Comfort that brings healing – HE restores you

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Comfort that brings healing – HE restores you

The waves could be threatening, but, you will not be overwhelmed, for you are with the One who has conquered every threat of the enemy on the victorious Cross. It could be lock down all around, but the gospel is free, and it is for freedom that you have been set free. And as we continue to meditate upon the prayer of David, may the Lord do His work of grace in you, for He is the Breaker who goes ahead, breaking through every obstacle and challenge to lead you forward, Teach me to do Your will, for you are my God; May Your good Holy Spirit lead me on level ground [Psalm 143:10]. He leads you by His word that comes to you as a word in season, to speak specifically at your point of time and place, to carry you forward, even if everything around you looks very daunting and difficult.

It was what transpired in the life of Ruth, in the scriptures, who at a very low point in her life, received a word of comfort and promise as a reward from the Almighty God, for she had chosen to put her trust in Him, to be her refuge and shelter. ‘The Lord repay your work, and a full reward be given to you, by the Lord God of Israel under whose wings you have come for refuge [Ruth 2:12].

Your fruitfulness is about His faithfulness :

It is how the truth of the word that came to Ruth works out in your life this present day, as you come to Him, putting your trust in Him to be your refuge in the midst of this huge crisis that has enveloped the whole world. He will reward you. And you will experience fruitfulness in the protection and care of the Almighty God. For in the midst of wave upon wave of variants and mutants of the virus, the environment may be anything but favorable, just as it was in the life of Ruth the Moabite. But your fruitfulness is all about His faithfulness. It is also very true that your understanding of the faithfulness of God, determines your faith. For, it is by your faith, that you know how faithful He is. And however dire your circumstance maybe He comforts you as He takes you forward. He is the God of all comfort who is compassionate, for He is the Father of mercies, showing compassion to you as a father shows compassion to his own children [Psalm 103:15].

And in His companionship, His ever abiding presence with you, He brings comfort, that removes every anxiety in your soul. For, He is the Good Shepherd who leads you, as the psalmist has expressed in words both familiar and timeless, Even though I pass through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff comfort me [Psalm 23;4]. And flowing from it is an added dimension of the comfort of God that comes to you, one that the whole world is searching for in vain right now. It is a healing and restoration that can only come from Him, to comfort you.

The comfort of HIS healing :

It comes to you this day, when a health crisis has caused so much pain and sorrow in people’s lives, as a balm that heals, an imperishable seed, the word of God that will not return void, but will accomplish the purpose for which it has been sent, I have seen his ways and will heal him; I will also lead him; And restore comfort to him and his mourners. “I create the fruit of the lips, Peace, peace, to the one who is far off, and to him who is near”! says the Lord. ‘And I will heal him’ [Isaiah 57:18,19]. Healing has been accomplished on Calvary’s hill, where the chastisement for your well being and mine was laid upon the sinless Son of God. And by His stripes we are healed [Isaiah 53:5]. It is the message of the Cross, the mount where it has been provided.

A wondrous dimension of the comfort of God that comes to you is your healing, that is wholeness; a full and complete well being in every area of your life. For, He is the God of all comfort. And a sickness in the body would require the comfort of something more than physical healing, for it’s negative effect could have affected your productivity at work, and hence even your finances. Thus the comfort of God that brings healing in you is a wholeness, that sees nothing missing and nothing broken. Therefore it involves restoration. It is a restoration, or a putting back to original shape, of all that has been broken or lost, even as you take refuge under the wings of the Father, by putting your trust in Him.

He will heal, lead, restore and create praise in you. A leg that is injured, and limited in it’s mobility, needs to be healed before it can walk once again like before to move forward, led by God, in the path that He has already prepared for you. His plan for you remains unchanged, and His purposes can never be thwarted. For all of humanity God had one plan and purpose, in the beginning of creation. And though Adam failed in the most advantageous situation, God sent His Son to bring us back to His original intended purpose in fashioning man in His own image. It is the wondrous message of salvation. His plan remains unchanged. Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees, And make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be dislocated, but rather be healed [Hebrews 12:12,13].

