May the truth of God’s goodness become a tangible reality in you life, as you hear His voice, speak into your heart, through His word, saying Those who seek the Lord, lack no good thing. [Psalms 34:10] His goodness becomes your experience, by your hope being connected to Him, as the love of God is poured into your heart, by the power of the Holy Spirit. [Romans 5:5] It is a hope that will not disappoint, for it finds it’s source in God, and it’s foundation in His word. It is a hope that abounds by the power of the Holy Spirit in you. [Romans 15:13] He is able to protect you and keep you strong in unyielding hope, even when you find your strength becoming feeble, in the midst of challenging circumstances, The Holy Spirit helps you. He is the Spirit of truth.
Holy Spirit is the Helper:
The Holy Spirit helps you to understand the word of God. And as the writer of the proverbs declares, understanding is power. He leads you, into all truth, guides, instructs, and enables you to understand the truth of God, and gives you the power to walk in it. But when He the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will bring glory to Me, by taking from what is Mine and making it known to you. [John 16:13,14] There is no absolute truth could be the world view. But Lord Jesus, declares Himself to be the Way, the Truth and the Life. And even the GPS of the modern era, is subject to technical glitches, but the Holy Spirit, knows all truth, is perfect, and will never give up, and, what He begins to reveal to you, He will carry it through to a flourishing finish, that is perfect and complete.
Truth transmitted:
Live transmission is a very prevalent phenomena in this the age of internet. And it is something very similar in a higher and greater level that the Holy Spirit, operates in you, to transmit the truth of God that you may know the truth and also live the truth. He will bring about a transformation in your being, and as a result a transformation in your doing. As a result, it will not be with fear, guilt, or a sense of compulsion, but you will love to do the things of God.
Truth made relevant:
The Holy Spirit of God leads you into all truth, to make the timeless truth of God speak relevantly and specifically in your situation, guiding you in the path of His will for you. It is what happened in the life of the apostle Peter, as truth became reality, beginning with being led to the house of Cornelius, a God fearing gentile. [Acts 10:9-48]
Truth – God shows no partiality:
Peter was hungry. [Verse 10] The way God communicates, makes you understand, is by placing you in a conducive situation, to transmit His truth. Your circumstance at present, is therefore not an accident. He has you in this place, because He wants you to learn something of value. You are in a right position to learn something right. Peter, being hungry, was not an accident. And it was in that situation, as he prayed, which again would have been the leading of the Spirit, that God showed him a vision, of clean and unclean animals commanding him to eat. And then he demonstrated, for his intellect kicked in. But it was then that the truth of God broke through, that he ought not to call what the Lord called clean, unclean. [Verse 14-16] For, God shows no partiality.
Pondering the truth:
While Peter was still thinking about the vision, the Spirit said to him, ‘Simon three men are looking for you. So get up and go downstairs. Do not hesitate to go with them, for I have sent them. [Verse 19,20] Peter was pondering, meditating upon the vision, when the Holy Spirit began to speak the voice of reason in him, giving him understanding of the truth. Your mind plans, but the Lord directs your steps in the right direction. Thus, your intellect is enhanced, your talents are channelized in the right direction, to be fruitful and satisfying, leading to a life of fulfillment and abundance. Do not lean on your own understanding is the counsel of the scriptures. It will only make your problem seemingly bigger. But it is as you think and trust God, His understanding that you will receive clarity, to be led in the right direction. He cares about every minute detail of your life. And He watches over you; He neither sleeps or slumbers. God led Peter to the right way of thinking, to be able to say
I most certainly understand:
Then Peter began to speak, ‘I now most certainly understand that God does not show favoritism’. [Verse 34] And it was God Himself who made him understand the truth. For the Jews thought they were the elite ones, chosen by God. But Peter most certainly understood that in the sight of God, there was no difference between the jew and the gentile. He calls you by your name. And you can most certainly understand, that He loves you. Peter until then had a racial prejudice, against the gentiles and the Samaritans were considered to be outcasts. But the Lord, even as He walked on earth, tore down the walls of prejudice, by asking water of a Samaritan woman.
God shows no favoritism:
Today, we are all favorites of God. He bestows His favor on everyone of us. And it is why, what is really special about Christmas is Christ; as we celebrate Him, who is the Savior of the world, every day. And the whole world needs to do celebrate Him, as the Savior. And as Peter spoke this truth that God made him understand, the Holy Spirit fell upon the Gentiles, who were hearing him speak in the house of Cornelius, a God fearing gentile. [Verse 44-48] And it was the truth that Peter was able to recount, the truth that God shows no partiality, as he narrated his experience, on returning to Jerusalem, to the circumcised believers who were critical of him, initially. [Acts 11:18]
Jesus loves you:
And as the truth permeates into your spirit and soul, you will most certainly understand that Jesus loves you; He will never leave you, and you will conquer all things in Christ, to be led in a triumphant procession in Him, spreading everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him, that God may be glorified.
May you be filled a new:
Therefore, may your prayer unto the Lord this day. be that the Holy Spirit may fill you anew this day, fall afresh on you. For, the same Spirit, who led Peter to the truth, that God shows no partiality is now here, the same word of God is now in you. And may He lead you into the truth, enabling you to live the truth, to be transformed, as you are led by the Spirit of truth in the right direction, to where He has called you to be, that He may be glorified. In the Name of Christ Jesus Amen.