Sitting at His feet, hearing His voice, ministering to you through His word, may you experience rest from the Lord, even as you receive the good portion that can never be taken away from you, for those who seek the Lord will lack no good thing. [Psalms 34:10] Salvation is the channel by which the goodness of God, flows into your life; and an aspect of it is a renewing of your mind, that involves repentance and reconciliation, resulting in a transformation of your life.
The invitation:
‘Come now, let us argue’, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow; Though they are as red as crimson, they shall be like wool. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land. [Isaiah 1:18,19] The truth that it describes is that, whatever your problem may be, when you accept His invitation, He will deal with it, to settle the issue. And, if you pay heed to respond rightly, with an attitude of willing obedience, you can receive the best that He has in store for you. Step by step He dealt with the reluctance of Moses, to whom He appeared amid a burning bush in the wilderness. [Exodus Chapter 3,4]
Who am I – An identity crisis:
‘Who am I, Lord?’, was Moses doubting himself, his ability, when it came to rescuing the people of Israel who were in bondage. But the Lord reasoned with him, dealt with the issue, by promising His presence with him, every step of the way.
Who God is – I AM that I AM:
Cryptic it may seem to be, but it was God describing who He was, when Moses came up with the excuse of not knowing the name of the God who was sending him. [Exodus 3:13] And even in your life, when you say unto Him, that you do not know how to deal with your problem, He will reason with you, to say that He will let you know, how to handle it. Claiming ignorance can never be an excuse with God, because He will make you understand. ‘Let us reason together, He says’ ‘Call unto Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things that you do not know’. [Jeremiah 33:3] He not only reveals, but also helps you to understand, who He is, and what He can do to settle the issue. It could be challenging, requiring perseverance, that you may experience the truth in your life. But you can rest in the knowledge that God knows you inside out, completely, even more than you know yourself. Therefore, like the apostle Paul, you can say
When I am weak, then I am strong:
The apostle Paul, troubled as he was by a messenger of Satan, asked of the Lord three times, that his problem may be removed, to receive the same reply from the Lord every-time, that His grace was sufficient for him. For, what God was saying to him was that, ‘I know you are weak; but you need to know that I am strong; and therefore, My strength is made perfect in your weakness’. [2 Corinthians 12:9] It needed to be knowledge that was mutual. And it is made possible, for,
HE is the Initiator & the Perfector:
I am the Good Shepherd; I know My sheep, and My sheep know Me. [John 10:14] And He goes on to declare the provision in His word to know Him more and more, for He goes on to say Just as the Father knows Me, and I know the Father… [Verse 15] It is not a knowing that is shallow and superficial, but one that is deep and profound. And He reveals Himself, makes Himself known to you, even as you experience Him in your life. You know He is a good shepherd, even as you , like the psalmist, are able to say, ‘The Lord is my shepherd’.
There is mutual pleasure:
As a version of the Creed declares, regarding the Christian faith, the chief end of man is that he may glorify God, by enjoying Him forever. In other words there is mutual pleasure when it comes to your relationship with God. The psalmist who declares that the Lord is His shepherd, says that he delights to do His will, while to the Lord, it is a delight for Him to bless us. [Numbers 24:1]
There is reciprocation:
It is a give and take, a reciprocation that needs to be a discipline in every aspect of your Christian walk, knowing Him in a relationship that is a two way process. Praying to Him is never meant to be a monologue. For, ‘Call unto Me, and I will answer you’, is His promise to you. [Jeremiah 33:3] And it is He Himself who will answer you. And it is the same, when it comes to reading His word. It is to hear Him speak to you, through His word. And it therefore needs to be more than a reading plan that you superficially skim across, every morning. It is in a relationship that He speaks to you through His word. It involves a reciprocation. Therefore, to read and pray, until He speaks to you, ought to be your approach.
You are a co-worker with HIM:
And whatever your area of work may be, and however troubling your situation, the pressure and stress that it may threaten to give you, it can all be removed and be replaced with the rest from God, as you realize and understand that you are not alone, but you are a co-worker with God. And you can have the same attitude as Paul, to trust and rest in the Lord who gives the increase, as you do what is required of you… [1 Corinthians 3:6-8] When it comes to your family responsibilities, you only need to speak godly counsel to lead them in the right path, and He will make them understand, and empower them to walk in His ways.
The supernatural – His Hand upon yours:
It is seen beautifully pictured in the life of king Jehoash, who when faced with the enemy, was asked to take aim with his arrow, and the prophet Elisha laid his hand over his that it may succeed in its mission. [2 Kings 13:16] Even in your life and mine, supernatural is not something mystical. It is God placing His hand to strengthen the work of your hands, over all that you need to be, to make it more than it can be. And it is the blessing of God.
Knowing HIM more & more:
And in your relationship with Him, God knows that you need to know Him more, and He is there to make it possible, with His mighty Hand upon you. The words of Nehemiah say it well, as he speaks words of encouragement to the returning exiles, of the gracious hand of God upon him, that saw the king granting all his requests The God of heaven and will grant success and therefore, we His servants will arise and build. [Nehemiah 2:20] And as Paul writes to the Romans – God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. [Romans 8:28]
HE knows His own; HIS own know HIM:
You are never alone. He is with you. And as you respond to Him out of love for Him, there is holy communion, a communication, that leads to a fulfillment of His plan for you. And therefore may your prayer this day be that He may draw you closer to Him, that you may know Him more and more, to realize that you are in a relationship with the Almighty God, one that is an awesome privilege, and to experience it in your life to be blessed. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen