Goodness in the land of the living

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Goodness in the land of the living

Seeking first the kingdom of God & His righteousness that is Christ, may you receive perspective and clarity, concerning your life, as we continue to meditate upon His promise- but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. [Psalms 34:10] Salvation is by which God’s goodness comes into your life, making you useful in His kingdom, blessed to be a blessing. A dimension of it becomes your experience, as God shines the light of His word, in your heart, your innermost being. [2 Corinthians 4:6] It leads to a divine order, understanding and abundance in you, that is the blessing of God. And it is with a divine understanding that comes by your mind being renewed that you are transformed. You are then able to recognize the goodness in the will of God for you that is good and perfect. Therefore as it is written in the scriptures – Do not be conformed to the pattern of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may know the will of God, what is good and pleasurable and perfect. [Romans 12:2] As it is written, an exchange needs to takes place, where you give up your old thoughts, all that could be troubling you, discouraging thoughts it could be, to receive the new. It happens as you express it all in prayer. And as you hear His voice, you receive His thoughts that are infinitely higher, replacing yours. It is a renewal of your thought process that needs to take place continually, an updating that needs to happen, even as His grace is new every morning.

‘Unless I had believed …’

And God’s will, thoughts and His word being the same, there lies the necessity of having the ability to recognize the goodness of God in His will for you, by His word, that you may know and experience it in your life. You need to know, have the understanding that it is more than wishful thinking, but it is the truth of God’s word that can never lie. And as the psalmist has declared, you too can say- ‘I would have lost heart unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of God in the land of the living. [Psalms 27:13] And what is to be noted is that it is all about tasting and seeing the goodness of God, here on earth, when you are still alive, and not when you have been promoted to the glory of heaven. The blessings that you and I enjoy here are only a foretaste of the full taste that awaits every child of God above.

From fear to confidence & faith:

Here on earth, His goodness comes to you, by confidence and comprehension of the word of God, that God reveals to you, through your connection with Him. In fact, the psalmist himself at one point of his life, was riddled with the thought that he was going to be killed by king Saul, who was searching high and low to put him to death. But after experiencing the goodness of God he was able to say with confidence that it will happen even as he lived on earth. [Psalms 27:13] It happens in your life, too, as you behold and meditate upon the word of God, making it your very lifestyle.


To pray without ceasing is what the scripture advocates.. It is to be connected to God continually in your inner being, through His word, and waiting also to hear from Him , when you pour out your troubles to Him. An interpretation of the word, that you hear, sitting in a congregation of believers, will have numerous applications. But what you need to know, He will let you know. And then, instead of torturing yourself, you can learn to rest in Him. Tt is a spiritual discipline, that develops more and more, as you grow in your relationship with Him, and gives you spiritual stamina.


Meditate upon the word of God day and night, it is written in the scriptures. And Christian meditation, is focusing on the word of God, instead of dwelling upon your challenge or problem, to the exclusion of everything else. And it is not about getting into a rut, doing it merely as a daily routine, or rote, which is doing it , without understanding and assimilating the truth of it. When you focus on God’s word, drawing near to Him in your walk with Him, it does not mean it would see no problem or challenges in your life. In fact it could see you facing peculiar problems. But the Lord promises His grace to help you, every step of the way. And you will indeed surprise even your own self, to be able to say. ‘This is the Lord’s doing; and it is marvelous in my eyes’. [Psalms 118:23]

Facing the unexpected with gracious strength:

The life of Job is always a prime example when it comes to bad things happening to a good person, who was blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil. [Job 1:1] But his words describe well, his situation in the midst of his loss – But when I looked for good, evil came to me; And when I waited for light, then came darkness. [Job 30:26] In such a situation you need to focus on the Light of the world, who stepped down into darkness, opened your eyes to know that you will certainly pass through this temporary darkness by the light that He gives you.

Your days of mourning shall be ended:

‘This too shall pass’. is the world’s saying. But you can say as the psalmist does, that you will walk through the valley of tears, to reach Zion, seeing the goodness of God in your life. [Psalms 84:6,7] For, your Redeemer lives ! The grave is empty. He is here with you now. And therefore, He Himself will be your everlasting light. And your days of mourning will be ended. [Isaiah 60:20] And as you hold on to His word, you will indeed see and experience His goodness in the land of the living. Our loving Lord, We will indeed never ever know how much it cost for You to carry our sins on the Cross. But we worship You offering ourselves to thee. And for people going through darkness and pain in their lives, we know that you will be their strength and wisdom, to come out on the other side victoriously. May we cherish and be nourished by Your word, that we may experience Your goodness in our lives, and be blessed to be a blessing, for the Father’s glory. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
