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You are no longer a slave but a son and an heir in Christ. It is the vision, the mission, and the provision of the Savior’s birth. But when the time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under law to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons. [Galatians 4:4,5]

a. Vision: the redemption of man:

Christ came to redeem you. It became necessary because the chief end of man is to glorify God, by enjoying Him forever. But the original intended purpose of man’s creation, collapsed when sin entered the scene, resulting in man’s broken or fractured relationship with God. [Genesis Chapter 3] It happened because of man wanting his own way. The deceptive nature of sin makes you think, you do not need God in your life, that you can handle life without depending on God, in your way, as you see fit, a rebellion that draws you more and more away from God. And it is why God sent His Son, Jesus Christ into the world, to redeem you, bring you back to Him, to be seated with Him, in Christ. And it is only when you are rightly related to God, that you can have a right relationship with everything else that forms part of your life, namely, other people. possessions, the natural world, whatever.

Fractured relationships:

We live in a self centered and satan dominated world. And only truth can set you free. For when you are rightly related to God, you will value what He values. And you will know that a man’s life does not consist of the abundance of his possessions, but rather in him being rich toward God. It is why the rich young ruler, came to the right person, asked the right question, but went away sad. Christ came so that you can understand the truth to be set free.

The need for a Redeemer:

A sinful man cannot redeem himself. And it is impossible for one man to redeem another. [Psalms 49:7-9] It is why, Christ came as the Son of God, and fully God and fully human. It is what the apostle Paul writes, describing his sin and redemption, in his letter to the Romans- ‘ Wretched man that I am, who will set me free from this body of death? But thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. [Romans 7:24,25] Trying in your own strength to overcome sin, will make you frustrated and miserable, and you will fail at some point or the other. Christianity is about trusting in Christ, to do in you and through you, what needs to be done. It is not about giving up, but giving in; but about trusting , resting and rejoicing in the Lord.

b. Mission:

How Christ accomplished God’s vision: Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, ‘Abba, Father’. [Galatians 4:6]

1] Sin – it is stronger than your will power.
2] Death – it is the penalty of sin
3] Law – it is good, but you cannot keep it in your own strength.
4] Devil – the big problem, making you think less of him; but in your own self you are no match for him, is the unvarnished reality. They are the four basic problems that make you miss the mark, in experiencing the abundant life that God has already prepared for you. And it is why God Himself had to come, to deliver you and save you. The Son of God came to make you and I sons and daughters of God. He became flesh and blood, to identify with us, our problems, to overcome it all, so that you and I can be more than conquerors in His Name. [Hebrews 2:14] He became a sin offering for the remission of sins that requires shedding of blood. And by one sacrifice He has made perfect forever, those who are being made holy. [Hebrews 10:14] He condemned sin in the flesh, to put an end to the control of sin in you. You can still sin, but don’t have to. You have a wonderful option, for greater is He that is in you, than He that is in the world. It only needs a continual dependence on Him to keep satan’s tempting wiles at bay, for He has made all provision available to you.

c. Provision made available:

So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir. [Galatians 4:7] You are no longer a slave, but a son, a child of God, who can call Him, ‘Abba, Father’, through His Spirit who now dwells in you, never to leave you. It is the wonderful blessing that you now enjoy knowing and understanding that all that has until now been stopping you from fulfilling your purpose has now been removed. You were once a sinner, but now His child, with the privilege of calling Him ‘Father’, in a relationship, no longer fractured by sin. You have a Father who is always watching over you, caring for you, never to leave you. It has all been made possible, because God sent His Son, that you may be His heir, together with His Son.

The Blessing – heir & co – heir with Christ:

And what it beautifully implies is that all that belongs to Him, belongs to you. And also, all that belongs to you, every problem big and small, now belongs to Him. And He has no problems at all. He has only solutions that set you free. Therefore, seek Him first, and all that you need will be added unto you. You are His child, His heir, all made possible by what Christ has accomplished. Focusing on Christ, just begin to trust, rest and rejoice in Him. Your Redeemer lives. And you are accepted, forgiven, you are Fathered by the true and Living God, that you may release your worship unto Him, praying Father, We thank thee for sending Your Son, that we may become Your sons and daughters, heir sand co heirs in Christ. We thank Thee for the blessing of your word. May it take deep root in our hearts, to bring about a transformation, driving away empty traditions, that we may celebrate and rejoice in the truth that leads us to fruitfulness in the coming days, for Your glory. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
