Divine design

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Divine design

The Almighty God is your primary source, and your blessing in life. Let His voice speak to you through His word that promises His care upon you continually. It is a land that the Lord your God cares for, the eyes of the Lord are continually upon it, from the beginning of the year, until the end. [Deuteronomy 11:12] It is seen in the favor of God that comes upon your life, even as Noah found favor in the sight of the Lord. [Genesis 6:8] And the fruit of it in the life of Noah was seen in a reverence that led to an act of responsibility towards, his family, as he built an ark that would see them being saved from destruction, by the flood that was soon to come. What added to the complexity of it was the fact that rain was an unknown concept at that point of time. But God gave specific instructions concerning the nature and dimensions of the ark that he needed to build, leaving nothing to chance or his human imagination. This is how you are to build it, were the Lord’s words to Noah. [Genesis 6:15] And Noah obeyed. He did everything just as God commanded him. [Verse 22] And it remains the template even to this day for the manner in which God leads you to work for the salvation of your family. Noah had no idea of what he needed to do; but God had a wonderful idea; and so it is even in your life.

The promise of HIS presence:

He has a plan, a procedure, the provision and the power that is necessary for you to accomplish it. And above all, for it to happen, He promises you His presence. It is seen in the words of king David, as he entrusted to his son the great charge and responsibility of building the temple of God. David also said to Solomon his son, ‘Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord, my God is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the Lord in the temple is finished’. [1 Chronicles 28:20] David’s words were about God, being his God, the relationship that was involved, and needs to be yours too,. The spiritual inheritance that you leave behind for your children in the form of your intimacy with God is of primary importance, far superseding all material wealth that you leave in store for them after your lifetime. And if like the promise that came to Jacob, is your testimony, and you know that God who is your God, is with you, His very presence is a sign that speaks of the fulfillment of what He has spoken to you, the good word that He has given you. And if the One who has said it is with you, He is doing something about it even now, even if nothing seems to be happening right now. Also, bring satisfied with the assurance of His presence only, reveals the depth of your relationship with Him, as you trust and obey His word to you. It is what Noah was able to do.

The God of forethought:

Today He is the intentional designer of your life, and He promises you His presence, to bring it to pass.

The Garden:

It is seen in creation, in the manner in which the garden of Eden, was prepared by God, with everything that they needed, before He created Adam and Eve. A conducive atmosphere was already there. And so it is even now regarding all that you will ever need in your life, even as it is written, those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. [Psalms 34:10]

The tabernacle:

This was a construction that God wanted the people of Israel to build with very specific instructions, even the color of the embroidery thread. And it was in the wilderness. But the miraculous provision of God was there, to construct it, and above all, His presence was there with them and it all came to pass. Even the manner in which their tents had to be pitched was designed and instructed by God through Moses. And just like Noah, they did as God told them to do it. And the significance of it all is seen in the words of prophet Balaam, as he viewed it all from the top of the mountain, to say, ‘How lovely are Thy tents O Lord’. And it has also been said that looking from above, the formation was in the shape of a Cross. ‘It is the pleasure of God to bless them’, are Balaam’s words, as he acknowledges his inability to curse them. [Numbers Chapter 23]

The temple:

And on entering the promised land the temple in Jerusalem was built by king Solomon, once again, according to God’s very specific instructions and provision that he gave to his father, David, a man after God’s own heart. It was what David handed over to his son, Solomon, that he may embark upon the solemn task with courage knowing that the Lord his God was with him, in helping him to fulfill the task. [1 Chronicles 28:20]

A new creation:

And now, as a child of God, in Christ you are a new creation. [1 Corinthians 5:17] And even if your life seems to be a wilderness at present, He has a perfect plan for you, that involves His provision, and the promise of His presence, even as He works it out perfectly to the last minute detail, and He wants you to be a part of His plan in His love. All it needs is your co operation, knowing and giving thanks for the wonderful privilege of having been counted worthy to be a part of His marvelous plan. And as you offer yourself, as a living sacrifice unto Him, He builds your body to be a temple of the Holy Spirit, who dwells in you, comforting, counseling and strengthening you, with His wisdom and power from above.

This is how you are to live:

Noah did as the Lord instructed him, and subsequently when the floods covered the whole earth, the ark with its occupants, was safe and high over the highest mountain, and not submerged. And as a child of God, with His grace and understanding, as His kingdom reigns, and His will is done in your life, you will be above, and never below to reign in life for the love of God has been poured into you, by the Holy Spirit, who is in you, and will never leave you. May your prayer in all humility and thanksgiving therefore be – Father, We thank Thee for the word You have spoken into our situation, our lives this day. And may You keep your eyes upon us we pray, to lead us, empower us with Your ever abiding presence that even as we surrender our all to Thee, we may see a fulfillment of Your plan in our lives, that You may be glorified. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
