The Rewarder’s comfort-HIS compassion;Companionship

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The Rewarder’s comfort-HIS compassion;Companionship

‘Comfort, comfort, O My people’, says your God. [Isaiah 40:1] Yes, you have a God of all comfort. It is the everlasting truth that He speaks tenderly and kindly to you. For, He is a Rewarder of all those who draw near to Him in faith. Your comfort zone therefore, where you can find your rest, in the midst of this unprecedented crisis lies in being in the center of His will for your life. And on continuing to meditate upon the prayer of David, may it become your blessed experience, as He speaks to you very specifically, to take you by His Hand, and walks with you, to lead you forward -Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; May Your good Holy Spirit lead me on level ground. [Psalm 143:10]

He leads you by His word; and hence, though there may be challenges all around you that distract your attention, and weigh you down, it is the word that needs to be your focus, as the imperishable seed that is sown in your heart that is good, for it has been cleansed by the Blood of Christ. And it’s outcome would be what the Lord has described in the parable of the sower, but the ones that fell on the good ground, are those who having heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit with patience. [Luke 8:15] And the vital truth underlying it all is that,since He is faithful you will be fruitful. It was the promise that came to Ruth, in the scriptures, to say, ‘The Lord repay your work, and a full reward be given to you by the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for refuge’. [Ruth 2:12]

Her circumstance was dire; loss, loneliness and financial lack driving her to a state of searching for what was left in every field as a provision for the poor. But on coming under the wings, or to the Lord God of Israel as her shelter and refuge, Ruth received what was miraculous, a compensation and a reward that was overwhelmingly complete. It reveals that it is putting your trust in the Living God is what matters, for your times are in His hands, and engraved in the palm of His hand you can never be forgotten by Him.

Your fruitfulness is all about His faithfulness :

Then she said, ‘Let me find favor in your sight, my lord,for you have comforted me, and have spoken kindly to your maidservant, though I am not like one of your maidservants’. [Ruth 2:13] As the words of Ruth to Boaz has so aptly described – it comes by

a. the favor of God that brings,
b. the comfort of God, that results in,
c. being treated kindly.

‘You have put me at ease’, is how a version of the above scripture expresses it, to bring understanding of the marvelous truth that the word of God is the ultimate stress – buster in your life and mine. In a time of stress, one needs the word of God in order to be relieved of it and find healing in one’s inner being, in the depths of one’s own heart. For, it is then that you can be led forward. If your leg is hurt, and you are in physical pain, you will be in no position to move forward. It is when someone steps in to minister and heal the injury, that you can even think or consider taking a step forward. And in a stressful time such as this, when it is your very heart that is hurting, healing needs to take place in it, before you are able to venture ahead.

In the life of Ruth at that point, everything about her situation, right from the place she was in, must have been so very unfamiliar and strange. But, it was then that she was miraculously put at ease by the words of comfort that Boaz spoke to her. And even this day, in the midst of a stressful circumstance that is the plight of people all over the world, may you be touched by the Eternal, Almighty God to be put at ease, by His desire that He has spoken through His prophet saying  ‘Comfort, O comfort My people’  says the Lord, your God; ‘Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and cry out to her that her warfare is ended; that her iniquity is pardoned. For she has received from the Lord’s hand, double for all her sins. [Isaiah 40:1,2] Today, when in a time of pain, the world around you, because of it’s helplessness, can be so very critical and condemning, it is only God who by comforting you, can bring peace and rest in your soul.

How does God bring comfort in you?

It is as the psalmist has testified about his own experience during his time of suffering, Remember the word to Your servant, Upon which You have caused me to hope. This is my comfort in my affliction, For Your word has given me life [Psalm 119:49,50] You may have thought that there was nothing left in your life in the midst of this seemingly never. ending suffering owing to the dangerous virus. But His word of promise comes to you, to be planted in your heart as a seed that gives new life. And as you hold fast to it in faith in the One who is the author and perfecter of your faith, you will be infused with strength in your difficult situation.

He is the God of all comfort :

It is how God brings comfort within you, no matter how painful your condition maybe right now. Even as the apostle Paul blesses the Corinthian church, He is the God of all comfort, giving you consolation concerning things in your past, and encouragement regarding your future. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, Who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. [2 Corinthians 1:3,4] In your past there may be things that have caused pain and hurt in you.

