HIS goodness – Godly desire

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HIS goodness – Godly desire

May the Lord accomplish something new in you this day, as He helps you to understand the truth of God, that your relationship with Him may be deepened, to be transformed, as your mind is renewed to know that those who seek the Lord will lack no good thing. [Psalms 34:10] His goodness is made available in your life through salvation, which is the sum total of all the blessings of God that comes to you in Christ Jesus, in the power of the Spirit. And, looking at it from one angle, it is, God shining the light of His word in your innermost being or your spirit, which leads to a prospering of your soul and a divine well being of your entire being. It happens by a renewing of your mind that takes place thus – Do not be conformed to the pattern of the world, but be transformed by a renewing of your mind, that you may test and see the good, pleasurable and perfect will of God, which is your spiritual act of worship. [Romans 12:2] It takes place by an exchange of your thoughts for the thoughts of God that are infinitely higher, and also better, being therefore much to your advantage and well being. [Isaiah 55:8,9]

HIS good will:

It is important that you learn to make His thoughts yours, for they are higher. And it does not happen automatically, It is the point, where like the apostle Paul, you can say, ‘I am thoroughly convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted into His hand.’ [2 Timothy 1:12-14] You will come to a place where you will be able to say to yourself, concerning what you are praying for,‘ I know that it is impossible for Him not to do it.’ He will give you the understanding., as you take delight in His word and as you, with a good conscience, study and practice His word, He will lift you up, to experience His goodness that comes to you by His thoughts and His ways. [Psalms 119:70,71]

HIS pleasurable will:

And His will for you will be pleasurable, though in reality, you may not think it is so, looking at your present circumstance. But God certainly does not enjoy your sorrow. And you have a Great High Priest, who intercedes on your behalf, by His stripes you have been healed The Father and the Son both enjoyed a relationship of love. The Father affirmed His love by saying, ‘This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased’. And the Son desired to do what was pleasing to the Father, always. But what the Lord went through on the Cross, as He desired to do the Father’s will was unimaginable pain, suffering and insults and mockery.

Troubles – a testing of your faith:

In your life, doing the will of God, what is pleasing in His sight, could see you face afflictions and peculiar problems that you face just because you are a Christian. And they come in your path, because your faith that is far more valuable than gold needs to be tested. But like Job, you will be able to say, ‘ When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold.’ A wonderful ending can be your blessed assurance, as you navigate in the midst of challenges, and troubles. Difficult it could be, but you will find that His strength will be made available to you. And He will be your Jehovah Jireh, your Provider when it is all about doing His will, and not yours.

The Breaker goes ahead:

He is the Breaker, the God of foreknowledge who goes ahead, and has already made provision, for any road block that you may encounter. The entrance of sin could not derail God’s plan for the creation of man, for the Iamb was slain before the foundation of the world, as threatening sacrifice for the sins of the whole world.

HE causes all things to work together for good:

Setbacks or a failure that you experience, does not make the Lord give up on you. Moses thought that he was accomplishing the plan of God by killing an Egyptian, but had to pay the price. And he knew that he had only himself to blame for messing up the plan of God for his life. Bur suddenly he encountered God Himself in the burning bush, to make him return to the very same place, to once again walk in His will, His plan for his life. For, He is the God of mercy. And He causes all things to work together for good in the lives of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. [Romans 8:28] And to love Him, is to trust Him and as a result experience rest in your heart. It is what is seen in the open invitation of the Lord to you and I. [Matthew 11:28-30] He will counsel you, and empower you, to return to your divine calling and purpose. He gives a second chance, as seen in the parable of the prodigal son, when the Father runs to embrace him, when he comes to his senses, to return to his Father. He is the God of second chances.

And when did His plan begin? Your eyes saw my unformed substance; And in Your Book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them. [Psalms139:16] In the Bible everything concerning you is written., even the very minute details of it, that you need to know. And to think that He is not doing anything concerning it would be a false premise, for – Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which the Lord has prepared for those who love Him. [1 Corinthians 2:9]

Navigating through troubles:

Being a Christian does not guarantee you a trouble free life. In fact peculiar problems could sometimes come to you, just because you area Christian. Whatever may be the difficulty that you face in doing the will of God, it becomes something you can overcome, when you do not lose heart in the midst of it, but look to Him, that in His strength, in the light of His word, you may go through the temporary darkness, to come out victorious. In the obstacles that come, or a valley of suffering, He equips you, gives you strength, even as you do not throwaway your confidence. And pain redeemed is more powerful than pain removed. Also, problem removed is relief. But, problem overcome is strength. Therefore, may we pray – Father, We desire to do Your will., though heart of hearts, sometimes doubts come, and we face struggles and challenges in it’s path . But we thank Thee, that you desire us to grow stronger. And He who has begun a good work in us will bring it all to a flourishing finish. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
