From darkness to light

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From darkness to light

May the word of God, be a light to your path and lamp to your feet, and medicine to your flesh, as we continue to meditate upon His promise those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. [Psalms 34:10] God brings His goodness, every good and perfect gift into your life, by His salvation that comes to you, by His grace, and through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. One needs to have therefore, a right and full understanding of what it is, to receive all that He has accomplished in your life for He has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son, He loves, that we may have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. [Colossians 1:13,14] Redemption is about being rescued from the domain of darkness and does not stop there. For, redemption also involves restoration, the removal of sin’s havoc, upon your life, the negative effects of it, to bring you back to God’s original purpose. It is a process that is still at work in you, and he will bring it to completion what He has begun in you.

‘Let light shine out of darkness’:

For it is the God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness’, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. [2 Corinthians 4:6] There is a wondrous similarity that is displayed in the creation of the heavens and earth, and the new creation in man. There was emptiness, chaos, and darkness before God spoke light into existence on earth. The life of man is very much the same, an emptiness, until the light of Christ comes as a slow and steady process, as God causes the light of the knowledge of His glory in the face of Christ to shine in his heart. It is what happens in you, at the point of your new creation in Christ. It is the light of knowledge, that makes known what has been revealed, in the ace of the person of Jesus Christ, and put simply, it is the light of the word of God.

Life, Light, WORD:

The Gospel of John, in the first nine verses talks about, life, light, and the Word. John the Baptist testified that the true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. [John 1:9] And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth. [Verse 14] In other words, it is a revelation knowledge of who Jesus is, in a progressive and continual relationship with Him, that touches your spirit, and transforms your soul, to bring you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

Revelation knowledge:

In the world when it comes to knowing a person, a famous person maybe, you could know about him, without knowing him personally. Or it could be the scenario, of you knowing a person, but them not knowing you. Perfectly understandable. But it is not so with the Lord, the Good Shepherd’s knowledge of you and I -is – I am the Good Shepherd. I know My own and My own know me, just as the Father knows Me, and I know the Father. [John10:14,15] It displays the depth of knowledge of Him, that the Lord desires to be in you and I. He knows you as no one else can ever know. And to know Him and be known by Him, is the greatest blessing that you can ever be yours.

Relational experience:

God’s eye is upon you a hundred percent, and it is why it requires from you also a reciprocation. He never gives upon you, and your relationship with Him, the nature of it, determines how rightly you are related to everything else in your life. And it is a revelation knowledge of God, working in a continual relation with Him, that leads to a restoration, of all the damage caused by the effect of sin in every aspect of your life. And there are no terms and conditions involved.

True light enlightening ANY man:

The world system operates based on eligibility criteria when it comes to hiring a person for work. And it is also about survival of the fittest. But with God, it is not about merely surviving, or managing to stay alive, but living for His glory, and as the Lord has declared, ‘Because I live, you shall live also’. [John 14:9] Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, can be your song of faith, knowing that, ‘As He is, so are we, in this world’. [1 John 4:17] Therefore, though the world may retire you when you are sixty, God still has plans for you, to be fruitful in His kingdom, that you may be used for His glory, old or young, He is the true light, enlightening any man.

Chosen – deliberately:

David’s battle against Goliath, once again is a picture of how God chooses and can enlighten any man. David was ill-suited in the eyes of the world, but what David found to be ill-suited was, King Saul’s armor, which he was initially compelled to wear! God deliberately chose David, for we serve a God who enlightens any man. And even in your life and mine, as long as He is your most valued relationship, whatever may be the challenge that you are facing right now, He Himself becomes your strength, that empowers you. Are you looking at Him, and not at the problem, this is the question that you need to ask yourself, so that you may see a manifestation of His power. And He deliberately chooses the lowly and the despised, that none may glory in His presence, but as it is written, ‘Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord’. [1 Corinthians 1:28,31]

Chosen – when?

‘Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you;  [Jeremiah 1:5] It is the word of God that came to the prophet Jeremiah; and it applies even to you and me this day. He has seen your unformed substance; and He still sees you today, even at this moment, to keep His eye on you, to watch over you, counsel you, and lead you in the path of righteousness.

Chosen – sanctified, approved, appointed:

Before you were born, I consecrated you. [Verse 5] You were chosen and sanctified, separated for God Himself, to be used according to His purpose, and hence not meant for common use. Moreover, He has approved you, not rejected you, and has also appointed you. It is the sole reason, why you are alive and is in His presence at this very moment. And you will never be disappointed, for you have been appointed by God. You will be enlightened by His truth shining in your heart to not exist, but flourish, fulfilling His calling and purpose for your life. Be encouraged therefore, for if you have God in your life, you have the true light that enlightens any man. And let the light continue to shine with ever-increasing glory in you, embrace you, lead you to rest and restoration, even as you bow down in worship unto the Light of the world; the true light that enlightens any man.

Shine JESUS Shine:

Lord, we thank Thee for You stepped down into darkness, and darkness vanished, for You are the true light that enlightens any man and You have opened our eyes that we may see. Continue to shine in our hearts Lord Jesus, that with your enlightening and empowering we may live lives of worship, surrendering to Your Lordship, bringing glory and honor to Your Name, Amen.
