Blessed is the man who trusts in Him [Psalms 84:12] is the word of promise that comes to you this month. And the truth that shines through it is that, to trust in Him is in itself a blessing in your life, and you are blessed in every way, as being His workmanship, you are blessed by doing what He has already prepared, that you may live for His glory.
The life and testimony of Noah:
Noah found favor in the eyes of God, in the midst of a perverse generation. [Genesis 6] You and I are in the very same place this day, having received grace, and favor from God our Father, in Christ Jesus, even though we were unworthy, being dead in our transgressions. And, Noah, when warned about things not seen, in reverent fear built an ark to save his family. [Hebrews 11:7] He received the word of God to respond to it, and being led to reverence and responsibility, because of which he built an ark for the salvation of his household. Thus what can be seen through it is that reverence makes you responsible. Noah became a responsible husband and father, as he began to do what was needed for the salvation of his family. And God never asks you to do anything, that He has not done for you already. He shouldered the responsibility on behalf of man, when he fell into sin, by taking the first step, in sending His Son, for the redemption of man.
What does an attitude of irreverence do?
But irreverence finds expression in failing to take responsibility, to do what needs to be done, asking God in prayer for His grace and power. For justifying, or shifting blame, or worse still an attitude of indifference towards the problem, can never set things right. Having a sense of responsibility is something that only God can bring in you, as you workout your responsibility of devotion unto Him. And as you come to Him in worship and prayer, you will hear Him speak into your situation, however complicated it may appear to be, to give you an unique and different perception, that sees you become the solution to the problem, and not add to the problem.
Not complaining but praying:
For, it was Moses crying out to the Lord in prayer that brought an answer, a solution from Him, to bring about a transformation, making the bitter waters of Marah, sweet and drinkable, and not the grumbling and complaining of the people against Moses. [Exodus 15:23-26] As it has been rightly said- ‘any fool can criticize; it takes a wise man to rectify a problem, bring about a constructive change. It was what as history records, Ida Scudder was able to do, by establishing a world renowned medical center that still stands as a testimony of her faith in the only wise God, who even to you gives the wisdom and strength to accomplish the seemingly impossible when it is according to His will and purpose, and your dependence is totally upon Him, and Him alone. It happens when in the situation that you face, you do not shy away from your responsibility, one that flows out of you reverently receiving, and rightly responding to what God speaks to you, as His eye is upon you, and His favor rests upon you.
Three responsibilities, in His family:
There are three primary responsibilities that a person of God needs to fulfill in his family. It is to be the king or leader, priest or the one who intercedes, and prophet or the one who speaks forth the word and counsel of God. And when you are the wife you are the suitable help meet, of your husband that together you may fulfill the responsibility concerning your family, according to His good and perfect will, that He may be glorified.
King or Headship:
It is the responsibility, the leadership role that you need to fulfill, as the head of the family, administrating the affairs of the place where God has placed you with integrity, truth and the love of God, knowing that you have a King of kings, Lord of lords, who is watching over you, giving you wisdom and strength to carry out your responsibility, by the power of His grace. Self effort will not see you accomplishing what God desires to be worked out in and through you. Therefore, being dependent on Him as an individual, and as a family unit, becomes vitally important, and hence the need to gather at His feet regularly in family prayer. It guarantees peace in your home, as you seek Him first, to see all other things being added unto you, as it is written in the scriptures. You and I need to be thankful for godly parents who have instilled godly discipline in us, and honour them, especially when they are in their winter years. Being indifferent concerning the lives of your descendants, the children who came after you, is not the right attitude either. If you are a Christian, you must be responsible. There is no option.
In the of ice of a priest, interceding in prayer unto God, for the well being of your family in every area of their lives is also a privilege that you enjoy, a responsibility that is yours, and cannot be outsourced, or taken lightly. Indeed, others can pray with a genuine heart, but none can pray for your child as you do, is a truth that can never be disputed.
As the prophet of your family, the words you speak over them, by the anointing of the Spirit, is a responsibility that is God given, that you need to exercise to see their divine calling come to pass, that they may find true fulfillment in their lives. It is the promise of God that comes to you even this day to say ‘As for Me, this is My covenant with them, ‘says the Lord, ‘ My Spirit who is on you; and My words that I have put in your mouth, will not depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your children, or from the mouths of their descendants, from this time on and forever’, says the Lord. [Isaiah 59:21] Grace and truth come to you through the Lord Jesus, the word that He speaks to you, as you receive His word, to respond rightly, be led to reverence and be empowered to fulfill your responsibility. And may an acknowledgement of your need of Him, His, wisdom, grace and strength , be the cry of your heart, as you put your total dependence and trust in Him and Him alone.
‘Father, I have glorified Thee…’:
And the Lord does not ask us to do, what He has not done for us already, is the ever abiding truth, and He has glorified His Father, by fulfilling His responsibility as He became the atoning sacrifice, for the sins of the whole world on Calvary. And may the grace and power of what He has accomplished on the Cross, become a wondrous reality in your life and mine this day, that abiding in Him, the Living Word, we may fulfill our God given responsibility, for the glory and honor of His Name. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.