He is a caring God, who cares about every aspect of your life. It is the promise that comes to you, through His word, at the beginning of this year saying it is a land that the Lord your God cares for; the eyes of the Lord are upon it continually from the beginning of the year until the end. [Deuteronomy 11:12] It is a care that began when you were yet in your mother’s womb, and will remain until you see him face to face, and covers every aspect o your life here on earth.
His eyes upon you signifies:
In a world full of sinful chaos, there was one man, Noah, who was righteous in the sight of God. He was in a right relationship with God. [Genesis 6:9] It was His grace that led him to it. And it was all because the favor of God was upon Him. In a perverse generation – In a world that quickly descended to sinful chaos, in a perverse generation, one family stood out. It was Noah’s, for God’s favor was on him. It led him, and even this day leads you to a right relationship with God; with people and even with your own self. The words of Paul describe the miserable condition that he endured in his body of death. [Romans 7:21-25] But the grace of God in Christ Jesus can set things right, is the truth that he goes on to declare.
Right relationship with a holy God:
A right relationship between an unholy man and a holy God could at the outset seem improbable. And addressing the elephant in the room, one can see that the obvious hindrance in the path to it, is sin. It is the problem that needs to be dealt with.
Sin drives a wedge:
It separates you from the solution, driving a wedge between you and God, you and other people. Sin makes you rebel against God, to go your own way, and will ultimately lead you to destruction. If you sees in for what it really is, you will not sin. But it does not work that easily! And the reality is that you will end up sinning, but God heals you.
Sin and weakness:
But sin makes you weak, for disregarding His voice, as time goes on makes you insensitive to His counsel, and ultimately leads to weakness, your strength sapped as in the heat of summer. There may be forgiveness waiting around the corner, but what is the guarantee that you will reach that far? But the favor of God will make you stronger, and grace will take you from where you are to where God wants you to be, shining for His glory. The righteous, even as Job was, will face peculiar problems, but God will stand with you, for you are His child. And you will overcome. For when sin increases, grace abounds.
Sin and self righteousness:
Describing the Israelites, Paul writes about their zeal not being based on knowledge, from God as they sought to establish a righteousness of their own, and did not submit to God’s righteousness. [Romans 10:3] And this is the condition of many in the Christian society today, who make their own plans for their future, seemingly trusting in the Lord. But the truth remains that the plans and thoughts of God for you are higher and greater. And all you need to do as a child of God is to surrender and submit to His plans for you; plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. [Jeremiah 29:11] Not your will, but His: And so, may, ‘Not my will Lord, but Yours be done’ be your wise supplication unto the Lord this day concerning every aspect of your life, as you learn to see your life, as God sees it, the One whose eyes have seen your unformed substance, even in your mother’s womb. Being in the center of His will , in the Hand of the Living God is the safest place to be. There is goodness, perfection and pleasure in the will of God for you.
God’s way, the only right way:
And it is also the only right way; it goes to explain why, man does not succeed when he tries to go his own way, and it is in the end that he realizes the truth of it. Therefore go to Him, seek Him first. He will keep His eye on you to guide you in His path; and though it may be winding at times, His ordained path is the only right one.
Going to God in humility:
It is sin that leads one to try and impress people, or compare oneself to others, as the parable of the pharisee and the publican describes. [Luke 18:9-14] And it was the publican who in humility acknowledged his sinful condition, who went home justified. God gives grace to the humble; grace that is received as you go to Him acknowledging your need of His grace and strength. You do not need to work for it. Rather , you love Him, and be loved by Him. God demonstrated His love for you, by Christ dying for you while you were still a sinner. And you have justified, made righteous by His Blood to enter into a right relationship with Him. [Romans 5:8,9]
Made righteous freely, by grace:
You are made righteous through faith in Christ Jesus, justified freely by His grace, through the redemption that came by faith in Christ Jesus. [Romans 3:23,25] He shed His Blood, to receive us, make us more like Him. It is His eye of favour and love upon you.
Favour in the eyes of God:
He has saved you from your past, and has a wonderful future prepared for you, even as you surrender to His will and ask for His grace and mercy in your life, that you may in so doing move from a place of frustration to fruitfulness, to bear fruit for His glory. And so, may we pray, Father, We thank Thee for intervening in our lives, to give us a grand beginning this year, that we may be fruitful. We thank Thee for giving us Your Son, for what He has accomplished for us on the Cross, that we may with thanksgiving and humility receive it in order to appropriate it in our lives, to live for Thy glory. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.