May the Lord speak to you through His word to minister to your heart that you may be led in the path that is right, with clarity, for, Those who seek the Lord, lack no good thing. [Psalms 34:10] And for it to happen, a clear understanding of the wonderful nature of salvation becomes vitally important, for it is through it that His goodness becomes your life’s experience. You are saved by grace and through faith. And you are being saved even now, as God is doing His wonderful work of grace in you, so that by renewing of your mind, by changing the way you think, your life is changed. It is why you are called not be conformed to the pattern of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, to know His good and perfect will for your life, even as you are enabled to think rightly, not overestimate yourself, or underestimate yourself either. [Romans 12:2,3]
And why is it necessary to know and do the will of God?
The world and its sinful pleasures are passing away, but it is the one who does the will of God, who stands forever. There is goodness, perfection and what is pleasurable in the will of God, and the key to it is a renewing of your mind, in order to think like Him, to do what He wants you to do. You are called to be perfect, as you Heavenly Father is perfect; be complete and excellent in your character. And those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son. [Romans 8:29] And above all, it is He who makes it possible through salvation.
Will of the Father & willingness of the Son:
It is the above, working together with the Holy Spirit, that brings in you the salvation that sees you enter into the kingdom of heaven. He who does the will of the Father, lives forever. It will not always be easy. but God will make it possible. Therefore,
In your struggle look unto Jesus:
For I have come down from heaven, not to do My will, but to do the will of the One who sent Me. [John 6:38] Created in the image of God, you too have a will of your own, and you can make a godly choice, in using your will to do God’s will., for He will never force you.
In Christ – a new creation:
Flesh begets flesh, , but, Spirit begets Spirit, are the Savior’s words, to succinctly describe the truth that you were born, to be then born again, of the Spirit, that you may be saved from the legacy of your sinful nature that is yours to sin. In Christ you are a new creation, there by making your excuse to sin, null and void. And it takes time, a lifetime in fact as He makes all things new. What matters is, you holding onto your new identity in Christ. The old things have passed away, and the new has come. And your new life, according to God’s design, is not to merely live, but to live for His glory, as in the words of the psalmist – Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord.
And your nourishment is doing God’s will:
Then Jesus explained, ‘My nourishment comes from doing the will of God who sent me, and from finishing His work. [John 4:34] It is what the Lord spoke to his disciples, after he had ministered to the Samaritan woman at the well, revealing Himself to be the Messiah. He then clearly set forth to them, that His nourishment that was needed to live on earth, came by doing the will of God. [John 4:34] And it applies to you and I too. And logically speaking therefore, it follows that not doing His will is weakness, or a lack of strength in you. And it is to be encouraged and empowered in walking in His will, that God’s word, bids us not to neglect the gathering of saints, or the church. [Hebrews 10:25] Your strength lies in doing God’s will, though there will be challenges of course. But the Lord Himself shows the way.
The majority of One, the One & Only!-
Jesus Himself faced criticism; but it did not deter Him, for His focus was upon glorifying His Father, in accomplishing His will. On the Cross, He was seemingly weak, in the eyes of the world. But as the epistles describe the truth of it, Christ crucified, was the power of God unto salvation. The Savior Himself was in agony, as He knew what He had to undergo, but He chose to do the will of the Father, to leave a glorious example to all who come after Him. [John 12:27,28] It is also a thread that runs right through the scriptures, be it the prophet Elijah, king David, or the apostle Paul, to name a few. In fulfilling the will of God they had stress and distress, but did not give up on the path that God had prescribed, His good and perfect will. trusting and resting upon the Lord’s promise, to not be overcome, for He has overcome the world. [John 16:33]
Godly blessings come in godly ways:
Jesus knowing that they intended to come and make Him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by Himself. [John 6:15] And we will be made what we need to be in God’s way, is the truth that the above scripture teaches you and I. When it comes to finance, His will for you, includes also, ,the way it comes, and how much you depend upon it. What you have in your hand, is what He has given you. King David knew and proclaimed this truth, to thank God for giving him a giving heart, and prayed that He would keep it that way. [1 Chronicles 29:18] For such a person will be delighted to do His will. God judges your giving, by how much you are keeping to yourself, the servant of God, George Mueller has rightly said. Every step of your journey is important in the sight of God.
The struggle:
For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want. [Galatians 5:17] The struggle is there between what you want to do, and what you need to do, until you come to a place of trust to say unto the Father, ‘Not my will, but Yours’, in the knowledge that His will for you is better and higher, than the best of your self made plans for yourself.
Therefore it can be summarized simply as – When you win, you lose; when God wins, you win:
For, when God wins in you, you are successful, or you win in life. It is beautifully depicted in the willingness of the Son, who said, ‘Yet not My will’. the Son chose to do the will of God, to make you and I, sons of God. And may your prayer be therefore, , that the Lord may win in you,, that you may be led to surrendering to God, and His will may be yours. It will open up to you avenues of service that are exceedingly, abundantly more than you can ever imagine. Surrendering your self, as a living sacrifice, you will prove to your own self that there is goodness, perfection, and what is pleasurable in the will of God for you, Father, Thank Thee for Your word that comes to us this day, to teach us that for us to win, You need you to win in us,. And so, not our will, but, may your will be done, in our lives, as we come to you in total surrender, so that you may continue to do your work of grace in us, and You may be glorified. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.