For the feet to walk in it’s God ordained path, the limb needs to be healed. And God brings it to pass by His grace, wondrous and amazing, though setbacks could have been weakening and draining. It is the promise of God, of His continual presence that brings comfort and healing that revives you. For the God whose throne is heaven, and earth, the footstool, has said, ‘I dwell in the high and lofty place, With him who has a contrite and humble spirit, To revive the spirit of the humble, And to revive the spirit of the contrite ones [Isaiah 57:15]. In this time of travel prohibitions and containment zones, you may long for the comfort that comes by the physical presence of a loved one when times are difficult. But, the God of all comfort is there with you, His Spirit dwelling in you. And even in your time of pain, He is at work in your broken heart, building you up, and developing you so that you may attain His intended purpose in creating you.

He is intimately close to you, His Spirit is in you, and it can be pictured by your two hands with fingers intertwined, signifying you in Him, and He in you. Closeness is not just a figure of speech, when it comes to God. And it can be dramatically and gloriously be made visible in your circumstance, even as Paul was delivered from an angry dissension that arose between the Pharisees and Sadducees, only to then come to know of a plot against his very life. But, the Lord revealed His presence, as He stood by him to encourage him with the assurance of safety, and His purposes for Paul that remained unchanged even in the face of chaos and trouble [Acts 23:11]. In your life and mine, He has purposes and plans too, that He will carry through, though the surrounding situation may speak against it.

And your life in the hands of the Lord, works in a way that goes against the grain of modern day culture. For, even in your failures and backsliding you are never a damaged piece that needs to be thrown away. Restoration is the art that He excels in! Therefore, never think that your life, or any aspect of your life, is beyond repair. For the Lord is a Redeemer,and on the Cross, He has accomplished it all, so that you can be mended and made whole. The world may reject you for the flimsiest of reasons, but He in no way rejects the one who comes to Him in humility and faith. And the key lies in your repentance that He so graciously works in you.

From repentance to restoration :

For You do not desire sacrifice or else I would give it; You do not delight in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; A broken and contrite heart; These O Lord, you will not despise [Psalm 51:16,17]. One knows very well the reason for the anguish and the brokenness of the psalmist, the godly sorrow that came in him as the prophet of God confronted him. And it may not be adultery and murder, but we all invariably have our blind spots. And the Lord cannot be bought with money! It is the truth that the psalmist has set forth. The Lord addresses the faults, but in His compassion, to also graciously grant in His grace, a repentant spirit that holds the key to His healing and restoration. For, He is interested in a healing that is more than merely the superficial, one that lulls you into a false sense of security, only to flare up later [Jeremiah 6:14]. There could be reasons, and since what the Father has not planted needs to be uprooted, He will reveal them to you, as you pray, to lead you in the everlasting way. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds [Psalm 147:3].

He binds up your wounds to heal you, as seen in the parable of the good Samaritan, as you are cleansed and made whole, by His Blood and by His word. He is your Savior, your Good Shepherd, who restores your soul. He is the compassionate High Priest, who removes your doubts. It is what He did with Thomas, His disciple, who was then transformed to acknowledge Him as ‘My Lord and my God’. And he became the apostle, sent to India, to show who the real God is, that you may say ’My God’. The gospel is so very personal!

The God who says ‘I will..’ :

I will feed My flock, and make them lie down’ says the Lord God. I will seek what was lost, and bring back what was driven away, bind up the broken and strengthen what was sick [Ezekiel 34:15,16]. And when He says ‘I will’, He certainly will! May the response of your heart therefore be, ‘Let Your will be done in me’. And when you are tense, He will make you lie down. His divine work of grace in you will give you rest. He will heal and restore you, that you may arise and progress to fulfill His purpose for your life. And as you bow down in sweet surrender unto Him, to follow Him as your Good Shepherd, may you go on to experience Him as your Redeemer, Healer, Restorer,and the lifter of your head. For, He is your faithful friend, who has borne all your sorrow and pain on Calvary. In His arms He will take and shield you. And you will find solace and comfort there, that nothing else can bring you. In the Name of Christ Jesus  Amen.
