Health – as your soul prospers

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Health – as your soul prospers

May your heart’s cry be answered, and His love lift you up, as you continue to meditate upon the promise of God, that says,  ..those who seek the Lord, lack no good thing. [Psalms 34:10] Salvation is how God’s goodness comes to your life, and therefore a right understanding of it, without neglecting the greatness of it, becomes very vital. He has saved you from the penalty of sin, is saving you from the power of sin, and one day in the future be completely saved from the very presence of sin. And for it to happen, He has transferred you from the domain of darkness to the kingdom of His Son, in whom you have redemption. [Colossians 1:13,14] He has shone in your heart, the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. [2 Corinthians 4:6] It is a process, as  The God of peace Himself sanctifies you, that your spirit, soul, and body may be kept blameless, at the coming of Lord Jesus Christ. [1 Thessalonians 5:23]

Divine order – spirit, soul, and body:

It is with your spirit, that you connect with God. It comes as a revelation from Him through the Holy Spirit, in your spirit. It progresses then in divine order to your soul. And in what is much more than merely a greeting, it lays down the truth concerning your physical wellness, in the words of the apostle John, to say – Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all respects, and be in good health, just as your soul prospers. [3 John 2] Your soul comprises your mind, will, and your emotions. It is with your mind that you think, with your will, you decide, and with your emotions, you experience. But, as it is written, What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor human heart conceived, What God has prepared for those who love Him. [1 Corinthians 2:9]

 It is written…

It was the documented truth settled forever in the heavens, that was the weapon used by the Lord, to overcome what the evil one, threw at him in the wilderness. [Matthew 4:1-11] It is why you too need to know what is written in the scriptures concerning you. And it is not a fatalistic approach. For you do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God. Your spirit and soul need the word of God, to live and grow, according to the will and purposes of God. For, as parents, entrusted with the stewardship of your children, by God the Father, your primary responsibility concerning them is raising up the next generation of godly parents, who will one day, have a home and children of their own. Of course, as a Christian you may face peculiar problems; but He has with Eternal promises made provision available. [2 Peter 1:4] And it is the reason why our children need to be inspired to read and meditate upon the scriptures, and as a parent, one ought to inspire them, by becoming an inspiration, through your own walk with God.

Every problem has a promised solution :

The Bible encompasses every condition and every spectrum of life. He is the God of forethought, with the solution for every problem embedded in it. Therefore, one needs to look to the Lord, who has foreseen your problem, for every lock has a key, and the Bible is full of keys, promises, and a specific promise, for your present problem. He has promised to keep His eye on you, to counsel you, to lead you in the path that you should go. But, as it is written, no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love Him. [1 Corinthians 2:9]

To those who love HIM:

It is for those who love Him, and you need to examine yourself to know whether it is in the way you need to love Him. For, logically speaking, to you, if it has not entered your mind, it does not exist. But the point is, God’s mind has conceived it, though until it becomes your conscious memory, you cannot be in touch with it. But these things God has revealed by His Spirit, to your spirit, for He understands your every need to have already prepared the answer to it. And you have received the Spirit of God in your spirit, to know in your spirit, what He has prepared for you. It is not something mystical, and you do not need a specific ambiance to hear from Him, for Moses heard from Him, as he stood before the Red Sea, surrounded by a multitude that was crying out against him; He makes you lie down on green pastures, beside still waters. He draws you with cords of loving-kindness. Salvation, in short, is all about the irresistible love and grace of God.

Not mystery, but a revelation: 

And what He has prepared for you, is no longer a mystery, but a revelation, that you can have an understanding of, when you have received the Spirit of God., and not the spirit of the world. [Verse 12] The spirit of the world is a system in which you are proud of what you have and fearful of what you do not have. Fear paralyzes you, and the devil will see to it that you are always under his feet. In the kingdom of God though, you are seated together with Christ in the heavenly realms. And you are thankful for what you have and trust God for what you do not have. For ‘Do not worry..’, are the Lord’s words to the listening multitude. [Matthew 6:31]

HE has paid it all:

In genuine care and concern for a loved one who is facing a huge repayment crisis, you may say, ‘Do not worry’, for the situation could demand it. But in the same situation, to the same person, when the Lord says, ‘Do not worry’, He adds to it something that you and I can never do, by saying, ‘I have paid it’, removing forever, your worry concerning it. He says so because, all that causes worry in you, has been nailed to the Cross, and you bear it no more. And therefore, it is indeed well with your soul. Christianity is not about being unreasonable. It is not about deceiving oneself, to become oblivious to reality. Rather, it is enlightened understanding, that makes your reason align with the revelation of God, to bring about a change in your reality. It happens every time you become conscious of what He is doing in you, to ultimately lead you to a flourishing finish.

The spirit – soul – and body:

Your soul is in the center when the divine order is established within your being. Therefore, what is revealed in your spirit by the Spirit of God in you, receives understanding of the truth. in your soul, that your body may respond rightly to the revelation of God, and you may say – this is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes. [Psalms  118:23]

In good health – just as your soul prospers:

He is a wonderful Savior; And His presence, His goodness, makes all the difference in your life and in the life of every child of God. May a song of thankfulness spring forth from your heart, making you sing like never before -‘Bless the Lord O my soul, O my soul, I worship your Holy Name! For all Your goodness, I will keep on singing, great is Thy faithfulness’. May the Lord’s blessing become your personal experience, as you understand all that He has accomplished on the Cross of Calvary, for transformation to happen in you, that you may prosper, and be in good health, even as your soul prospers. [3 John 2] In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
