True LIGHT & the judgement

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True LIGHT & the judgement

The Lord who knows your heart, desires to grant you His perspective this day, as He speaks to you through His promise that says – those who seek the Lord, lack no good thing. [Psalms 34:10] Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of Lights above. And salvation is His wondrous gift, and as you understand it more and more, His goodness comes into your life. It is why the writer to the Hebrews bids us not to neglect so great a gift as salvation. And the apostle Paul, in writing to the Colossians, describes the process by saying, For you have been transferred from the domain of darkness, into the kingdom of the Son, whom He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. [Colossians 1:13,14] Redemption involves being rescued from the darkness of sin, and not left empty, but restored.

The entrance of light:

In the beginning, it was God who spoke, and there was light, to then see the creation of the world, that saw it being very good in His eyes, as He blessed Adam and Eve to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth. But of course, the fall of Adam, and its consequences, necessitated the new creation, where the same principle operated in the heart of every man who chose to believe in Christ – For it is the God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness’, who has shone in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, in the face of Jesus Christ. [2 Corinthians 4:6] Light or enlightenment that is described here is the knowledge of who Lord Jesus is, what He has accomplished for you, and making it your life’s experience, or tasting and seeing that the Lord is good.

Light – a divine order:

The world around you may be in chaos and confusion right now. And God desires to bring a divine order in you, as an individual, by the entrance of light, that drives away darkness and disorder that is the fruit of it. And it is how, God establishes order and healing in the society in which you live, increasingly chaotic, as it is now. The path to divine order is what the gospel writer, John, takes us through in his narrative, step by step – Indeed God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world may be saved through Him. [John 3:17] Christ came not to condemn the world, but to save the world, by giving His life on the Cross, as atonement for the sins of the whole world. But when sin has thus been dealt with, why then is there so much of sin and its toxic effects, still prevalent in the people of the world, even among those who call themselves Christians, this is the question that could plague many a heart. For, even though he is righteous in Christ, a Christian may not exhibit the character of God. And for such a thing happening, it is not Christ, but the Christian who is the cause, the reason. It is very much like how a beautiful piece of music, not sounding good, is because of the lack of skill in the player and never the fault of the composer or the composition. Even when it comes to relationships, a marriage takes hard work to succeed. But one cannot blame the institution of marriage if it becomes problematic. One has to learn to play the music.

LIGHT has come:

And the root cause for every problem in every aspect of life, in this fallen world is sin, for which God has also provided the cure, through His Son, Jesus Christ. And His invitation, ‘Come to Me, all who are weak and heavy laden..’, is open to all. But many find it difficult to respond rightly and draw near to Him, to be made well. And why it is so, the bible goes on to explain – And this is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and people loved darkness more than light because their deeds were evil. It says it all, so very clearly. Man is unable to respond to the loving invitation of a loving Savior, all because sin is the problem. The first man Adam sinned, and since he was a representative of the human race, every man sins. It is why the scriptural view that acknowledges the problem of sin, is about, the creation –> fall –> redemption–>restoration. The post-modernistic worldview of the present-day man, though, has no place for sin. In his view, life on earth is all about evolution –> refinement—> utopia. Ignoring God’s divine order only leads to chaos. The principle of sin lies in every human being, even after he is saved. But now he has the power to overcome it. The apostle Paul, describes his own experience honestly, describing himself to be a wretched man, acknowledging the evil, or lawlessness in him, the rebellious nature of sin, that refuses to submit to God. Evil, in the form of sin principle, is in you and I. But, Jesus is the true light, which enlightens any man. And putting what Paul goes on to say in practical terms, listening to a sermon could be easy and pleasurable, but living the sermon could be challenging and oh so difficult. But as Paul goes on to triumphantly conclude, there is always victory in Christ. [Romans 7:21-25]

Doing evil & hating the light:

For all who do evil hate the light, and do not come to the light, so that their deeds may not be exposed. [John 3:20] Evil in this context, even as it was in the case of Adam’s sin, is wanting to do what you want, instead of doing what God wants you to do. And it is the reason why coming to the light could be difficult, for you would then have to do what God wants you to do, that are ultimately for your own good.

The Scoffer and the Mocker:

Not to sit in the seat of the scoffer, or the mocker, is the wise counsel of the psalmist. [Psalms 1:1] He is the one who makes light of spiritually weighty matters, what God considers to be precious, the Christian routine, that is, word, prayer, church and ministry. And ministry, whatever it may be, is the call that God has laid on your life.

Lovers of pleasure, not, Lovers of God:

Men would be lovers of self, lovers of money, lovers of pleasure, not lovers of God. [2 Timothy 3:2-4] This would be the scenario in the last days, but you and I do not have to fit into this mold. For the Lord wants to shine His light in you, do His work of grace in you, to draw you into His light. The people of the world may do what they consider is profitable to them. But what would it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul, is the light of God’s word, that comes to you even now. And, every time you read His word, God will shine His light, to show by His grace the empowerment to practice the truth.

HE came down:

He did not wait for you and me; He took the first step. Salvation begins with God. And just as you are, without one plea, the Lamb of God bids you to come – Lord, We thank Thee for Your word, which promises to cleanse every trace of darkness in us, by Your precious Blood. We come running to you, that you may do your work of grace in us, shine Your light, that we may be cleansed, aware as we are of the many blind spots in us, for sin can be so deceptive. And being rid of every dark spot, may we shine for the Father’s glory. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.
