Love experienced, Love expressed

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Love experienced, Love expressed

Hearing His voice, through His word that says But those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. [Psalms 34:10] May health and healing be your good portion in the days to come. It is the salvation that comes to you from God, that is the channel for God’s goodness to flow into your life. It is multi faceted, an aspect of it being a renewing of your mind, that brings a transformation in you. And it is by repentance and reconciliation that renewing of mind takes place in you.

Reasoning together to be reconciled:

To be reconciled to God becomes necessary, for the thoughts of the Almighty are much higher and greater than yours. And it is for this reason that the Almighty God, bids you to come to Him, that you may reason together, for revelation helps your reason to align your mind with the mind, the thoughts of God, to eventually receive the good of the land. [Isaiah 1:18,19] In the encounter with Moses in the burning bush, God reasoned with Moses, to overcome his reluctance to venture forth once again, to deliver His people, with the promise of His Presence, and the revelation of His Name to be I AM who I AM, a name that He Himself would make known to His people. [Exodus 3:14] And Lord Jesus was the ultimate revelation of God, His I AM statements, declaring every aspect of the Almighty God.

Knowing HIM more & more:

In declaring Himself to be the good Shepherd, the Lord goes on to elaborate upon how much you can know God, and be known by Him to be Just as the Father knows Me, and I know the Father. [John 10:15] And He helps us to know, realize or experience Him in our life, is what the Lord goes on to say subsequently, Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves Me. He who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I too will love Him and show Myself to Him. [John 14:21] ‘I will relate to Him, making Myself real to him,’ is how a version of the verse puts it across, very powerfully. And may He become real in your life, even as you know and understand His love for you, that you may experience it in your life, and go on to expressing it to others, even as you are called to do. But knowingly or unknowingly, we imbibe many wrong concepts regarding what love is all about. And you need to go to the scriptures to let the word of God define what true love is, for

God is love:

The apostle John, also known as the apostle of love writes thus, Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. [1 John 4:7] God is love. Thus the origin of love is in the being of God. He is the source of love. And Christ is the manifestation of that love. [Verse 8] And God demonstrated His love, by sending His Son. [Verse 9]

True love demonstrated:

Human love, or what the world defines to be love, is corrupted, tainted, and flawed by the outworking of sin. And there is only one Person who can demonstrate love that is true; and that Person is Christ, the sinless One. And it was so, because only He could deal with the deep seated problem in man that is sin, to show what true love is.

This is love:

This is love; not that we loved God; but He loved us, and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. [Verse 10] It becomes so very necessary, because sin has corrupted the very core of your being, to affect negatively, every aspect of your life, right down to your reason for loving God. Thus, to be able to love Him with a love that is true. The Son needs to come into your life, that you may appropriate in your life, all that He has accomplished for you on the Cross of Calvary.

Why did Christ have to die?

You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. [Romans 5:6] You and I, being dead in our transgressions, were helpless to redeem ourselves from the clutches of sin that made our love a corrupted one, unable to experience and express true love. What the world offers to you, cloaked in the garb of sentiment that promises the sun and moon to you, is far removed from reality and true love.

God’s love, poured into your heart:

Some people in the guise of love can drain the life out of you. But you have a God who came to give His life for you, showing His true love for you, a love that will not let you go. A love that is scriptural and true, may not always be enjoyment, but could at times need endurance, but endurance produces character, and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, for the love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us. [Romans 5:17]

While still a sinner & enemy of God:

Sin separated you and I from God. But God demonstrates His own love for us, in this; while we were still sinners Christ died for us. [Verse 8] He dealt with sin on the Cross, made atonement for our sins. It was the sacrificial love of Christ, that was seen on Calvary. We were His enemies yet God sent His Son, to die for us on the Cross. [Verse 10] It is called love. May the Lord help you to realize His love for you this day.

Realization of HIS Love:

The Holy Communion is a celebration of your relationship with the Lord, to hear Him say, even as you partake of it ‘This is My Body, broken for you; this is My Blood shed for you’. And when, ‘Who am I, Lord, to be worthy of it?’, is your heart’s cry- there in lies the enabling grace, that can make you realize His love for you. For the very fact that you are in His house this day, is a demonstration of His love for you

Overwhelmed by LOVE:

No one could ever earn His love; His grace and mercy is free. And may we pray Lord, help us to realize that You have already done it all, on the Cross. Enlighten our eyes and transform our lives, we pray, as we experience Your love, to express it in the world around us, that is crying out for it, with an unfulfilled longing for what is real and true. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
