In right relationship – led into all truth

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In right relationship – led into all truth

May the blessing of God, and the unfolding of His word shine light and grant understanding to the promise of His word that we continue to meditate upon, that says – The Lord will build Zion; And He will demonstrate His glory. [Psalm 102:16] For the Lord has spoken in His word, saying – So shall My word be, that goes out of My mouth; It shall not return to Me empty; But shall accomplish the purpose for which I sent it. [Isaiah 55:11] And it is in a relationship with God, with the spirit of adoption having the privilege of calling Him Abba Father, becoming His child by believing in His Son that it finds it’s fulfillment. For, it is then that the Holy Spirit OF God, becomes your Helper, to abide with you forever, as the Lord promised His disciples. He also proceeded to declare the work that He does in you and I, and every child of God, saying, However, when He the Spirit of Truth has come, He will guide you into all truth, for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you of things to come. [John 16:13] The Holy Spirit is your ever present Helper, who leads you into all truth. It was Pontious Pilate, who asked  scornfully, ‘What is truth?’, to the One who was Truth, to then walk away. And even today truth is misinterpreted in many ways, only to reveal the corruption of sin that has  blinded the eyes of the fallen man.

a] subjectivism-

When it comes to truth therefore, people talk about it being subjective, and not absolute, for it can vary from person to person, and all you need to do therefore is to listen to the inner voice of your heart, or your gut feeling. But the bible describes how the heart of man is desperately sick, obstinate and beyond cure, to also say that it is only the Spirit of God who can lead you into all truth.

b] Relativism-

Jesus is not the only standard of truth, for your belief system can vary according to what your culture, your family, your society, believes in, is what relativism sets forth. It is what is called the post modernism view of what is right and true. And ironically, it may not be modern at all, for the book of Judges in the Bible ends with this sad reflection about the people of Israel, who had been given the oracles of God – In those days, every man did what was right in his own eyes.

c] Pragmatism-

This is the world view, where one believes to be the truth, only what is convenient for him to believe, for it does not upset his lifestyle, or hinder his enjoyment in any manner. It could even extend to rejecting the doctrine of the scriptures, questioning the very nature of God who is love. Wrong or false perspectives may abound, but the truth is, Truth is a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ, who has revealed Himself in His own words – I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father, except through Me. [John 14:6] Therefore, if you really want to know the truth. You need to know Jesus, and truth becomes your experience in life, when you experience Jesus. And the One who helps you in it, is the Helper, the Holy Spirit, who is empowered to lead you into all truth. Truth is not a philosophy. It is Lord Jesus.

And how does the Spirit lead you into all truth?

He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you. [John 16:14] All things that the Father has are mine; and that is why I said, He takes from Mine and will disclose it to you. The Father has sent the Holy Spirit to be in you, that you may experience truth in Christ, in His Person-hood, in what He has accomplished for you on the Cross of Calvary. It is how He discloses truth in you. The presence of the Helper is mandatory in the process for otherwise you run the risk of being taken in by half truth, something that is true and right only in a human perspective. And you also need the grace of God, to be led to Christ, to experience Him, to taste and see that He is good. Celebrating your relationship with Christ, experiencing Him in all His glory, is what you affirm as you partake of the Lord’s Table, that is a symbol of His finished work on the Cross.[verse 15]

CROSS – the Divine Exchange:

The Cross of Calvary was where His Blood ran red, and our sins washed white. We stand forgiven at the Cross, as we turn to the Lord in repentance. On the Cross – He became – so that you can become and the flip side of it, is equally, powerfully true – What He has become – you do not have to be. For, if the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed.

And, what did Christ become on the Cross?

God made Christ who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. [2 Corinthians 5:21] Are you a sinner, because you sin? Or, do you sin, because you are a sinner? It could seem like a million dollar question, but the answer is simple – You sin, because you are a sinner, and it applies to every human being, for sin entered the world by one man, the first man, Adam, to corrupt humanity. But, the Cross happened – Christ became sin in the Cross, so that we can become the righteousness of God in Him. And since He became sin, we do not have to be sinners any more. Thus, the truth in singular terms is that – He died for you; He rose from the dead for you; He will come again for you. And He is with you now. Therefore something in you must change. And the Holy Spirit reveals the truth in you, and empowers you to change. He is your Helper. And you are changed to become the righteousness of God in Christ. It is what makes you a Christian, and otherwise, it would be just a Christian calendar that you observe year after year, and nothing more. But you can praise God, for He draws you to Himself with bands of love, as He keeps His eye upon you to counsel you. And as it has been rightly observed, even when you are running away from Him, you are only running into the God who fills heaven and earth. How thankful you and I ought to be for His mercy and grace that will never give up on us. He was made sin, for the Father so loved you, loved the world. [John 3:16] He sacrificed His own Son on the Cross, so that we can be made the sons of God.

