Family pattern

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Family pattern

You have a faithful God, who is your Savior and Redeemer, for you are a new creation in Christ. And may His incorruptible word speak into your heart this day, as we continue to meditate upon His promise, it is a land the Lord your God cares for; the eyes of the Lord your God are upon it continually, from the beginning of the year until the end. [Deuteronomy 11:12] He cares about every aspect of your life, as His eyes are upon you, granting you His favor, even as Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord, making him reverent and responsible, knowing that he needed to build an ark for his family to be saved. [Genesis 6:8, Hebrews 11:7] Above all, he obeyed God to do it all just as He said, and hence was above when the floods came and was saved, together with his household. For even as he surrendered in willing obedience, God gave him everything he needed, His plan, His provision, and above all His very presence; and He does the same to you even this day, if only you yield completely to Him, wholeheartedly. Putting away your own self made plans, to follow His specific instructions that He reveals to you becomes vitally important, for it isa foreshadowing of the reality that is in heaven, as the writer to the Hebrews writes, they serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and a shadow of what is in heaven. [Hebrews 8:5]

The pattern:

Let Your Kingdom come, and let Your will be done in my life, even as it is being doe in heaven’, is the Lord’ pattern that He has already established, that you may walk in it. He has a plan, and He can also cause it to come to pass in your life. And He reveals it by revelation, even as David was able to say to his son Solomon, concerning the building of God’s temple in Jerusalem. [1 Chronicles 28:19]

Written upon your heart:

And the plan that He has for your life, every minute detail of it, He has written upon your heart, by the Holy Spirit, who when you are a child of God, lives in you forever. His presence therefore is a life long guarantee, and His primary mode of communication is through His word, the scriptures.

A right understanding:

It is what the Lord promises even as He writes His truth upon your heart, for He is your God, this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time, declares the Lord I will imprint My law in their minds, And write them on their hearts, I will be their God, and they will be My people. [Hebrews 8:10] He writes it on your heart, by making you understand the truth of His word. It was displayed so wondrously in the Ethiopian Eunech as he was returning from the Jerusalem temple, reading the word of God, unable to understand what it meant, and Philip intervened in his life. [Acts 8:30-39] It is the moment that an understanding of the truth comes in you that the words of Job can be yours to say, ‘I know you can do all things; and no purpose of Yours can be thwarted’. [Job 42:2] You will have the confidence that He will accomplish His will and purpose for your life.

Sin-the problem, JESUS-the answer:

And He makes His imprint on your understanding, bringing you to the realization that His thoughts are higher and better, leading you to surrender to His plan, His will for your life. You are called not to be conformed to the pattern of the world,. and without Me you can do nothing, are the Savior’s words affirming that God’s pattern is that you may prosper and do well in life, even as your soul prospers receiving understanding of the truth. You will know that God has a plan, and yielding to it, removes all pressure from you, for He gives you wisdom and grace by which you can move from your predicament to a point of abundance.

A step by step increase:

It is nothing mystical or magical, but God begins to speak to you through His word, even as you begin to reading it. His understanding comes to you through the process, and increases step by step even as the Lord grew in wisdom and favor of God and man, as he grew up in Nazareth, and as David became greater step by step in his role asking over the people of Israel. [Luke 2:52, 2 Samuel 5:10]


Peter asked for clarity, an understanding if it was the Lord, who then answered him with just one word ‘Come’, and Peter obeyed to walk on water! [Matthew 14:28,29] It is where your faith works through your understanding, step by step, word by word, as your relationship, your intimacy and trust grows deeper in Him. You will defy gravity, and your problems will not drown you. The Lord will cause you to overcome, as He gives you the understanding that you were designed to reign in life, to be above and not below. The temptation of going along with the pattern of the world will be there, but like Noah, may your will be to do what He has spoken over you and your household, and He will cause you to soar and not sink in troubled waters.

‘Lord, have Your way in me’:

And as you give Him your life, in humble thanksgiving, may our prayer be, Father, We thank Thee for the word of truth that has come to us this day, revealing the perfect plan that you have for our lives, higher and better than anything we can ever come up with. And we surrender ourselves into Thy loving Hands that Your will may be worked out in our lives by the empowering of Thy grace and Thy wisdom and strength, even as Your word is written in the tablet of our hearts, by the Holy Spirit, the assurance of Thy presence with is and in us, that You may be glorified. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
