Godly serving

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Godly serving

It is easy for the Lord to help you; and when He becomes your help, being able to handle the difficult circumstances of your life with ease, will be your testimony. And even this day, may He minister to you through the promise of His word that declares that – Those who seek the Lord, will lack no good thing. [Psalms 34:10] Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father above. [James 1:17] And how you receive it, is by grace and through faith, It begins with receiving the gift of salvation, the multidimensional aspect of which needs to be understood, experienced, and applied in your life, for you to partake of the sum total of all the blessings of God, that become your portion in life. [Ephesians 2:5,6]

Raised to be seated with CHRIST:

You and I, and the people of the world, were at one point, dead in our transgressions. Christ atoned for our sins, sacrificing Himself in love, on the Cross, so that we may be raised together with Him, to be seated with Him, in the heavenly realms. And it is where, the attitude of Christ, that was not forced, but purely out of love, that led to His exaltation, comes into play. For, it is what the apostle Paul describes in his letter to the Philippians, advocating a similar attitude, the mind of Christ, that needs to be even in you, a sit is the path in which the Almighty God, is going to raise you also, to experience a godly exaltation.

Having the mind of Christ:

He gave up His right so that we can be made right with God. The need for it arose, as there was a gap between God, and man, on account of sin, which the first man Adam committed, to end up distorting the plan of God, in creating him. The gap was bridged by Christ on the Cross and becomes yours too, as you put your faith in Him – His finished work over sin and death. HE emptied Himself: He made Himself of no reputation, Taking the form of a slave, Being born in human likeness, [Verse 7] The Sovereign Lord, became a suffering servant, in making Himself of no reputation. He came not to be served, but to serve. [Mark 10:45] And in order to partake in the fullness of salvation that you receive as a gift from above, you are called to emulate Him, His attitude of humility.

The scriptural view & worldview:

In the world, as the Lord Himself has described, those who are recognized as rulers, lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. [Verse 42] The world’s way of dealing with power, is by developing an attitude of arrogance within. But the scriptural view is greater, and it is what you are called to emulate, as the Lord goes on to say – But it is not so among you, but whoever wishes to be great among you, must be your servant. For the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and give His life, as a ransom for many. [Mark 10:43,45]

Your motive matters to God:

And when it comes to people of the world it can be a desire to gain popularity or power , a disguised longing for it, that lies under the act of service that they choose to render to the society, ostensibly for its betterment. But, it is in the service of mankind that Christ came, giving up his right, making Himself of no reputation, to give up His life willingly in love, on the Cross, to redeem you, that bought by His precious Blood, you may be raised to be seated together with Him in the heavens.

Communion – celebrating a relationship:

The Lord did many things, and performed many signs and wonders, as He walked on earth. And Holy Communion, which He instituted was a celebration of a covenant relationship, He entered into with His disciples. The doctrinal truth was a remembrance of His death, His Blood shed as an atoning sacrifice, for the sins of the whole world. It was for the disciples also. But they, instead of recognizing the enormity of it, were more interested in figuring out who was the greatest among them. And the Lord, aware of it all, did something that they would remember for the rest of their lives, to demonstrate the powerful truth that was the foundation of His kingdom.

The saved, need to serve:

None of the disciples ventured to do it, for it was usually the servant or the slave who washed the feet of the guests, even as they entered the home, where they were later to sit down and have a meal. But, on that day, when He was later to inaugurate the new covenant, the Lord demonstrated the need for humility, in them, as He Himself washed their feet to say, ‘You call Me, Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for that is what I am. So if I, your Lord and Teacher have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. [John 13:13,14] In His exhortation, the Lord’s attitude comes through, to make it clear that, serving others, does not make you a servant. And in your life, it is grace that helps you to serve people.

Serving – the world’s attitude:

It is a philosophy that is so very common, even in our nation, with its stranglehold of caste, that believes the person who clears your garbage, is doing it because he has been born for it. The world’s operating procedure is buying, and selling, with money being the medium of transaction. And it is all about how you can survive; wanting to serve people, is not part of the primary agenda.

Serving – the Christian perspective:

When you are born again, you become a child of God, with a renewed mind, to know that the one who serves you, is there to help you, and vice versa. God’s system works by giving and receiving, by grace that gives, and faith that receives, money being a by-product of it all. It is all a gift that you receive, and as you seek the Lord, you will lack no good thing, for, His goodness and mercy will follow you, to be your blessed portion in life. And the purpose of serving is not merely about the money that you earn. Service is connected to the mind of God, and from Him comes your reward. Riches and honor come from him. The grace and skill that God has blessed you with, whatever may be its sphere of operation, is so that you may serve others to be a blessing in the lives of people. Whatever He has called you to be, He has gifted you, and it is for the benefit of others.

The One Perfect Sacrifice:

By one sacrifice He has perfected forever, those who are being made holy. [Hebrews 10:14] The finished work of Christ on the Cross of Calvary, was, and is, the One sacrifice. And everything that you and I can ever do to serve Him, whatever it may be, big or small, is a glorious privilege given to us, and never, ever, a sacrifice. It was a privilege for Peter, that his boat was used by the Lord, the One who was the Designer of the Ark, built by Noah. It is a privilege for us, to be used by God, to share Him in a world that needs Him so desperately. It is all by His mercy, and we are what we are, only by the grace of God. Christ sacrificed His life on the Cross, that we may have life in all its abundance, enter into the throne room of God, to pray, Father, We thank thee for your amazing grace, Your overwhelming love lavished upon us, that we may call Thee, ‘Abba Father’. We stand humbled by Your grace and mercy, Lord Jesus, ever-grateful for the privilege of serving you. And may rivers of living water bringing forth revelation from the Holy Spirit, flow from our innermost being, and may every ritualistic thinking be uprooted, that we may be revived in ever-increasing glory, to be blessed, to be a blessing. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