Dwelling upon it will not bring healing, and you cannot rewrite it either. But the God of all comfort, brings a godly perspective to your painful past. It is what happened in the life of Joseph when the brothers who harmed him, stood before him. Though initially it would have touched a raw nerve in him, and understandably so, it did not remain that way. For, it progressed into a majestic forgiveness in him when he could accept it all with a godly perspective. And in the comfort of His consolation, he was able to say, ‘But as for you, you meant evil against me. But God meant it for good, in order to bring it about, as it is this day, to save many people alive’. [Genesis 50:20]

And even today when people are suddenly losing their loved ones, and news of death has become commonplace, it is the godly perspective, that can bring true consolation in the souls of the hurting. It is in knowing that a person who dies in the Lord is safe as safe can be, and will be raised to life once again at the Lord’s second coming, when mortality will put on immortality. And this incomparable comfort of God, is a consolation that alleviates grief, together with an encouragement to move forward.

For, life has to go on :

But He has a beautiful plan for the future, for what lies ahead, in order to restore and compensate for all the painful loss. And the prayer of Moses, as they were delivered from years of sorrow and pain, can be yours too, to see joyful days and years ahead of you, Oh, satisfy us early with Your mercy; That we may rejoice and be glad all our days!. [Psalm 90:14] And you need not doubt it. For,

He is the Father of mercies :

The sympathetic condolences that people offer, in the form of suggestions and options that could have been taken, can sometimes wound the hurting one even more, and bring a feeling of guilt instead of comfort. But with God, you can find true comfort, for He Himself comforts you. [2 Corinthians 1:4]  And what can be sweeter , softer and gentler than His comfort displayed in His compassion towards you, in your brokenness!

1. God’s compassion comforts you :

A father’s strong protection, and a mother’s tenderness, both form part of the compassionate comfort of God towards you. For,in the words of the psalmist, As a father shows compassion on his children, the Lord shows compassion on those who fear Him. For He knows our frame; He remembers we are dust. [Psalm 103:13,14] As you are able to call God, ‘Abba,Father’, because the Holy Spirit now lives in you, His compassion comes to comfort you in an unique and special manner. You are His child, and what is for His own, comes to you. And, He knows your human frailty, how much you can bear. His compassion will safeguard you.

Also, as He has promised through the words of the prophet it is one that is as tender as a mother’s love, as one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you; You shall be comforted in Jerusalem. [Isaiah 66:13] And the apostle Paul combines it powerfully, to also lift the truth to a higher plane, but we were gentle among you, just as a nursing mother cherishes her own children. [1 Thessalonians 2:7] You are His own, and will surely be comforted, gently and tenderly. And in the very sad climate that prevails today, where children have suddenly lost both parents, there is a God of all comfort on whom they can trust and say, ‘Even if my father and mother leave me, you will always be there’. He adopts every child as one of His own, to grant comfort . And therefore,

2. God’s companionship comforts you :

Even though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil, For You are with me. Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. [Psalm 23:4] The valley of death, has also been described as the valley of darkness or valley of weeping. It is what is the condition, of many right now, even the one who fears the Lord, in reverent obedience. And the word of God points the way to the God who helps you when it is darkness all around, and taking the next step seems impossible, Who among you fears the Lord? Who obeys the voice of His Servant? Who walks in darkness, and has no light? Let him trust in the Name of the Lord, And rely upon His God. [Isaiah 50:10] The Lord is with you. And as you lean on Him, He will lead you. His rod and His staff, signify the comfort of His protection and guidance, as He walks with you at your pace through the darkness to bring you out into His marvelous light.

The antagonism of people could be your valley of trouble. But at the end of it all, you will be able to say as the psalmist does, We went through fire and through water; But You brought us out to rich fulfillment. [Psalm 66:12] Even in the darkness, the Lord is holding your hand to lead you and bring you out of it . He will set your feet upon the rock as He establishes your steps, that you may testify, He has put a new song in my mouth; Praise to our God. Many will see it and fear, And will trust in the Lord. [Psalm 40:3] It is what happened in the life of Isaac, as the enemies who caused strife, and made him leave what was rightfully his, came to him establishing a covenant of peace, and trust in the Lord, saying  ‘There is no God like your God’. [Genesis 26:28-30] He is also your God. And He will certainly bring you out of any valley of darkness that could be your circumstance now. Behold, the Sun of Righteousness shall arise upon you, with healing in His wings.

And, having known the Father’s care for you, how good He has always been towards you, you can find rest in the assurance of knowing that come what may, everything will be alright. Giving thanks unto Him, for His consolation and encouragement, and receiving His inspired word to know that He is walking with you, may you not be stagnant, but be led forward by the Holy Spirit towards the place of abundance that awaits you.

In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
