God of order, not confusion

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God of order, not confusion

The goodness and love of God shall follow you all the days of your life [Psalms 23:6] is the promise of God that has come to us this month. It reinforces the promise that has been the subject of our meditation- Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. [Psalms 34:10] Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of Lights above. And His goodness comes into your life by the gift of salvation, which essentially describes what God has accomplished on Calvary, becoming your personal experience, as you believe and receive it by faith  You have been transferred from the domain of darkness to the kingdom of the Son whom He loves, in whom you have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. [Colossians 1;13,14] Redemption is a rescue from the domain of darkness and also a restoration of all that sin has damaged in you.

JESUS- the true Light:

And, it is a process, of light shining to dispel darkness, as the apostle Paul writes to the Corinthians -For it is the God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness’, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the glory of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. [2 Corinthians 4:6] As the apostle John clarifies, it is Lord Jesus who is the true light, that enlightens,  to make known to you, and experience what has been made known to you. [John 1:9]  He is the light, the light of the word, that shines in your heart, driving away the darkness of ignorance and a darkened understanding.

Light of Christ – light of His Word:

Even in the creation of the earth, as it is written in the scriptures, initially it was darkness, disorder, and chaos, for where there is darkness, there is disorder. And in the new creation, sin is the darkness, that is the problem of man today. Also without the light of Christ, the light of His word, he remains oblivious of what he needs to do, to set it right. But, we serve a God of order. God is not a God not of disorder but of peace. [2 Corinthians 14:33] And so, it is when there is divine order, that you experience the blessing of God, His goodness, and His peace.

God of order, not confusion & chaos:

A confused person ends up confusing others too. In confusion, one can go beyond the scriptures, out of curiosity, which leads to speculation, a reading between the lines, so to speak, that could be very dangerous. But God on the other hand, when you stick to the scriptures, brings clarity to your heart, order, and ability to work out what He has planned for you to move ahead toward your godly destiny. He is the true light who can bring order to your troubled, disturbed situation. And He Himself is your peace.

God of order – structure & discipline:

Instability can arise in you when you need to make a choice, take a decision, and find yourself unable to do so. It is what the prophet Elijah reprimanded the Israelites for, as they wavered between the worship of Baal and the God of Israel. In the New Testament, the apostle James states that a double-minded person, wavering between two opinions, cannot expect to receive anything from the Lord. [James 1:8] There is structure, discipline, and order in what He does, even in church worship, for He is a God of order.

Sown in dishonor, raised in honor:

Even in a Christian funeral service, there is grief and tears, but we remember His order. The scripture [1 Corinthians 15] wonderfully explains God’s order. The body sown in dishonor is going to be bruised in honor, the mortal clothed with immortality. And you know that it is going to happen, as you look to Christ, His resurrection. Also, He did it all for you; and will one day, do it for you. Thus, there is absolutely no confusion in a Christian burial. Yes, it is dust to dust, ashes to ashes, at that point, like the rest of the world, that has only the confusion of reincarnation to look forward to. But as a Christian, you may be sown in dishonor, but you will certainly be raised in honor, to be in your prime, to be what He needs you to be.

Order in chaos:

You need not resign yourself, therefore, to get used to living in the chaotic conditions that seem to reign in and all around you, at present. For, you have a God of order. And, as you look unto Him, you will know that He is a God who causes all things to work together for good, for you love Him, and have been called according to His purpose. [Romans 8:28] You will also experience it in your life, for the One who gives you the knowledge, also makes you taste and see what He has spoken to you. He is not a God who leaves incomplete, what He has promised, and He does nothing haphazardly or randomly. He will bring order in your seemingly chaotic circumstance, with His wisdom and power. His thoughts are higher, and you need to cooperate with His higher ways. He is the God who knows the end from the beginning. And in the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand, the Lord gives an example of it-

Order illustrated:

But He [Jesus] answered them, ‘You give them something to eat’. [Mark 6:37] The disciples had genuine reasons for suggesting to the lord, that it would be better to send the crowds away, instead of attempting to provide food for the huge multitude. But the Lord who did all things well, had compassion on the people and did not want to send them away hungry.

Godly discipline- even in the details:

Then He ordered them to get all the people to be seated in groups of hundreds and of fifties. It was how the Lord brought about order, before the miracle. [Verse 40,41] And then He proceeded to bless the five loaves and two fishes, giving thanks unto the Father, before distributing it unto the people. Thus there was a godly procedure, or order, that preceded the miracle, as everyone ate and were satisfied, and twelve basketfuls still remained. It astonished them all. And even today, the God of order is in our midst. His promises come to pass in your life, as you follow His order or procedure and will leave you awestruck.

From disorder to order:

The Lord Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. He stepped down into darkness, and opened your eyes, that you may be enlightened by the true light that enlightens any man. He takes you by your right hand, to lead you from disorder, and chaos to order, from confusion to a place of clarity and confidence, even as you live in a relationship with Him. And so, may your prayer be Father, We thank Thee for giving us your Son, to be the true light in us that drives away darkness and disorder. May stability, clarity, order, that brings your blessing to be the portion of your people, and goodness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives, as they dwell in Thy house forever. In the Name of Christ Jesus, Amen.
