CHRIST comes first – Divine Order

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CHRIST comes first – Divine Order

As we approach the throne of grace with boldness and confidence, may the faithful God continue to speak to our hearts giving understanding concerning His promise that declares- those who seek the Lord, lack no good thing. [Psalms 34:10] And the gift of salvation is the good gift from above, describing the truth of sin dealt with, to bring the goodness of God into your life. For, it describes, how by it, you have been transferred from the domain of darkness to the Kingdom of the Son, in whom you have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. [Colossians 1:13,14] It is a process that is similar to how the creation of the earth and heaven took place in the very beginning. And so, Paul writes – For it is the God who said, ‘let the light shine out of darkness; who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. [2 Corinthians 3:6]

The true Light that enlightens any man:

God shines the light of Christ, the light of His word, in the knowledge and experience of Him in your life’s circumstances, for He is the true light that enlightens any man, and it is knowing the truth that sets you free. It is a progressive and ongoing experience, as grace and truth are multiplied to you in the knowledge of Christ our Savior and Lord. 2 Peter 1 Apostle Paul says, even at the end of his life, that he desires to know Christ more and more and in the fellowship of His suffering. It is indeed so very true that when you go through a time of pain or suffering, you come to experience and grow in the knowledge of the Lord. You will know then, even as Paul did, that nothing can separate you from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ. [Romans 8:35] Indeed, Christ lives in you.

Question of sin:

Sin has been dealt with on Calvary; but still seems to be prevalent, even among Christians. It is because people do not come to the light; those who hate the light, do not come to it, for fear of being exposed. But you have come to Him, this day, not running away from Him that you may be examined and set right, that you may be led in the path that is right. You have come to the Light.

Coming to the light:

In the darkness, there was disorder and chaos. But when you come to the light, there will be a divine order in you, a lack of chaos, and the blessing of God. May the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely, and may your spirit, soul, and body, be kept sound and blameless, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The One who has called you is faithful, and He will do it. [1 Thessalonians 5:23,24] Though it may not be visible outwardly initially, when you are saved, God begins to work in you to change your innermost being, your spirit. And in his epistle to the Philippians, Paul writes, And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding guard your hearts and your minds, in Christ Jesus. [Philippians 5:7] And combining both, is the word of God that declares, He Himself is our peace… [Ephesians 2:14]

‘My peace I give unto you..’:

For, the Lord has pointed out, that the peace He gives is not as the world gives you. Rooted in self and Satan, the peace it gives whether it is by acquiring possessions, power, or popularity, can only leave you ultimately frustrated. The word view though, is about a person, Lord Jesus. And it is in relationship with Him, that He Himself is your peace. The peace that surpasses all understanding, becomes possible for the Prince of peace, the God of peace is in you. The presence of God is peace. And peace means wholeness, nothing missing or nothing lacking, having all that you need, and in the way they are meant to be. It was why, He was broken, crushed for our iniquities, that by His punishment, we may receive peace. And it is where the importance of divine order comes in.

Your spirit connected to God:

For, you are made in the image of God, having a spirit, soul and body. It is with your spirit that you connect with God. The Holy Spirit testifies in your spirit that you are a child of God. And the revelation of God comes to you in your spirit, as the eyes of your heart are enlightened by the Holy Spirit in you, to know what has been prepared for you, the glorious riches of His divine inheritance. And God needs to be in His rightful place, in the very beginning.

Your soul connected to your ‘self’:

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very well. [Psalms 139:14] Your identity as a person, is what your soul knows very well. In your spirit, you connect with God, and it is in your soul, that you connect with yourself. In the world there is confusion about who you are, based on the premise that man is evolving, there is prevalent now a gender identity. But a man of God has nailed it all saying, that what really matters is, not who you are, but whose you are. And, you know who you are, your identity, according to the scriptures God is your Father, and therefore, you are a child of God. And the importance of it all, why God has to have pre-eminence, is vividly illustrated in the events that transpired in the life of king Nebuchadnezzar.

‘I’ & only ‘I’:

‘Is this not magnificent Babylon, built by my mighty power, for my glorious majesty?’. [Daniel 4:30] Not acknowledging God, they were the boastful words of the king, disregarding Daniel’s earlier counsel. It was a picture of sin, that dethrones God, to enthrone oneself in any person. And the absence of God only invites darkness that is chaos and disorder within him.

God in His rightful place, brings peace:

Even in your life, it is only when God is in His rightful place that everything else will be in the manner and place that it needs to be. And it is where the sanctifying work of the God of peace comes into play, to accomplish it in you. [1 Thessalonians 5:23] Your prayer always needs to be that His will may be done, and His kingdom come, in the matter that you are praying for. Otherwise, as it has been said in a lighter vein, a Christian can lose God in his prayer! And what happened to the king subsequently because the divine order was absent in him, has been recorded honestly in the scriptures, for our edification. King Nebuchadnezzar, lost his senses, he did not know who he was, and he lived in that inhumane dreadful condition, even in his physical appearance, until after seven years, his reason returned to him, as he raised his eyes for help, acknowledging the One True God, the God of heaven and earth, unto whom alone belonged all glory and power. [Verse 34] It gives immeasurable hope to you and me, that whatever the condition may be, when we cry out to Him, acknowledging His greatness, He is there to help, to restore. For, the king regained his kingship, and all that he needed came back to him. He just needed to give God His rightful place within him. And the protection of God when he was at his most vulnerable, His undeniable mercy, was what kept anyone else from usurping his throne, in his time of absence. [Verse 36]

Whom the Son sets free, is free:

It is the coming of a divine order in you, with Christ being first, dwelling in your spirit, that leads to a driving away of darkness or chaos in your soul, and body, for, he whom the Son sets free is free indeed. And as you surrender your life unto the Lord, lifting y our eyes unto the Father, from whom all help comes, may the blessed Holy Spirit sanctify you completely, in your spirit, soul and body, that your reason may be in subjection to His word, your emotions in subjection unto divine affection, and your thoughts, action and lifestyle a reflection of His divine order in you, driving away the darkness of disorder and chaos, to bring His blessing into your life, and may His goodness and mercy follow you, now and forevermore. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
