Goodness of God – HIS good word

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Goodness of God – HIS good word

May the God who is good, bless you out of His goodness, according to His word, that your heart may be enlightened, your mind renewed, and your life transformed – The young lions may suffer want and be hungry, But those who seek the Lord, lack no good thing. [Psalms 34:10] It is the promise of God; and it becomes your personal experience, through a procedure, that involves becoming familiar and intimate with God’s word. It is through His good word that you experience the goodness of God – The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfill the promise I made to the house of Israel, and the house of Judah. [Jeremiah 33:14] And the good word needs to be God’s word, for only God is completely good. It is His word that needs to make your world, as seen in the book of Genesis, when the creation of the world, which was very good in the sight of God, took place through the word He spoke forth, to transform the earth that was then formless, empty, and was in darkness. [Genesis Chapter 1] And new creation in you, in Christ, also similarly takes place, as God brings you out of the problem of sin and darkness, to a flourishing finish of redemption and forgiveness of sins. But, what matters is, God, defining what is good, for, it is He who is good, and every good comes from Him.

Defining good:

It has the proper characteristics and performs an expected function. And it is displayed so wondrously, in the silently majestic beauty of God’s creation, as the psalmist has expressed, to be led to stand in awesome wonder. And, he then reflects upon the inexplicable truth of such a magnificent and glorious God, considering man, to be mindful of him. [Psalms 19] But what remains the unchanging truth is that, in the grand scheme of things, the greatness of His creation, He is thinking of you and I!

The role of faith:

By faith, we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God so that what is seen is made from things that are not visible. [Hebrews 11:3] And what faith in God is, needs to be understood in the context of a relationship with Him as your Father. It is why scripture goes on to declare that Jesus is the author and finisher of your faith. For it is then that you will be able to understand why He is working in your life, in the way that He is doing right now, when seemingly He is not fulfilling not what you want in your life. He loves you and will provide what you need in your life at the right time, and in the right way, so that it may be good and beautiful in your life.

In a relationship, receiving understanding:

Your faith depends on how well you understand the faithfulness of God. Therefore, it needs to be rooted and built up in a relationship with the Father, spending time at His feet in meditating upon His word and praying, an enjoyable discipline that brings an understanding of His love and cares for you. And it is then that, without fear concerning any aspect of your life, like Paul you can say in faith, ‘ I am fully persuaded that He is able to guard what I have entrusted into His hand’.

World framed, prepared, by God’s word:

It is by His word that the Almighty God created the world you inhabit, transforming what was formless, in chaos, and in darkness into what was very good in His sight. And in your life, through His word, He brings a] shape, b] substance, c] sequence, and, d] service or intended purpose, that you may experience His goodness to move forward and progress towards your godly destiny, as His good promise to you becomes your practical experience.

New creation by HIS good word:

God never haphazardly does anything; it is not His style of operation. There are nuances to His goodness, that come into your life, as a new creation –

1] There is a shape or a design to it, that is beautiful and good, to be a blessing to you.
2] It also has a substance that adds value to it. For, the world may concentrate on the externals, but God is more concerned about the heart or the inner man.
3] The good that He blesses you with, also comes to you in the right order or sequence that brings fullness and satisfaction to you. He is a God of order and not disorder.
4] And above all He equips you for service, that you may have all the necessary resources to fulfill the intended purpose, for which you have been fearfully, and wonderfully, created and re-created in your new creation in Christ. He has done it all in the creation of the world. And it is why the sun keeps
shining, giving light and heat to life on earth, and will continue to do so, even until the end of the age.

Sin – CROSS – salvation:

The entrance of sin, spoilt the divine design, to open the door to lack and strife in the world. But through salvation, the outworking of the Cross, on which the Savior bled and died, for the sins of the whole world, God is restoring His goodness, all that has been lost. It happens by faith, in the relationship that you and I, understand His good word, understand His plan. And by His abounding grace, you will reign and rule on earth, lacking no good thing, for, as scripture declares – He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for our sins, will He not together with Him give you all things? [Romans 8:32]

Communion – a celebration of a relationship:

It is the truth that we celebrate as we partake of the Holy Communion, to become a part of all that has been accomplished on the Cross by the Savior, that we may appropriate it in our lives, by grace and the working of the Holy Spirit, in our heart. The miraculous transaction has set you truly free. Your chains are gone. And it is all through His unending love and amazing grace. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
