It was a time of famine; but Isaac sowed and reaped in the same year, a hundredfold, and the Lord blessed him [Genesis 26:12]. It is a time of lockdown, much like a famine, now. And, you can live in the assurance of a good harvest too, in all areas of your life; For, you serve a God who is good; and therefore has nothing bad to give you! The key lies in knowing and doing what He wants you to do, and not being influenced by the negative circumstances that may speak what is contrary to it. The psalmist’s prayer therefore is to be guided by the wisdom of God’s word, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, to say ” Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; Let Your good Holy Spirit lead me on level ground [Psalm 143:10].
And, who can condemn you, or hinder your progress in the plan of God? For, as the apostle Paul has said, It is Christ who has died for you; it is Christ who has risen again for you, and now therefore, there is no condemnation, for those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit [Romans 8:1]. Sin and satan have been dealt with victoriously by Him on the Cross, and even when it is your heart that condemns you, God is greater than your heart, and knows all things [1 John 3:20]. Thus, the truth in it’s wholeness is that, a good harvest, or being fruitful in accomplishing God’s purpose in your life, comes from a good heart that is yours, when Gods word to you, is in it’s rightful place, embedded in your heart in faith and a good conscience. It is all about the word of God being in your heart, and the condition of your heart.
Word – the seed & heart – the ground:
The Lord has illustrated it, in what is generally known as the parable of the sower, though it is all about the nature of the ground that receives the seed, or the nature of the heart of a person who receives the word of God, and how it needs to be in order to be fruitful and yield a harvest that is plentiful, but the ones that fell on the good ground, are those who having heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit with patience [Luke 8:15]. It is a process that requires diligence, in keeping or holding fast to the seed, or the word that is received in the heart. For the cares and temptations of the world can enter slowly in to choke the effectiveness of the word.
And sad to say, being choked physically, is a condition that needs no introduction, to a nation that is gasping for breath to live right now. How a life that is functioning smoothly, can be choked to death is being viciously depicted all across the country, time and time again. Now those who fell among thorns, are those who when they have heard the word of God go out, and are choked by cares, riches, and the pleasures of life, and bring no fruit to maturity [Luke 8:14]. Cares or worries of the world can so easily creep in, when you allow yourself to operate, enthroning yourself as the center of your life, in the place where God needs to be.
It is knowing that you have a Heavenly Father, who knows your every need, that can keep you stress free. You can cast all your care on Him, for He cares for you. And your responsibility lies in being God centered and word focused, as you seek Him and His kingdom, that is one of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, to have a good heart that is fruitful. It involves more than hearing the word; a good heart that yields a good harvest is one that is,
1 – Attentive to God’s word,
2 – Accepts God’s word, and,
3 – Acknowledges God’s word with understanding.
The good heart deciphered :
a. Attentive heart:
The attentive heart is one that listens intelligently with the intention to obey. It was the prayer of Samuel, as a young boy in the temple of God, one that the old priest Eli, who discerned that it was the voice of the Lord calling Samuel, taught him to say, ‘Speak Lord, for your servant hears’ [1 Samuel 3:16]. For selective listening can so easily happen in a person, when what God is saying, becomes more of a background symphony, to something else that is playing more powerfully in the foreground. It is not what can be said of an attentive heart, for it hears the voice of God with utmost clarity, in order to also be in obedience to it. Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Listening to Him therefore cannot be done flippantly or carelessly. It is paying full attention to it that will decide whether you are going to receive or lose what you hear from God. And, ‘Let him who has ears, listen’, is how the Lord Himself defines the nature of it.
The importance of it cannot be overemphasized, for as He explains the parable, the Lord goes on to say, ‘Therefore, take heed how you hear, for to the one who has, more will be given, and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have, will be taken away from him [Luke 8:18]. And when it is about hearing, even problems, it has been said, can draw your attention to God. And right now, even as it was last year, when the whole world seemed to be at a stand still, with airports filled with neatly parked aircraft that did not take off, some people may be looking up, and turning to the Creator, Provider, and Redeemer of the world. And they will experience a divine change of direction in their lives, from destruction to destiny that is fruitful and aligned with the purposes of God. Problems will come and go, though the present one seems to be lingering too long, but it is what you learn from God, listening to His word, as you go through it that will see you bear fruit for the glory of His Name in the future. And to the heart that is attentive, the next step forward is to be an accepting heart.
b. Accepting heart:
A heart that is accepting of God’s word is able to save your soul. Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls [James 1:21]. And, as you receive and accept God’s word, recognizing it’s divine source, it goes on to perform it’s good work in your heart.
The word at work in your heart:
For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God, you welcomed it not as word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe [1 Thessalonians 2:13]. A brutal second wave of the virus was not unexpected to God. He will counsel and watch over you. But, pride and ego in the heart, can tempt you to lean on the past experience of overcoming it, and it could turn out to be a prescription for ruin. An accepting heart in you, on the other hand, is a humble heart that accepts His word to you, to be led forward in grace that is new every morning. ‘God has said it; I believe it, and that settles it’, is how a man of God has put forth the truth. It indeed can be as simple as that!
