Transformed by renewing of mind

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Transformed by renewing of mind

Not to be conformed to the pattern of the world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind is the theme of our meditation this day, as we study God’s word that says… but those who seek the Lord, shall lack no good thing. [Psalms 34:10] His goodness enters into your life, by His gift of salvation, that comes to you by grace, and you receive it by faith. It takes place, as God shines the light of His word, in your inner being so that you may receive His blessing, an abundance that sees a prospering of your soul.

The war within you:

A careful study of what the function of the soul is, in God’s word, would reveal to you, the war that goes on in it, even after you are saved, though now the victory is your enabling and power in Christ Jesus. It is a war that requires, your thoughts that come against each other, and any negative thoughts, needing to be taken active and brought into obedience unto Christ, and your victory is guaranteed!

The battle is HIS:

The Spirit writes in the tablet of your heart that you may overcome, through a renewed understanding, that everything belongs to Him, and therefore, the battle is His, when it comes to overcoming your problem, to emerge victorious.

Your role & response:

I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, your spiritual act of worship. [Romans 12:1] You and I are made in the image of God as a spirit, soul, and body. And it is in your spirit that the Holy Spirit comes in to dwell when you receive salvation, that you may then as it is written, offer your body as a living sacrifice, as an act of worship, to fulfill His desire and purpose. The role of your soul is where your mind, which is the seat of your thoughts, comes in, as through the Spirit of God, every wrong thought is taken captive, and obedient unto Christ, and the thoughts of Christ become yours, that you may like Paul say, ‘We have the mind of Christ’. You are called not to be conformed, but to be transformed.

Let God transform you:

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what the will of God is, what is good and acceptable and perfect. [Verse 2] Put in simple terms it is to let God transform you into a new person, by changing the way you think. It is not a request or suggestion, but a command, which means it ought to be obeyed, though it could be impossible when you trust in your own strength. But His commands are also His enabling. He Himself gives you the power to keep his commandments. Therefore, you can do it all in the wisdom and strength of God.

Do not be conformed to the world:

Salvation is a revelation from God; and it is by it that you enjoy the relationship with God, knowing Him to be your Father, and the Lord as your Savior and Redeemer. The Gentile though, is not in a relationship with Him. He is in the world system, that is self-centered and satan dominated, and ends up being worried and anxious, concerning his worldly provision. It describes the difference between the world system, and being in the word system, where learning to think like God becomes so very important. His thoughts are higher and His ways are higher than yours and mine. The more you think like God, the more you will know how you need to work. It is the valuable lesson that the life of Jacob teaches you.

Divine desire but devious means:

You do not have to wrestle with God, as he did to receive the blessing of God, that had already been promised to him, even when he was in his mother’s womb. Yet, devious means is what Jacob and his mother Rebekah indulged in, to grab the blessing of his father, bypassing what Isaac was planning to bestow upon his elder brother, Esau, the firstborn. It took Jacob twenty years of struggle that ended with a night of wrestling with God Himself, to come to a place that is a truth that comes to you today as instruction from God. It reveals that it is His blessing alone that makes you rich, and He adds no sorrow to it. And He wants to bless you.

By His word your mind renewed:

Prayer therefore, is that you may be changed, to begin to think like Him, to know His ways that He teaches you, in a manner that you can understand. He will tell you what to do, how to do it, and also be with you, as you do what He has called you to do. It happens as you receive His strength, and your mind is renewed, by the word of God, as you listen to Him in prayer, and let God change you, by doing His work of grace in you.

By grace & faith – changed by God:

Grace is the undeserved favor of God; while faith comes to you by hearing His word. Both find their origin in God, whose promises come to you, accompanied by His precepts. And the promises of God become your life’s experience by prayer. It happens as you cooperate with his counsel, saying, ‘Help me Lord’, acknowledging your inability to do it in your own strength. And He is ever ready to help you, even as the prophet Jeremiah describes ‘You disciplined me and I was disciplined. I was like a young, untrained calf. Turn me and I will be turned, because you are the Lord my God. [Jeremiah 31:18] Acknowledging his condition to be that of an untrained calf, that needed the yoke to be put on it by its master with compulsion, Jeremiah knew that only the Lord could turn him around, and enable him to repent. And he prays that the Lord would do all that was involved in the process, disciplining, training, and correcting, that he may be transformed to know and do the will of God, and be as a trained horse, which has the same power as a wild, untrained horse, but is channelized to fulfill the Master’s purpose.

Take MY yoke:

‘Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am meek and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and my burden is light.’ [Matthew 11:29,30] And may the desire of your heart, be this day, that the Lord would do all that is needed in you, bring a right understanding, to know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and everything you have is from Him, that you may accomplish His purpose for your life. And you will learn His way of thinking, the sufficiency of His grace, working in you, things of eternal value, be enabled by Him, as you draw near to Him.

Submitting, cooperating & finding rest:

When you are trained, disciplined, and taught by Him, through His word, you will be transformed and changed within you. For, knowing that it is not to break you, but to make you, will result in willing submission to the yoke that the Lord brings to you. And He is on the other side of the yoke, walking with you. He understands all that you are going through. He is the faithful High Priest interceding for you. And in the rebellious, unrepentant areas of your life, where you are unable to change yourself, as you learn from Him, He will bring about a wondrous change that brings a rest in you, for the rest of your life, as you press on to fulfill the purpose of God for your life.

Not conformed, but transformed:

And, wanting to live for Him alone, as you give, your heart, your soul unto the Lord, in willing submission, for the Lord to have His way in you, knowing that His way is the right way, may you be transformed to be blessed, and find rest to be your life’s experience, this time forth, forevermore. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
