Authority over satan

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Authority over satan

The promise of God in His word will not return without accomplishing it’s purpose, and continues to be the theme of our meditation to declare into your life and mine – Lord will build Zion; and He shall appear in His glory. [Psalm 102:16] The key that directs you in it’s path giving you clarity and wisdom concerning it, lies in your relationship with Him, in knowing Him as your Father, your good good Father, who longs to do good to you, and to never stop doing good to you. And the Holy Spirit is your Counselor and Helper in the process, as He leads you into all truth, to know and experience the Truth, that is the Person of Jesus Christ, and all that He has accomplished on the Cross, and is yours by grace and faith, as you choose to put your trust in Him. The finished work of the Cross when translated to impact your life is

What He became, that you may become:

a] He became sin, that you may become the righteousness of God in Him, and not be a sinner in bondage to sin.

b] He became a curse that you may be blessed and no more remain under the curse of the law.

c] He became poor or limited by lack and inability on the Cross that you may become rich in His unlimitedness that enables you to say ‘no; to the devil, and ‘yes’, to the purposes of God.

And He became flesh and blood –

He became flesh and blood , so that by His death on the Cross, He may destroy the one who has the power over death, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were kept in lifelong slavery. He was the merciful and faithful High Priest, and His Blood was the atonement for the sins of the people. [Hebrews 2:14,17] Christ has done a complete job of defeating the devil on the Cross, to say, ‘It is finished’. And the hand of the evil one can be seen even now in the system of the world, only because,though God inaugurated the creation of man with the blessing that he pronounced upon Adam and Eve, to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, to have authority or dominion over His works of creation, they paid heed to the wrong voice. And they succumbed to sin, only to come under the authority of the devil, and slavery.It is what can happen even now in any situation, or interpersonal relationship, when you follow the wrong counsel and not the word of the Counselor who is the Holy Spirit.

The deception of sin:

The devil has no authority in you, when you are a child of God, for in Him, you have overcome the devil. But the whole world lies under the sway of the evil one. They are the people of the world who choose to live in error, and are also always seeking to entice others into following their path of folly. They promise you freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption, the sensual desires of the flesh, the addictions that can so easily overcome a person. For, whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved. [2 Peter 2:25,26] He is then held captive, and forced to do the will of the devil, and is unable to break free, unable to do anything but the will of the devil. It is a dangerous place to be, and it is is why scripture warns about the company you keep, when you are a child of God living in a fallen world. [1 John 5:19] For, it is knowing the truth of God’s word that sets you free from the slavery of the devil.

Freedom, because of the CROSS:

Adam’s fall, brought him under the domination and authority of the devil, as he was deceived into giving up his God given status of authority that was God’s original purpose in the creation of man in His own image.. But the Almighty God does not give up on His glorious purposes, even if everything contrary to it seems to happen. He has no plan ‘B’; and indeed how thankful we ought to be for it, even in our own lives! For, His magnificent plan of salvation ,was the prophetic word that He spoke at the very place of the fall of man, and to the one who had craftily orchestrated it all, namely the devil, to say -I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel. [Genesis 3:15] He is the God of forethought; the Cross was not an afterthought, and satan’s doom was sealed even then! God knew what He was going to do, and in the fullness of time, the fulfillment of it was accomplished, as on the Cross the power of God unto salvation was revealed –

a] Death overcome

And you who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with Christ, having forgiven us all our trespasses. Death was dealt with, as the obedience of Christ became your blessing. [Colossians 2:13]

b] Law fulfilled

By canceling the record oi debt that stood against us with it’s legal demands; this He set aside, nailing it to the Cross. [vs 14] As sin was atoned for,the law was fulfilled by Christ on the Cross, that in Him, you are made righteous. And the devil was defeated, having no authority over you any more.

c] Devil defeated

He disarmed the rulers and authorities, and put them to open shame, triumphing over them in Him. [vs 15] It is the truth that sets you free, that you may be led in a triumphal procession with the victorious Christ, the Risen King, as the Head.