It then works as a medicine to bring healing to all your flesh, even as you partake of it; as you would do with a medicine that you take, in a time of sickness. It needs to become a part of your bodily system, for a positive change to arise. In the same manner, the word needs to become a part of your system, as you believe in your heart, and receive and accept it, for it then to be reflected in the words of your mouth.
The word at work – giving you delight:
The prophet Jeremiah wonderfully illustrates his accepting heart, to also add the fruit of it, saying, Your words were found, and I ate them; And your word to me, was the joy and rejoicing of my heart; For I am called by Your Name, O Lord of Hosts [Jeremiah 15:16]. His word, as you receive and partake of it, will immediately bring delight in you. And it is why, the psalmist’s assurance can be yours too – when your soul is disturbed, there is light ahead, as you look to God and His word.
The word at work – giving you a privileged right:
And having an accepting heart by believing in His Name, makes available to you, a wondrous privilege and right, But as many as received Him, He gave the right to become the children of God, to those who believe in His Name [John 1:12]. As a child of God, you enjoy the right of boldly entering God’s throne room of grace, to obtain mercy and favor in your time of need, in the knowledge of Him being your Heavenly Father, who knows your every need, even before it arises. It is the very essence of the beginning of the Lord’s prayer, one that He taught His disciples. You have the privilege of calling God, ‘Father’. Confidence in your prayer, being heard and answered will be yours’. It will not be a hit or miss scenario.
c. Heart with understanding:
You are saved by grace and through faith. And it is not a faith that is a blind belief; it is enlightened understanding. It is why the apostle Paul’s prayer for the Ephesian church is for a spirit of revelation, that the eyes of their heart may be opened to know the hope of their calling, and the riches of their glorious inheritance in the saints [Ephesians 1:17,18]. Without a right understanding of the truth of God’s word, it would be impossible for you to apply it in your life’s circumstance. And doing it would be the key that unlocks the lockdown in your life. As the Lord has pinpointed in the parable, it would be like the seed on thorny ground, the one who hears the word, but without understanding it, only to end up being choked or unfruitful [Luke 8:14].
Understanding the importance of understanding!
It was how Mary, a young maiden at that point of time, became privileged to be a part of God’s redemptive plan for humanity through the birth of the Savior. But when she [Mary] saw him [angel Gabriel], she was troubled and considered what manner of greeting this was [Luke 1:29]. She thought through, and considered carefully, to ask an analytical question, and not an argumentative one, Then Mary said to the angel, ‘How can this be, since I do not know a man?’ [Luke 1:34]. It was with an intention to obey, to voluntarily submit to it, that she asked it of the angel, displaying a sign of the good heart within her, a heart of understanding.
A reasoning to line up with the revelation of God, or a renewing of the mind was what was happening in her. And, she received and accepted the wonderful promise of God that came as her answer, ‘For with God, nothing will be impossible’ [Luke 1:37]. When God says a word to you, the word in itself has the power to manifest it’s fulfillment. It is the unchanging and everlasting truth. The word has the power to make even the impossible, possible! And it was with a right understanding in her heart, that Mary was able to offer unto God, a right response to say, Then Mary said, ‘Behold the maidservant of the Lord; may it be unto me according to your word’. And the angel departed from her [Luke 1:38].
From grieving to gratefulness :
Jerusalem, remains even today, as it was during the time of the prophets, a vulnerable flashpoint that erupts periodically, into violence that consumes innocent lives. Peace is elusive, to the people who are still waiting for the Messiah, who Himself is Peace. And much before the coming of the Messiah, the Jews returned to Jerusalem from exile, under the able leadership of Nehemiah to rebuild the ancient ruins. The broken down walls of the city was rebuilt in just fifty two days, for it was the Lord’s doing, His hand of favor upon them. The temple ravaged and plundered by the enemy, was also built up again. But the people initially, wept as they heard Ezra, the priest, read the Law of the Lord, and, Nehemiah the governor, restrained them from grieving, saying ‘Go your way; eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared, for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength [Nehemiah 8:10].
And the people went their way, to celebrate and greatly rejoice [vs 12]. It was with a right understanding of the joy of the Lord being their strength, that from grieving they were led to gratefulness, from anxiety to appreciating God, and from weeping to worship.
The Lord at work in your heart:
It was the experience of Lydia; and it breathes the hope of receiving understanding of His word, into every expectant heart that beats with faith and a good conscience, Now a certain woman named Lydia heard us. She was a seller of purple from the city of Thyatira, who worshiped God. The Lord opened her heart to heed the things spoken by Paul [Acts 16:14]. Lydia was listening; and it was the Lord who opened her heart, so that she could hear and understand, and respond positively. He will do so even in your life and every heart that believes in His Name. God speaking to you, specifically and relevantly, is by His grace. And the same unchanging overwhelming amazing grace, will also help you to hear, understand and make the right response.
He loves you with an everlasting love. It is in His love that He is speaking to you; and His love will carry you the rest of the way to hear with understanding, and respond rightly. The change in the hearts of the people, as they stood with Nehemiah, came as they understood the word of God. May it be your portion too this day, as you give thanks unto the Father for granting you the precious privilege of hearing His word. And may His loving grace teach you, give understanding in you, that you may respond in obedience to His good and perfect will, for the glory and honor of His name. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.