Lack no good thing

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 Lack no good thing

May everything good, be your life’s experience, even as the psalmist declares – The young lions may suffer want and hunger, But those who seek the Lord will lack no good thing.  [Psalms 34:10] And, he goes on to say – O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, And His mercy endures forever. [Psalms 136:1] God is good, but we live in a fallen world, that is getting worse, the root cause of which is the inherent sin principle in every man. But the fundamental truth that God is always good when it is understood by you is what will make you perceive the goodness of God in your life, and all around you. And the promises of God always come with a procedure, which when it comes to the above is – But seek first, the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all those things, will be added unto You. [Matthew 6:33] And when it comes to seeking God, it is to enquire of Him, regarding for our life, and also require of Him, asking what you should do, for His plan to be worked out in your life, that He may counsel you and lead you, as you continually and completely depend on Him. The Lord spoke it in the context of worry and anxiety, and ‘these things’, can mean many things to each person, but the Father knows your need and has already made provision for it.

Your relationship with God, the key:

It is how you can overcome anxiety in you. God is a God of forethought, who has already got an answer to your problem, a promise, a solution. Therefore, what is required of you, is a relationship with Him, as your Father. It is then that you can trust Him, and not worry about tomorrow, knowing that as his child, He cares for you, as no one else can. Therefore, what needs to be done by you, is to seek Him, and seek Him first.

a] Seek Him first – Prioritize –

1] God:

He needs to be first, for a divine priority, as you seek Him first in everything that you need to accomplish you will see that in His wisdom, His strength, and all by His grace, you can do it all more easily. For, He becomes your strength.

2] Spouse:

Your spouse always needs to take second place in your life, second only to God, knowing that he or she is a good gift from God, given to you that you may together fulfill your life’s calling, His vision and plan for your life.

3] Family:

Sweet memories and no regrets will be your portion when you give your family, the place and time that they deserve in your life. The goodness of God finds its expression in it. Difficult people could be there, but with patience and the power of His grace, you can rise above difficulties to reign even in life’s daunting circumstances.

4] Work:

And then, in the fourth place, comes your work, the career that God has blessed you with. And when it is in line with His will for you, He will give you the opportunities to exhibit your gifting, to shine for His glory, that you may eat the fruit of your hands, to be blessed.

b] Seek Him continually – Pursue:

Glory in His holy Name; Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice; Seek the Lord and His strength; Seek His presence continually. [Psalms 105:3,4] It is by continually seeking Him, that your lifestyle will be touched, and transformed, to then make your heart rejoice. And your seeking stops only when you find Him, as you search after Him with all your heart and soul. [Psalms 105:3,4 ]

The good things that you will not lack-

1] The good gift of the Holy Spirit-

Leave it to God, to decide and define what is good. And goodness of God is experiencing the fullness of God in your life. He is pleased when you draw near Him to seek Him, that you may know Him more and more, and He is a Rewarder of those who seek Him. He fills you with Himself, as He gives to you, the greatest gift of His goodness, the blessed Holy Spirit. [Luke11:13]

2] He will teach you –

He teaches you what is morally good. The goodness of God teaches you what is best for you, to lead you on the path that you should go. [Isaiah 48:17] And if your heart asks for that which is good for you, He will certainly give it to you, at the right time. For your children, God has a plan. And all your children shall be taught of the Lord, that they may make it their life’s experience.

3] Desirable –

The goodness of God causes desires to come in you, to fulfill what you need, and not necessarily what you want. Initially, even if some of them seem irritating, as you grow in spiritual maturity, you will realize the worth of it, and the need to seek the face of the Lord in every aspect of your life. [Psalms 34:4]

4] Usable –

His goodness will make you a vessel that is useful in serving the Master, prepared to do any good work. [2 Timothy 2:21] It will see you become an efficient, effective, and excellent instrument, used by God for His kingdom purposes.

5] Pleasant and beautiful –

How very good and pleasant it is when the brethren dwell together in unity. [Psalms 133:1] The goodness of God will bring divine harmony into your family, and every relationship. And as the prophet Jeremiah has declared the promise of the Lord-and My people shall be satisfied with My goodness. [Jeremiah 31:14] And as you and I continue to seek Him and His righteousness, the promise of dissatisfaction is what the psalmist declares saying – With long life, I will satisfy them; And show them My salvation. [Psalms 91:6] Therefore with thankful hearts may we pray – Father, We thank Thee for the word You have spoken to us this day. May we take time to dwells upon the specifics of it so that we may grow in maturity to experience divine satisfaction, that removes all frustration in us. May your blessing come upon us that Your goodness and mercy may be our portion and follow us all the day of life. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