The triumphant procession:

But thanks be to God who in Christ Jesus, always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere. [2 Corinthians 2:14] For in Him, the fullness of the Godhead dwells in bodily form, and you have fullness in Him who is the Head of all rule and authority. [Colossians 2:9,10]

Your victory proclamation:

The devil has no authority over you any more. But he can appear to be active in troubling you, for he operates through the people of the world around you who are still in his control, subjected to slavery. And the word of God is the weapon that you need to wield in order to come against him victoriously. The word needs to dwell in you richly, as out of the fullness of your heart, your mouth speaks. And then, a thousand may fall at your side, but, no harm will come near you. It is how Christ’s victory translates in your life, in every circumstance, however daunting it may seem to appear initially. For, people may seem to hate you without any just cause, or apparent reason; but let not your heart be troubled. You are are a child of God, and no longer under the devil’s authority. Nothing can harm you, for the devil has been defeated, by the Son of God on the Cross.

And He says to you in victory-

I saw satan fall like lightning from heaven; and,I have given you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions; and nothing will harm you. [Luke 10:18,19] There is no witchcraft or sorcery against you, for you are a child of God, operating in His authority, as you proclaim the truth of the Cross, of the Blood of the Lamb, and His word to you.He has given you the authority – and therefore, nothing will harm you. [vs 19] and may your heart with simplicity and sincerity affirm – God says it; I believe it; and that settles it.

Authority is the right, ability, power:

‘All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me; therefore go therefore’… the Lord spoke to the disciples, entrusting to them the great commission. [Matthew 28:18,19] You are mine; you are in Me; and when you go, it is in my authority’, is how the Lord’s delegated authority comes to you. And as the Holy Spirit leads you into all truth, it is in knowing and understanding the truth of your authority in Christ, that you will have the ability and the power to exercise it over the devil in order to overcome his attempts to disturb you. Unless you own this powerful truth, he will deceptively enter, acting as if he still owns the place, though it is an authority that he no longer enjoys. Therefore, the problem that you could be facing right now, that is from the evil one, needs to approached rightly, from a position of victory, even as a defending champion does in a sporting event. God has already overcome the problem on the Cross, is the premise upon which you approach it, to then become more than a conqueror in overcoming it. ‘In this world you will have trouble; but take heart, for I have overcome the world’, the Lord has declared, to reveal to you that since He has already overcome it, you can overcome as you depend upon Him, to receive His wisdom and His strength in your situation. For when the enemy comes against you, the Spirit of God, your Helper, will remind you, and put the right word in your heart, and upon your tongue, that you may emerge victorious.

Not giving room for satan:

But the devil is a deceiver, and a schemer, who can try to exert his authority stealthily, even in a christian. Therefore do not give room to the devil is the sober warning of the scriptures. [Ephesians 4:27] Problems come in life, and in every family, even as a christian. But you have a Father, from whom every family of God derives it’s name. You are the family of God. Therefore whether it is fear or confusion, bitterness or anger, in you or around you, it needs to be dealt with by the empowering grace of God, and not allowed to remain stagnant. For then it would become a fertile breeding ground for the devil, and give room for an enemy who has already been defeated.

Satan crushed under your feet!-

His head has been crushed by the Savior on the Cross. The Lord Jesus became flesh and blood that He may destroy the one who has the power over death, and free you from slavery, that you may become a child of God. And the Holy Spirit in you fills you with the truth of His word, giving you the strength and power to overcome, the one who has already been overcome. And the blessed promise of God to you is – The God of peace will soon crush satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. [Romans 16:20] Father, We thank Thee for giving us Your Son, Lord Jesus. We thank Thee for His finished work of the Cross of Calvary that has set us free, and the Holy Spirit our Helper, who leads us into all truth. May it take deep root in the hearts of your people, to bring forth fruit of righteousness, joy and peace that is a blessing , for the glory and honor of Your Name. But the God who has crushed his head already on the Cross, is the God of peace who will soon crush him under your feet. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
