BLESSING -I will make you

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BLESSING -I will make you

It is to inherit His blessing, that God has called you. And may the revelation of it by the Holy Spirit, speak to you this day, as we meditate upon His promise – The Lord bless you from Zion; And may you see the peace of Jerusalem all the days of your life. [Psalm 128:5] His calling is in itself a blessing; a blessing that is inclusive of all that is involved in your calling. It is why, when it is a holy calling, holiness, that is being set apart for God’s purposes, is also a blessing in your life. To be holy, as He is holy, by sharing in His holy calling, is the divine will of God. And He also promises to work it out in your life, as you stay willingly yielded in His loving Hand [Ezekiel 36:25-27] It is His work of grace within you, that brings about a transformation from a stony stubbornness to sensitivity towards Him, because of the presence of the Holy Spirit – And I will put My Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My statutes, and obey My rules. [vs 27]

Good work – doing the will of God:

And He accomplishes it not by force, but by working His will in you, to birth a desire concerning the things of God to take you to a place of ‘I love to do it’, instead of ‘do I have to do it?!’. It is why his frustrated question of Paul is, ‘Who will set me free from this body of death?’, and he answers it by saying, ’Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. [Romans 7:24,25] No one does good, not even one. [Romans 3:12] You are saved, not by doing good works, but to do good works that He has already prepared for you. Doing good work, as the bible defines it, is to do the will of God, for which He gives you the opportunities, the abilities, and the attitude that needs to be in you.

By His Spirit-

It all comes about by the Holy Spirit whom the Lord has said He will put in you. It is when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, that you receive power, the ability, and the sufficiency to fulfill the will of God by the sufficiency of His grace; ‘I will put My Spirit in you, is the Lord’s declaration of His will, to see it come to pass. And there are three very vital things that the Holy Spirit does – 1] He resides in you, forever, 2] He renews you, and 3] He helps you to respond rightly.

1. HE resides in you-

It is a wondrously, gloriously inclusive outpouring of the Holy Spirit, that is in operation today, under the new covenant, following the triumphant work of the Lord upon the Cross. The prophecy of the prophet Joel is now true. And therefore – Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, speak forth the revelation of God, that is His good and perfect will.

You have a HELPER:

A profound promise, that is now true in your life and mine, is what the Lord spoke to the disciples, as Calvary drew near – And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, and He will be with you forever. [John 14:16] You, are never alone, for the Holy Spirit is with you. Therefore, let turning to God for help and counsel, be your first port of call, instead of looking everywhere, and in disappointment and frustration, turning to Him for help. He is your Ever present Helper, who will never disappoint you.

 He is your guarantee –

The Holy Spirit dwells in you and is the guarantee, the authenticity, and the seal of the authority of God in your life. [Ephesians 1-13,14] His presence is the guarantee of the promise of God to you, concerning its fulfillment. And the certainty of it coming to pass in your soul is because Christ Himself is its anchor. Christ is your hope; a living Hope, for He lives, no more to die. It could take time, but the truth remains that He has made everything beautiful in its time.

Your body, the temple of the Holy Spirit:

He dwells in you, and He will never leave you. You are sealed, therefore, with the guarantee, the blessed assurance of eternity in heaven with the Lord. For, here on earth, He is here with you, and when you are promoted to heaven, you are there with Him. Being together every moment is not sentimental nonsense, and being left behind is a nonexistent option.

2. HE renews you-

When the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth, for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak, and He will declare to you, the things yet to come. [John 16:13] It was the Lord’s promise concerning the work of the Spirit in you. He brings renewal in you, in order that you may no longer be conformed to the pattern of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your, mind and heart, and for it to happen, the Holy Spirit Himself writes the word of God, in the tablet of your heart, made sensitive by the scriptures. [2 Corinthians 3:3] And it is in a covenant with God, by the Cross of Calvary that your heart is renewed, for – ‘This is the covenant I will make with them, after those days, declares the Lord, I will put My laws in their minds, and write them on their hearts’. [Hebrews 10:16] The covenant is the certainty of the fulfillment of your promise from God. And the Holy Spirit has inscribed, or engraved it in your heart of flesh, that out of the fullness of your heart, your mouth may speak it forth, and as your mind is renewed bring forth a wondrous transformation. Job lost it all, except the word of God that was in his heart, to say, ‘I know that my Redeemer lives’. It was how all that he had lost earlier was restored doubly to him. In your life too, if you have lost everything, except the word of God to you, you have indeed lost nothing at all. And you will see it all come back, multiplied.

In your thinking – a difference:

You begin to think and act differently, as God does a work of grace in you, to bring transformation. He touches the very source of your thoughts that flow out of your understanding, to bring about a change, so that your thoughts may be according to His will. It was how, by faith, Abraham was able to lay his son, Isaac, on the altar. He now had the understanding that God, who had promised future blessings through Isaac, would certainly fulfill them, and therefore, even if Isaac died, God had to bring him back to life! It is how you and I need to be led into all truth by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth.

HIS thoughts are greater and higher:

Commit your works to the Lord, and your plans will be established. [Proverbs 16:3] It happens as He causes your thoughts to be according to His will. And as you respond to His will and guidance, He will make your plans succeed. Your self-made plans for yourself or your children may not have come to pass. But you can rest in the confident assurance that God’s plans are higher and greater, envisaging every angle and probability, as you probably never can, will certainly come to pass.

HIS thoughts revealed to you:

He [the Spirit of Truth] does not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak, and He will declare to you the things that are yet to come. [John 16-13] God transmits His plan in you, as the Holy Spirit reveals it in you that His Kingdom may come, and His will may be done in you. It is the song of heaven, the song of victory that is being transmitted by the Holy Spirit, to play in you and through you, that marvelously transforms you, as you become more and more conformed to the image of the Son of God. You are never hopeless; you are never helpless; you have an ever-present Helper, who will enlighten your eyes, transform your thinking, and take you from where you are, to where God wants you to be. In humble thanksgiving unto the Father, for giving us His Son, upon whom was laid the chastisement for our well-being, may we be led to the truth that we are healed by His stripes, cleansed by His Blood, of all unrighteousness. There is victory in His Blood, healing by His stripes. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
