God who gives desires in you

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God who gives desires in you

May Godly clarity and confidence be birthed in you, as you draw near to Him to meditate upon His word of promise that… those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. [Psalms 34:10] And it is through His gift of salvation, that God’s goodness comes into your life. A particular dimension of salvation would be, God shining the light of His word in your heart, that your soul may prosper. [2 Corinthians 4:6, 3 John 2] It happens by a renewing of your mind, an exchange of your thoughts with the thoughts of God that are higher and greater, a transformation that makes it possible to have the mind of Christ. It is also a continuous process, that comes about, as the scripture describes – Do not be conformed to the pattern of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and pleasurable and perfect will of God. [Romans 12:2] It is when your mind is renewed by God’s word that you can recognize the goodness of God in His will for you, that it is good, pleasurable and perfect, even when it seems contrary to your present circumstance. It is then that you can delight to do His will though there is a baptism of fire , or some form of suffering involved.in it. You need to have a right understanding of the nature of God to know that He certainly does not take pleasure in seeing you suffer. And you need to focus on Jesus.

JESUS – the author and finisher:

Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the Cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. [Hebrews 12:2] As can be seen above there is joy, endurance, the cross, and the crown that were part of doing His Father’s will, when it was the Lord Jesus. And so it is even in your life and mine; for joy and suffering, both are invariably seen, in fulfilling the will of God. And a misunderstanding of this truth, will lead to a sense of disillusionment that can make you give up. But the truth is, suffering could still be there, but the Risen Lord is there with you, so that in His strength, you may overcome everything that comes against your well being. But whether it is the antagonism of people, or the pressure of circumstances you can have victory over them, by His abiding presence. And, He is the God of peace, who helps you – Now may the God of peace, who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that Great Shepherd of the sheep, through the Blood of the everlasting covenant, Make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight through Jesus Christ to whom be glory forever and ever. [Hebrews 13:20,21]

God of peace:

Peace that is wholeness comes about, when everything necessary for your well being is there, and in the way that it needs to be. And it is what the God of peace accomplishes in your life. He is not a God of confusion but of order.

HE works in your heart:

And the God of peace, does what is pleasurable to you. His agenda is you, for He delights in you. What brings pleasure to Him is you. Therefore, His will for you will be mutually pleasurable. And His plan for you, His choice will be greater than your wildest imagination. And when your felt need or your present suffering leads you to doubt the truth, you only need to remind yourself of all the goodness that He has already invested in you, all through your past, in order to overcome it.

Pain redeemed is strength:

Christ in doing the will of the Father, went through the agony of the Cross, but is now seated at His right Hand, and is interceding for you. Your present situation could be painful, but, what you are going through, you will go through, and pain redeemed is strength and power in you.

How does He communicate & help you?
… work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. [Philippians 2:12,13] It is not working for salvation, but working out what He has worked in you. And he will guide you in the path of His will for you, bring you back to doing His will, when life’s pressures cause you to drift away. It is where the role of prayer becomes very important, for it is the channel through which God ministers to you. Time and again it is seen in the scriptures, in the lives of His servants.

Elijah – a man with a nature like ours:

The prophet of God had his up and downs, and at one point in sheer mental and physical exhaustion, and self isolation, curled up under a broom tree, and prayed that he may die. But the Lord ministered to him, pointing out that he was in the wrong place, and that he had a long way to go in the path of doing His will, and all that he had yet to accomplish, as a prophet of God. And ultimately it all saw him not facing death, but being transported to heaven in a chariot of God. [1 kings chapter 19]

Prayer – unplugged:

a) Prayer is a communication between two people who are in a relationship. And it is by praying that you navigate through troubled times to emerge redeemed and delivered.
b) Prayer is not about you saying something all the time. It is about hearing from Him, concerning yourself, and your situation.
c) And your prayer need not be vocal all the time, for the Lord hears your thoughts, even when they cannot be spoken forth. And He has a flourishing finish in store for you. It is how he ministered into Nehemiah’s heart, as he stood before the king, burdened with the desire to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. [Nehemiah 2:4]

Prayer – your heart poured put:

And, you can pour out your heart’s agony and pain in His presence in prayer, even as Hannah did. For in the confidence and peace that she received through the word that came through Eli, the priest, who had initially misunderstood her, when she arose from the presence of the Lord, her face was no longer sad. [1 Samuel 1:18] And you have a God who never misunderstands you! In His infinite patience and love He will listen to your plea, to answer you, so that as the relationship progresses it will see you begin to speak His word, the language of the scriptures.

HE is just:

Whatever you are going through therefore, do not refrain from speaking to Him. For it is how He communicates His desires that are far higher than what you could ever come up with, to be birthed in you. His plan will become yours, and when you face a challenge, you will know that in His strength, you can overcome it. He will equip you to do His will, and He will be there with you, taking great delight in you. You are His treasured possession. And God’s pleasure is in His plan for you, and He is there, that you may fulfill His wonderful plan for you. Therefore – O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry, Everything to God in prayer, Father, We thank Thee for Thy awesome presence here in our midst. We thank Thee for the privilege of praying unto Thee, as you make us joyful in Thy house of prayer. Draw us closer to Thee, to the blessing that You have in store for us. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
