Reserved blessing

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Reserved blessing

The Lord has done great things in your life and mine, and He is about to do even more, in His goodness and love. And may He minister to you very specially, speak His truth, to transmit it into your being ,for those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. [Psalms 34:10] It is the blessing of the Lord that makes your life rich. And the rich blessing of His goodness becomes your life’s experience, as you trust in Him in hope that abounds, for His love has been poured into your heart, by the power of the Spirit. [Romans 5:5] It is a hope that finds it’s source in God, and it’s foundation in His word, and hence can never disappoint. For, God never changes; God’s word never changes; But His grace is new every morning. And though your present circumstance may appear challenging, you will have a hope that does not fluctuate, for He causes all things to work together for the good of those who love Him and have been called according to His purposes. [Romans 8:28] It is all because He loves you, and it happens by the power and working of the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of truth.

Holy Spirit brings glory to Christ:

Lord Jesus spoke thus concerning Him, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak of His own. He will bring glory to me. All that belongs to the Father is Mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is Mine, and make it known to you. [John 16:13-15] The Holy Spirit reveals, transmits the truth and makes it a reality in your life.

Already prepared for those who love Him:

What has already been prepared, and only needs to become your experience is what is described thus in His word- No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived for those who love Him. But God has revealed it to us by His Spirit. [1 Corinthians 2:9-10] He is the eternal God, who loves you with an eternal love that has no beginning or end. It remains, now and always at it’s optimum. And we love Him, because He first loved us. [1 John 4:19] Therefore, what He has prepared for you, is reserved for you, because His love is eternal. And the Holy Spirit reveals and teaches you, leading and guiding you into all truth, but, deviating from it could prove costly.

Divine desire, but, devious means:

It is what epitomized Jacob, the patriarch, whose desire to receive the blessing of God, was divine. But the means he employed for attaining it was manipulative and scheming, bringing trouble upon his own self. It was indeed sad, for what his mother Rebecca failed to realize was the truth that she already knew. It was that the blessing of God was already prepared for him, even when he was in her womb. [Genesis 25:23]

He has already reserved:

God loves you too in much the same manner, and therefore has already blessed you and prepared for you a special portion, and is reserved for you, even now. And the moment you realize this powerful truth is when you will enter into a place of rest and rejoicing, that none can take away.

God’s plan can never be thwarted:

He is the Almighty , unlimited God, whose plan can never be thwarted, [Job 42:2] It was the declaration of faith that came from the mouth of Job, when he was in dire straits, having lost everything. But he did not remain that way. For God brought a restoration in his life that was double, that saw his latter days being more glorious than his former.

He has no plan ‘B’:

When Adam sinned God did not alter His plan, for mankind. Even before the creation of the world, the Lamb was slain, so that man can return to Him, through the Cross, to walk in his original intended purpose. He has no plan B. And He never changes His plan. But He transforms you, that you may experience all that He has already prepared for you a special place, a special portion & a special Spirit of God. And scripture describes it very vividly, in the events that took place in the life of Saul, who was chosen to be the first king of Israel. He went in search of his father’s donkeys, and returned, anointed to be a king of God’s chosen people. [1 Samuel 9:20-22]

a. A special place:

God had a far grander plan already prepared for Saul, than looking for lost donkeys, though he belittled himself and was insecure. It was a place of kingship that awaited him. Then Samuel brought Saul and his servant into the hall and seated them at the head of those who were seated – about thirty in number. [Verse 22] Even in your life, God has a special place reserved for you, prepared even before you were formed in your mother’s womb. And may your prayer be that the Lord would lead you and keep you in the place that He has already prepared for you.

b. A special portion:

Samuel said to the cook, ‘Bring the piece of meat I gave you, the one I told you to lay aside. [Verse 23] God has a special portion, even for you. And may your prayer be that He would unravel it for you, to bring peace. As it is written in the scriptures, He Himself is your peace. [Ephesians 2:14] And when He is your special portion, your cup truly runs over. And it is reserved for His appointed time. [vs 24] In the eyes of the world, Abraham and Sarah were considered too old to have a child. But with God, it was the right time. Whatever your age may be, you are never too old to receive what God has kept reserved for you, for His appointed time. So your hope will not disappoint. He will lead you to the special place, to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

c. A special spirit through His Spirit:

The Spirit of the Lord will come upon you in power, and you will prophesy with them. You will be changed into a different person. [1 Samuel 10:6] God prepares you, for what He has prepared for you, by filling you with the Spirit’s power, that your character may be transformed. It is what happened in the life of Saul, to be changed into a different person, anointed to be the king. He is interested in changing you, so that you may not be the reason for the delay, in receiving what has been already prepared, the blessing reserved for you. And so may we pray

All for Thee & for Thy glory:

Father, We thank thee for Your word; and the Spirit, who reveals to us what has been spoken, transmits it in us to make it a living reality, leading us to the special place, the special portion reserved for us. And we Thank Thee, O Holy Spirit for working in us, preparing us by transforming our character, as we surrender unto You, to have Your own way in us, for You, O Lord, are the Way, the Truth and the Life. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
