Blessing- wisdom unto salvation

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Blessing- wisdom unto salvation

May you hear the voice of God with clarity, to minister to you in your circumstance, as nothing else can ever can, as we continue to study the promise of God that declares – The Lord bless you from Zion; And may you see the peace of Jerusalem All the days of your life. [Psalms 128:5,6] The blessing of God becomes your life’s experience by a godly growth that comes as you long for the pure milk of God’s word, as new born babes. [1 Peter 2:2] The word of God is the key; for it is the revelation of the word that changes your world, as you grow in the experience of your salvation which is the sum total of all the blessings of God that is yours in Christ, through the Spirit, and from the Father.

Making wise the simple:

The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. [Psalms 19:7]

  • It is sure – proven to be absolutely correct.
  • It is timelessly relevant, needing no updating, or the necessity of alteration, in order to keep up with the changing times.
  • It is the wisdom of the only wise God, and is available to bring a blessing in any circumstance of your life.

Wisdom yields a good return:

And it is the reason why Solomon in the book of proverbs highlights the importance of possessing wisdom or understanding, for it certainly yields a good return [Proverbs 3:14] one that is higher and better than investing in gold, which may be what the world advocates. But what the world calls wisdom, is ever so often a path of treachery, manipulation and scheming. Godly living is what the scripture encourages, to be led by wisdom to salvation, by a knowledge of the scriptures, from a very early age, even as Paul writes to encourage Timothy saying, And that from childhood you have known the holy scriptures, which are able to make you wise to salvation, through faith in Jesus Christ. [2 Timothy 3:15]

Power to make a powerful difference:

It was in Timothy even as a child because of the faith that was in his grandmother and mother was the observation of the apostle Paul. And it pinpoints to you and I as parents and grandparents two things –

  • The importance of knowing the sacred writings right from a very young age.
  • The responsibility that lies with you and I, to see that it comes to pass in the lives of our children.

He is the God of the generations. And you have the power therefore to make a powerful difference in the lives of your children. It is the spiritual legacy that you can leave behind that would be far more enriching and valuable, than all the material wealth, important though it may be, that you can provide.

Scripture, even when young:

The blessing of Abraham, the Promised Land, took a thousand years for a complete fulfillment to come to pass when David was established as king over Israel. But nonetheless a portion of the blessing was steadily accomplished in the time of every generation. And the sacred writings, that declare the truth of it, need to be inculcated even at a very young age, in our children, is what the life of Timothy speaks to you and I, regarding knowing, understanding, and experiencing the blessing of God in their own lives. Look for learning moments in order to make them aware that it is the word of God that makes a person wise.

a] By word- ability to make you wise:

The contrasting scenarios say it well – Solomon, in keeping with his young age, could have asked for so many other things, presented as he was, with an open ended offer, with no strings attached, by the Almighty God. But on acknowledging the truth that it was God who had made him king, he proceeded to ask for the wisdom of God that he may govern them well. And it was the word taught to him by his mother, and later on it is also mentioned that he received instruction from his father, that made him wise to ask for wisdom. And, there was the young girl who asked her father who was the king, who wished to grant her heart’s desire for the head of John the Baptist to be served to her on a platter. And it was what her mother had asked her to do.

Teach your children well:

Teach your children well therefore, the scriptures, for it will make them wise to know what to ask. And as seen in the case of Solomon, to ask for what is needed. May your prayer this day be that the Lord would help you to ask what is right, to teach what is good to your children, that wisdom of God would lead you and them to salvation. Sin, however, leads you to unpleasant places.

b] By word- wisdom unto salvation:

Wisdom will instruct you concerning the wholeness of salvation, every aspect of it, to experience that as you partake of the Lord’s Table you celebrate a relationship with the Living Lord, the One who died and rose again, whose death on the Cross, what was accomplished by it, you remember, to become a partaker of it. And it is when you know what the things of God are, by the wisdom of the word, that you can choose what is right and act upon it, and teach the same to the coming generations. The world may give a flippant suggestion to combat worry, but the word goes deeper, giving you wisdom, as you turn to God in prayer, to probe your innermost being and discover what is triggering your anxious thought, to also empower you in uprooting it. And, above all –

CHRIST Himself is your wisdom:

And the message of the Cross is foolishness to the one, who is perishing, but to the one, who puts his trust in Christ, it is wisdom and it is power. [1 Corinthians 1:18] His presence with you is more than sufficient in whatever your struggle and seeming lack may be, that is making you draw back in reluctance from what God wants you to accomplish. It was how the prophet Jeremiah was encouraged by the Lord, when the prophet considered his young age to be a stumbling block, and at the other end of the spectrum, when the eighty year old Moses, considered his stutter to be a handicap in fulfilling his task of deliverance. But the Lord who empowered him was the one who was able to make a donkey speak to stop the prophet Balaam on his disobedient path.

Do not say, ‘I cannot’:

It all serves to drive home the point that there is nothing that God cannot do. The Lord spoke, and taught the multitude for three days, and yet at the end of it all, it was not Him, but the people who were tired physically and needed replenishment! Therefore, do not say, ‘I cannot’ [Jeremiah 1:7] For the Lord has touched your mouth, and put His word in it, [Jeremiah 1:9] that you may now say, ‘I can do it through Christ who strengthens me’.

The word instructs you:

After all, when you can do it in your own capability, how does it become special? It is in doing something that you know fully well is owing to the Lord working in you, that the excitement comes! The word instructs you. [Psalms 119:97-100] Others around you may seemingly be more knowledgeable than you; but the word will make you wiser. You will have insight that comes through His word, inside information that makes you rise above the rest that God may take you from where you are, to where He wants you to be, as He fills you with His wisdom that leads to salvation. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
