It is a land the Lord your God cares for; the eyes of the Lord are continually upon it, from the beginning of the year to the end. [Deuteronomy 11:12] May the Lord speak to you through His word of promise to set the direction of your life this year that you are even now entering, to receive from Him the goodness that He has in store for you.
God cares for you:
The land symbolizes your life, every aspect of it, and the Lord promises to watch over it and care for it. You can boldly rest upon His word that says, cast all your care on Him, for He cares for you. He cares about every minute detail of your life, even the number of hairs on your head, and from the beginning of your life until the very end.
The nature of God’s care:
He is an Eternal God, with no beginning or end. But, in your life and mine, whatever He begins, He brings to completion. He never gives upon you, or on His purpose. And He began to care for you, even in your mother’s womb, even before you knew yourself. [Psalms 139:16] And even before you were born, in His Book were recorded all the days of your life. He knows your past, and He knows what is going to happen in your future. Everything is laid before the eyes of Him to whom you must give account. There is nothing that is hidden from His sight. God is the One who understands you completely, inside out. And therefore, He is the Only One who can meet your need.
He has set you apart:
Before you were formed in your mother’s womb, He knew you; Before you were born He set you apart; He appointed you…[Jeremiah 1:5] Even when He saw you in your mother’s womb, God separated you for Himself, for a special purpose, declaring, ‘ This child belongs to Me’. It is the awesome status that you now enjoy. You are God’s property; and he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye. It is how secure you are.
He has appointed you:
You have been appointed by the God who has called you His own, even before you were born. It surely ought to bring joy in you, giving hope even if the events of your past could have brought sadness. It is a hope that will not disappoint you, for you are already appointed. And all through this coming year, you have godly appointments waiting for you, that are recorded in His Book, the scriptures. When a certain circumstance arises in your life, your appointment to meet the particular need is already written in the word of God. There is nothing that is not covered in it, for every day of your life.
Even in your sunset years:
Retirement can find you seemingly becoming redundant in society, but God will use what He has invested in you during your active years. He will now bring people to you, who will learn from you, and benefit from your valuable experience. Not one day in your life will be wasted, for He already ordained godly appointments for you!
All that He is going to do:
God cares for you, and will watch over you. And
1. God will help you. [Isaiah 44:2] So you need not fear. He has set an open door before you; and He will help you walk through it, to accomplish what He has purposed for you.
2. He remains the same. [Isaiah 46:4] When you are gray haired, and begin to lose your strength, and apparent usefulness, people may treat you so very differently, but God says to you, that He will remain the same to you. The God who called you when you were in your mother’s womb, will continue to accomplish what He has ordained for you, until you see Him face to face. You are never redundant in His kingdom.
3. He is your Redeemer. [Isaiah 44:24] He rescues you, He redeems you and restores you, that you may regain all that you have lost, to become a brand new person. As Job did, you too can declare that your Redeemer lives!
4. From Him comes your reward .[Isaiah 49:15] It could seem that you have labored in vain, yet surely and very certainly, your reward is with God. And what needs to come to you, will come from His hand. You are His servant. You will be honored in His sight and He will be your strength.
His SON revealed:
But when God who set me apart from birth and called me by His grace was pleased to reveal His Son in me, so that I might preach Him among the Gentiles … [Galatians 1:15] They are the words of the apostle Paul. His past had been painful for he had been zealously pursuing the traditions of his fathers. [Verse 14] But he knew what the future held in store, when God intervened to revealed His Son in him that he may work for the expansion of His kingdom, and you and I may become his sons in Christ Jesus. And as a child of God, in order to know Him more and more, experience Him in your life, to express Him in world around you, He cares and watches over you. He has done so even while you were in your mother’s womb, and will do so every day of your life, until the very end, that you may live for His glory. And so, may your prayer be, Father, We thank Thee for the word you have spoken to us today. May it take deep root within us, that we may bear much fruit in our lives and see Your goodness in our lives, in the land of the living, that You may be glorified In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.