Home » BLESSING – HIS Wisdom


We continue this day to meditate upon the promise of the blessing of God that says, May the Lord bless thee out of Zion; And may you see the prosperity, the peace of Jerusalem All the days of your life. [Psalms 128:5,6] His greatest blessing is His love lavished upon you, that you may be called His child. [1 John 3:1] And His very nature or character is produced in you, that you may be a child of God to be conformed to the image of the Son of God as you receive His word with meekness or humility, for it to be combined with faith. [Hebrews 4:2] There is then a transformation in you, by the word, in the power of the Holy Spirit, as grace takes you from where you are, to where God wants you to be.

Learning to lean:

A leaning of your entire personality upon God, in complete trust and confidence, much like a ladder that is leaning against a wall that is Christ Jesus, is the principle that describes hearing or listening with faith. And it is what makes the blessing of God your experience, for all the promises of God are Yes and Amen in Christ Jesus.

His promise in His power:

A leaning on the power of God was what Abraham did, for the fulfillment of the promise of God to him, that he would be the father of many nations, through the birth of a son of promise.

Leaning on HIS wisdom:

Now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling and present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever, Amen. [Jude 1:24,25] [KJV] He is the only wise God, and therefore you need to believe and lean on His power, that He may do what He has promised, and also His wisdom for the way in which He does it. You need to put your complete trust in him, for otherwise the enemy, the evil one, will swiftly and craftily enter in to make you doubt the Lord’s love and care upon you.

HE has made you unique:

But you have a faithful God who never gives up on you. He has created and fashioned you uniquely, and therefore the way in which He fulfills your promise could also be very unique. He has made all things beautiful, excellent, and appropriate, in His time is the truth that can bring rest in you. It establishes also the need to depend and lean on His wisdom, and not give in to frustration. He is a God who specializes in individuality; mass production is not His operating style.

HE can bless us all:

And another principle that makes the wisdom of God mandatory in you, is that He can bless one and all out of His abundance that is unlimited, He certainly does not have to take what is Peter’s to pay Paul’! And ours is also not to question why the last is first, and the first is last, a truth illustrated by the Lord in the parable of the workers who are called to work in a vineyard at different times, during the day, but receive equal wages from the master at the end of the day. [Matthew 20:1-16] It teaches you to trust in His wisdom and know that He will do what needs to be done, in the manner that it needs to be done, that you may be still, and stop striving in your own strength, and know that He is God. It is a trust that comes when you love Him. And He causes all things to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. [Romans 8:28]

CHRIST – the wisdom from God:

In all your getting, get wisdom or understanding, which is the application of knowledge in your life’s circumstances, advocates the scriptures. You need God’s wisdom to deal with three aspects of your life –

a. There could be things that have already happened in your life, that need to be dealt with.

b. And there could be the things in the realm of the unknown that you anticipate in your future, but need to be dealt with right now, and cannot be postponed.

c. Above all, you need to deal with your own self, for you can be your worst enemy sometimes. It is why the prayer of the man of God was, ‘Lord, save me from myself’!

It is why you need the wisdom from above, that you may see the goodness of God, in the land of the living. And as you ask of Him in faith, He gives His wisdom generously, without reproach. And being a child of God, Christ is your wisdom from above. And application of it, to act in your circumstance, is through His word. His word contains the knowledge, and also empowers you as He becomes your wisdom, to be able to say, ‘I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me’.

God first in every aspect of your life:

And courage is being able to do what is needed, in spite of being afraid. The widow’s act of worldly wisdom was ultimately death. But Elijah showed her the way to overcome, by teaching her the important principle concerning leaning on the wisdom of God. [1 kings 17:8-16] In every aspect of your life you are limited; and God is unlimited. Therefore in every challenge, He needs to be first. Even when there is little or lot let Him come first, for He is great in counsel and mighty in deed. Depending on the wisdom of God is going to God first; in trusting and honoring Him. The first voice you need to hear each day is His word. He will lead you in the right direction. To be a Jonah or Paul is the choice you then need to make!

God will make a way:

He is not only powerful He is also the only wise God. He will make a way. He is the Way; And He is working even now, for He has made everything beautiful in His time. Father, as we depend on your strength, and also your wisdom, help us to be restful that we may be fruitful for the glory and honor of your Name. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
