seem difficult, but is made possible, by the work of the Holy Spirit in you. For, the kingdom of God is now in you, as you are a child of God. And , it is characterized by righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. [Romans 14:17] The infilling of the Holy Spirit, will make you bold in order to speak God’s word. [Acts 4:31]

And the fruit of the Spirit in you, will be a godly character, that as the apostle Paul enumerates, has nine wondrous facets to it. [Galatians 5:22,23] Thus, together with His power, and His provision, God also births in you, a godly character, by giving you the Holy Spirit, as you receive Christ as your Savior, to become a child of God. He is with you. And His people will never be put to shame. He has led you miraculously thus far. It is a truth that you and I have experienced in our lives, during the course of a tumultuous year, that has just gone by. And He will continue to do so all the days of your life, as you rest in the sufficiency of His grace.

Giving thanks and praise unto the Father, may your prayer be that the reign of the Holy Spirit in you would increase in the coming days. And according to His word, may it lead you to see abundance and satisfaction that can come only from the hand of the Father. May you be led in a triumphal procession on Christ, to an enlargement of your borders, a spacious land, kept specially for you, that He may be glorified.

In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