Relationship by reconciliation & restoration:

Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ, and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. [2 Corinthians 5:18] It is all about a relationship with Him, a restoration of relationship as your Father in heaven, that was fractured when Adam, the first man sinned, for the restoration of which, He sent His Son, as the last Adam, that sin, the reason for the separation may be dealt with.

Rebellion – the sin:

It began with Adam, and sin is in its core is a rebellion against God, a selfishness, an enthroning of his own self in the place of God. ‘I know’ was his attitude. Sin is where the ‘I’ in you, takes precedence, is at the center of your universe, with no room for anybody else, and especially not God. Pride and self pity, are two ends of the same stick, revealing a selfish perspective in which no relationship can prosper. One sees it all the time, in the destruction of relationships within a family, and especially in a marriage, where being selfishly focused on ‘me, myself and I’, only spells doom. There needs to be a change. And ii is why He took your selfishness and mine upon Himself, so that you do not have to be so.

CHRIST became sin:

God knows very well that you cannot change yourself. The basic nature of a person, can be transformed only by the Holy Spirit disclosing, or revealing the truth of God, Lord Jesus, to be your experience. Husbands love your wives, as Christ loved the church, and gave Himself up for her, can only then become possible, to bring about wonderful environment of harmony under girded by love. in the power of the Spirit. For, when the Holy Spirit shines His light in you, concerning any issue that could be the cause of fiction and discord in your relationships, He will convict you, and also help you to change in the right direction. We all have a streak of selfishness or rebellion that is sin, in us, that can be dealt with, even as we cry out to Him, ‘Lord, I need your grace’.

CROSS – your righteousness:

And as you put your trust in of the finished work of the Savior, to know and experience that your sins have been dealt with, and forgiven, you enter into a right relationship with God, which then percolates into all your human relationships. For, it is when you are rightly related to God, in righteousness and truth that you can rightly relate to everything and everyone else in your world, as it is then that Christ Himself becomes your wisdom, and your strength. Reconciliation needs to take place after forgiveness, for a relationship to be restored, one that can happen only with knowing the truth, and experiencing it in every aspect of your being. Otherwise apologizing for hurting another person, would be a mere formality, and sometimes perhaps, it could even be rubbing it in, when you persist in continuing in the same vein. It is the Holy Spirit who leads you into all truth, the Truth, who is Jesus Christ , who became sin, that you can become the righteousness of God.

The Holy Spirit leads you into all truth:

It is the Holy Spirit who leads you to the truth, that brings about a transformation in you, from the inside out, for He discloses to you what Christ has already done for you, that eliminates from within you, the need to be a sinner, in bondage to sin, with no other option but to sin. For, Christ became sin, to open up a new way for you to live, a life of righteousness, that had not been available for you, before He died on the Cross, to rise victorious from the grave. It is what the apostle Peter triumphantly declares, saying, – And He Himself bore our sins in His Body on the Cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness, for by His wounds you were healed. [1 Peter 2:24]

On the Cross, Christ has paid the penalty, and dealt with your sin and mine, and the sins of the whole world. And the power to overcome sin has been initiated in your life. Therefore, you are dead to do what is wrong, the rebellion of sin, and alive to do what is right, having been made righteous in what Christ has already done for you. You were healed, is what the apostle makes very clear, in the above verse. And the Holy Spirit discloses the truth to you, that you may go on to make it your experience. It is what He brings to your remembrance, even as you partake of the Lord’s Table, of all that has been already prepared for you. Sin that results in frustration and anxiety need not remain in you.

The message and power of the CROSS-

Thank you, Lord,do not have to be where we are, but can be transformed by the truth of God, so that grace will take us to the place where You want us to be. We surrender our lives at the Cross, where Your Blood ran red, and our sins washed white, in reverent thankfulness and awe, for we owe it all to you. Father, we thank you for giving us Your Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us on the Cross, that we may be transformed to be conformed to His image, as the blessed Holy Spirit leads us to know and experience all truth. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
